Compute Models in Autonomous Database

Autonomous Database offers two compute models when you create or clone an instance: ECPU and OCPU.
  • ECPU: An ECPU is an abstracted measure of compute resources. ECPUs are based on the number of cores elastically allocated from a pool of compute and storage servers.

    While provisioning a new database or cloning an existing database:
    • The CPU count defaults to 2 ECPUs.

    • For databases that need more than 2 ECPUs, you must specify the number of assigned ECPUs as an integer. For example, you cannot assign 3.5 ECPUs to a database. The next available number of ECPUs above 3 is 4.

  • OCPU: An OCPU is a physical measure of compute resources. OCPUs are based on the physical core of a processor with hyper-threading enabled.


    OCPU is a legacy billing metric and has been retired for Autonomous Data Warehouse (Data Warehouse workload type) and Autonomous Transaction Processing (Transaction Processing workload type). Oracle recommends using ECPUs for all new and existing Autonomous Database deployments. See Oracle Support Document 2998742.1 for more information.
    While provisioning a new database or cloning an existing database:
    • The CPU count defaults to 1 OCPU.
    • For databases that need more than 1 OCPU, you must specify the number of assigned OCPUs as an integer. For example, you cannot assign 3.5 OCPUs to a database. The next available number of OCPUs above 3 is 4.

See Provision an Autonomous Database Instance and Clone an Autonomous Database Instance for more information.

ECPU Compute Model Billing Information

Provides billing information for Autonomous Transaction Processing, Autonomous Data Warehouse, Autonomous JSON Database, and APEX Service with the ECPU compute model.

Cost and usage reports are available from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, under Billing and Cost Management.

Cost reports look like this: reports/cost-csv/000100000101010101-00001.csv.gz. Download the zip file and extract to view the details.

Usage reports look like this: reports/usage-csv/0001000001010101.csv.gz. Download the zip file extract to view the details.

Billing Information: Autonomous Transaction Processing ECPU Compute Model

Shows billing information for Autonomous Transaction Processing with the ECPU compute model.
Resource Description SKU Name Part Number Metric Min. Increments Allowed Cost and Usage Reports

ECPU usage (License Included)

Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing – ECPU B95702 ECPU per hour 1 ECPU

Minimum number of ECPUs is 2

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find, "Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing – ECPU"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ATP_ECPU_LI

ECPU usage (Bring your own license)

Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing – ECPU – BYOL B95704 ECPU per hour 1 ECPU

Minimum number of ECPUs is 2

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find, "Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing – ECPU – BYOL"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ATP_ECPU_BYOL

Database Storage usage

Oracle Autonomous Database Storage for Transaction Processing B95706 Gigabyte Storage Capacity Per Month 1 GB

Minimum storage size is 20 GB

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find, "Oracle Autonomous Database Storage for Transaction Processing"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ADB_STORAGE_ATP

Backup Storage usage

Oracle Autonomous Database Storage B95754 Gigabyte Storage Capacity Per Month 1 GB

Backups are billed per GB

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find, "Database Backup Storage"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ADB_STORAGE

See Cost and Usage Reports Overview for details on the cost and usage reports.

Billing Information: Autonomous Data Warehouse ECPU Compute Model

Shows billing information for Autonomous Data Warehouse with the ECPU compute model.
Resource Description SKU Name Part Number Metric Min. Increments Allowed Cost and Usage Reports

ECPU usage (License Included)

Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse – ECPU B95701 ECPU per hour 1 ECPU

Minimum number of ECPUs is 2

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find, "Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse – ECPU"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ADW_ECPU_LI

ECPU usage (Bring your own license)

Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse – ECPU – BYOL B95703 ECPU per hour 1 ECPU

Minimum number of ECPUs is 2

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find, "Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse – ECPU – BYOL"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ADW_ECPU_BYOL

Database Storage usage

Oracle Autonomous Database Storage B95754 Gigabyte Storage Capacity Per Month 1 TB (1024 GB)

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find, "Oracle Autonomous Database Storage"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ADB_STORAGE

Backup Storage usage

Oracle Autonomous Database Storage B95754 Gigabyte Storage Capacity Per Month 1 GB

Backups are billed per GB

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find, "Oracle Autonomous Database Backup Storage"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ADB_STORAGE

See Cost and Usage Reports Overview for details on the cost and usage reports.

Billing Information: Autonomous JSON Database ECPU Compute Model

Shows billing information for Autonomous JSON Database with the ECPU compute model.
Resource Description SKU Name Part Number Metric Min. Increments Allowed Cost and Usage Reports

ECPU usage (License Included)

Autonomous JSON Database – ECPU B99708 ECPU per hour 1 ECPU

Minimum number of ECPUs is 2

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find, "Autonomous JSON Database – ECPU"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_AJD_ECPU_LI

Database Storage usage

Oracle Autonomous Database Storage for Transaction Processing B95706 Gigabyte Storage Capacity Per Month 1 GB

Minimum storage size is 20 GB

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find, "Oracle Autonomous Database Storage for Transaction Processing"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ADB_STORAGE_ATP

Backup Storage usage

Oracle Autonomous Database Storage B95754 Gigabyte Storage Capacity Per Month 1 GB

Backups are billed per GB

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find, "Database Backup Storage"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ADB_STORAGE

See Cost and Usage Reports Overview for details on the cost and usage reports.

