2 Create an Instance

As an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure administrator, you can create and set up an Oracle Blockchain Platform instance for your organization.

Before You Create Your Instance

Before you set up Oracle Blockchain Platform using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, Oracle recommends that you take some time to plan your service.

Create a Compartment

When you sign up for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Oracle creates your tenancy with a root compartment that holds all your cloud resources. You then create additional compartments within the tenancy (root compartment) and corresponding policies to control access to the resources in each compartment. Before you create an Oracle Blockchain Platform instance, Oracle recommends that you set up the compartment where you want the instance to belong.

You create compartments in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management (IAM). See:

Plan Your Instance


There are two editions of Oracle Blockchain Platform available:
  • Standard Edition: 2 OCPUs, 50 GB storage, 2 peers (additional can be added later)
  • Enterprise Edition:
    • Small: 4 OCPUs, 150 GB storage, 2 peers (additional can be added later)
    • Medium: 8 OCPUs, 150 GB storage, 4 peers (additional can be added later)
    • Large: 16 OCPUs, 150 GB storage, 6 peers (additional can be added later)
    • X-Large: 32 OCPUs, 150 GB storage, 6 peers (additional can be added later)

If you create an Enterprise shape, you can scale your Blockchain Platform up or down resulting in a new shape called Enterprise Custom. See Scale Your Instance for details.

Platform Versions

You can also select which platform version to use, which will determine if your network is running on Hyperledger Fabric v1.4, v2.2, or v2.5. See What's a Platform Version?.
  • If you're joining a pre-existing network, you must select the same platform version as the founder.
  • Hyperledger Fabric v1.4 and v2.2 are only available to users who have pre-existing instances using that platform version.
  • If you're creating a new network, we recommend starting with Hyperledger Fabric v2.5.


Oracle Blockchain Platform OCPU-based meters use high precision billing, meaning that you are billed per second. The minimum billing amount is for one minute; any instance running for less than one minute will still be charged for one minute of time.

Create an Oracle Blockchain Platform Instance Using the Console

As an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure administrator, you can create and set up an Oracle Blockchain Platform instance for your organization.

There are two types of Oracle Blockchain Platform instances you can provision:
  • Founder organization: a complete blockchain environment, including a new network to which participants can join later on.

  • Participant instance: if there is already a founder organization you want to join, you can create a participant instance if your credentials provide you with access to the network.

  1. Sign in to your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account. You must sign in as a federated Oracle Identity Cloud Service user.
  2. In Console, click the Navigation menu in the top-left corner.
  3. Under Developer Services, select Blockchain Platform.
  4. From the Compartment list, select the compartment in which you want to create the service.
  5. Click Create Blockchain Platform.
  6. Enter a name for your Oracle Blockchain Platform instance.
    The service instance name:
    • Must contain one or more characters.
    • Must not exceed 15 characters.
    • Must start with an ASCII letter: a to z or A to Z.
    • Must contain only ASCII letters or numbers.
    • Must not contain a hyphen.
    • Must not contain any other special characters.
    • Must be unique within the identity domain.
  7. Optionally enter a description of your instance.
  8. Select your platform version. This specifies the version of Hyperledger Fabric you want your instance to run on. The founder and participants must all be on the same version of Hyperledger Fabric.
  9. Select if you are creating a new network, or creating a participant instance to join an existing network.
  10. Select your edition. The editions are described in Plan Your Instance.
  11. Oracle Blockchain Platform includes a certificate authority (CA), which is used to create self-signed certificates for all blockchain nodes in your instance.

    If you want to use certificates from your own certificate authority and use the Oracle Blockchain Platform certificate authority as an intermediary CA, you can upload your CA archive. The certificate you upload will be used to sign the intermediary certificates for Oracle Blockchain Platform nodes, thus including them under your root CA chain.

    The archive is a zip file which contains the following files:
    • CA chain - named ca-chain.pem. The entire CA file sequence from the signing CA to the top-level CA should be present.
    • key - named ca-key.pem. The key should be a 256-bit elliptic curve key. The prime256v1 curve is recommended.
    • certificate - named ca-cert.pem
    The archive must be less than 2MB. The files must directly reside inside the zip archive such that when the archive (.zip) is unzipped, the files are visible in the current directory at the same level as the archive (.zip) file. The files should not be present inside a nested directory inside the archive.
  12. If you want to use tags for your instance, expand the Advanced Options section and add your tags.
  13. Click Create.

It takes about 15 minutes to create the service. Display the Instance page to check the current status.

Verify Your Instance

Navigate to your service in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console, and sign in to verify that your Oracle Blockchain Platform instance is up and running.

For more information about signing into the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console, see Signing In to the Console.

  1. On the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console, click the Navigation menu in the top-left corner.
  2. Under Developer Services, select Blockchain Platform.
  3. From the Compartment list, select the compartment that you used to create the instance.
  4. Click the name of the new instance.
  5. Click Service Console. This launches the Oracle Blockchain Platform console.