Billing Information: APEX Service ECPU Compute Model

Shows billing information for APEX Service with the ECPU compute model.
Resource Description SKU Name Part Number Metric Min. Increments Allowed Cost and Usage Reports

ECPU usage (License Included)

APEX Service – ECPU B99709 ECPU per hour 1 ECPU

Minimum number of ECPUs is 2

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find, "APEX Service – ECPU"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_APEX_ECPU_LI

Database Storage usage

Oracle Autonomous Database Storage for Transaction Processing B95706 Gigabyte Storage Capacity Per Month 1 GB

Minimum storage size is 20 GB

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find, "Oracle Autonomous Database Storage for Transaction Processing"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ADB_STORAGE_ATP

Backup Storage usage

Oracle Autonomous Database Storage B95754 Gigabyte Storage Capacity Per Month 1 GB

Backups are billed per GB

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find, "Database Backup Storage"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ADB_STORAGE

See Cost and Usage Reports Overview for details on the cost and usage reports.

Billing Information: Autonomous Database for Developers

Shows billing information for Autonomous Database for Developers with the ECPU compute model.
Resource Description SKU Name Part Number Metric Min. Increments Allowed Cost and Usage Reports

Instance usage (includes ECPU and storage)

Oracle Autonomous Database - Developer B110316 Instance per hour Fixed 4 ECPUs and 20 GB storage included

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find, "Oracle Autonomous Database – Developer"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ADB_DEVELOPER_LI in the product/Description column.

See Cost and Usage Reports Overview for details on the cost and usage reports.

OCPU Compute Model Billing Information

Provides billing information for Autonomous Transaction Processing, Autonomous Data Warehouse, Autonomous JSON Database, and APEX Service with the OCPU compute model.


OCPU is a legacy billing metric and has been retired for Autonomous Data Warehouse (Data Warehouse workload type) and Autonomous Transaction Processing (Transaction Processing workload type). Oracle recommends using ECPUs for all new and existing Autonomous Database deployments. See Oracle Support Document 2998742.1 for more information.

Billing Information: Autonomous Transaction Processing OCPU Compute Model

Shows billing information for Autonomous Transaction Processing with the OCPU compute model.
Resource Description SKU Name Part Number Metric Min. Increments Allowed Cost and Usage Reports

OCPU usage (License Included)

Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing B90453 OCPU per hour 1 OCPU

Cost report: In the product/Description column, find "Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ATP_COMPUTE

OCPU usage (Bring your own license)

Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing – BYOL B90454 OCPU per hour 1 OCPU

Cost report: Cost report: in the product/Description column, find, "Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing – BYOL"

Usage report: in the product/resourceID column, find PIC_ATP_COMPUTE_BYOL

Database Storage usage

Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing - Exadata Storage B90455 Terabyte Storage Capacity Per Month 1 TB

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find, "Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing - Exadata Storage"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ATP_EXADATA_STORAGE

See Cost and Usage Reports Overview for details on the cost and usage reports.

Billing Information: Autonomous Data Warehouse OCPU Compute Model

Shows billing information for Autonomous Data Warehouse with the OCPU compute model.
Resource Description SKU Name Part Number Metric Min. Increments Allowed Cost and Usage Reports

OCPU usage (License Included)

Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse B89040 OCPU per hour 1 OCPU

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find "Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ADWC_COMPUTE

OCPU usage (Bring your own license)

Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse – BYOL B89039 OCPU per hour 1 OCPU

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find "Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse – BYOL"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ADWC_COMPUTE_BYOL

Database Storage usage

Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse - Exadata Storage B89041 Terabyte Storage Capacity Per Month 1 TB

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find "Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse - Exadata Storage"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ADWC_EXADATA_STORAGE

See Cost and Usage Reports Overview for details on the cost and usage reports.

Billing Information: Autonomous JSON Database OCPU Compute Model

Shows billing information for Autonomous JSON Database with the OCPU compute model.
Resource Description SKU Name Part Number Metric Min. Increments Allowed Cost and Usage Reports

OCPU usage (License Included)

Oracle Autonomous JSON Database B92212 OCPU per hour 1 OCPU

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find "Oracle Autonomous JSON Database"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_AJD_COMPUTE

Database Storage usage

Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing - Exadata Storage B90453 Terabyte Storage Capacity Per Month 1 TB

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find "Oracle Autonomous JSON Database - Exadata Storage"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ATP_EXADATA_STORAGE


In the OCPU model, 60 days of automatic backups are included in the cost of database storage and have no additional charge. Long-term backups are billed additionally, as database storage (Part Number: B90453).

See Cost and Usage Reports Overview for details on the cost and usage reports.

Billing Information: APEX Service OCPU Compute Model

Shows billing information for APEX Service with the OCPU compute model.
Resource Description SKU Name Part Number Metric Min. Increments Allowed Cost and Usage Reports

OCPU usage (License Included)

Oracle APEX Application Development B92911 OCPU per hour 1 OCPU

Cost report: In the product/Description column, find "Oracle APEX Application Development"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ADBS_APEX_LI

Database Storage usage

Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing - Exadata Storage B90453 Terabyte Storage Capacity Per Month 1 TB

Cost report: in the product/Description column, find, "Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing - Exadata Storage"

Usage report: in the product/resource column, find PIC_ATP_EXADATA_STORAGE


In the OCPU model, 60 days of automatic backups are included in the cost of database storage and have no additional charge. Long-term backups are billed additionally, as database storage (Part Number: B90453).

See Cost and Usage Reports Overview for details on the cost and usage reports.