Go Methods for ERC-1155 NFT Locking

Blockchain App Builder automatically generates methods that you can use to lock non-fungible tokens that use the extended ERC-1155 standard.

A locked token cannot be burned or transferred to other users. All other properties, such as the token's state, owner, and history are preserved. You can use the NFT locking functionality when transferring a token to another blockchain network, such as Ethereum or Polygon.

Before you can lock NFTs, you must assign the vault manager role to a user. The vault manager is a special type of role, a TokenSys role. TokenSys roles are different from asset-based roles such as burner, minter, and notary, and from administrative roles such as Token Admin and Org Admin. Currently Blockchain App Builder supports the vault TokenSys role. The single user who has the vault role for a chaincode is the vault manager of the chaincode, and can manage locked NFTs.

The typical flow for using the NFT locking functionality follows these steps.
  • Create a non-fungible token that has the lockable behavior.
  • Use the AddTokenSysRole method to give the vault role to a user, the vault manager.
  • Call the LockNFT method to lock a non-fungible token, specified by the token ID.

TokenSys Role Management Methods

This method adds a TokenSys role to a specified user. This method can be called only by a Token Admin of the chaincode.
func (t *Controller) AddTokenSysRole(orgId string, userId string, role string) (interface{}, error) {
    userAccountId, err := t.Ctx.ERC1155Account.GenerateAccountId(orgId, userId, constants.UserAccount)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    auth, err := t.Ctx.ERC1155Auth.CheckAuthorization("ERC1155Token.AddTokenSysRole", "TOKEN", map[string]string{"accountId": userAccountId})
    if err != nil && !auth {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error in authorizing the caller  %s", err.Error())
    return t.Ctx.ERC1155Token.AddTokenSysRoleMember(role, userAccountId)
  • orgId: string – The membership service provider (MSP) ID of the user in the current organization.
  • userId: string – The user name or email ID of the user.
  • role: string – The name of the TokenSys role to give to the user.
  • On success, a message that contains relevant details of the operation.
Return Value Example:
    "msg": "Successfully added role 'vault' to Account Id: oaccount~bf07f584a94be44781e49d9101bfaf58c6fbbe77a4dfebdb83c874c2caf03eba (Org-Id: Org1MSP, User-Id: user1)"
This method returns a Boolean value to indicate if a user has a specified TokenSys role. This method can be called only by a Token Admin of the chaincode.
func (t *Controller) IsInTokenSysRole(orgId string, userId string, role string) (interface{}, error) {
    userAccountId, err := t.Ctx.ERC1155Account.GenerateAccountId(orgId, userId, constants.UserAccount)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    auth, err := t.Ctx.ERC1155Auth.CheckAuthorization("ERC1155Token.IsInTokenSysRole", "TOKEN")
    if err != nil && !auth {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error in authorizing the caller  %s", err.Error())
    return t.Ctx.ERC1155Token.IsInTokenSysRoleMember(role, userAccountId)
  • orgId: string – The membership service provider (MSP) ID of the user in the current organization.
  • userId: string – The user name or email ID of the user.
  • role: string – The name of the TokenSys role to check.
  • On success, a message that contains relevant details of the operation.
Return Value Example:
    "result": true,
    "msg": "Account Id oaccount~bf07f584a94be44781e49d9101bfaf58c6fbbe77a4dfebdb83c874c2caf03eba (Org-Id: Org1MSP, User-Id: user1) has vault role"
This method removes a TokenSys role from a specified user. This method can be called only by a Token Admin of the chaincode.
func (t *Controller) RemoveTokenSysRole(orgId string, userId string, role string) (interface{}, error) {
    userAccountId, err := t.Ctx.ERC1155Account.GenerateAccountId(orgId, userId, constants.UserAccount)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    auth, err := t.Ctx.ERC1155Auth.CheckAuthorization("ERC1155Token.RemoveTokenSysRole", "TOKEN", map[string]string{"accountId": userAccountId})
    if err != nil && !auth {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error in authorizing the caller  %s", err.Error())
    return t.Ctx.ERC1155Token.RemoveTokenSysRoleMember(role, userAccountId)
  • orgId: string – The membership service provider (MSP) ID of the user in the current organization.
  • userId: string – The user name or email ID of the user.
  • role: string – The name of the TokenSys role to remove.
  • On success, a message that contains relevant details of the operation.
Return Value Example:
    "msg": "Successfully removed role 'vault' from Account Id: oaccount~bf07f584a94be44781e49d9101bfaf58c6fbbe77a4dfebdb83c874c2caf03eba (Org-Id: Org1MSP, User-Id: user1)"
This method transfers a TokenSys role from a user to another user. This method can be called only by a Token Admin of the chaincode.
func (t *Controller) TransferTokenSysRole(role string, fromOrgId string, fromUserId string, toOrgId string, toUserId string) (interface{}, error) {
    auth, err := t.Ctx.ERC1155Auth.CheckAuthorization("ERC1155Token.TransferTokenSysRole", "TOKEN")
    if err != nil && !auth {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error in authorizing the caller %s", err.Error())
    fromUserAccountId, err := t.Ctx.ERC1155Account.GenerateAccountId(fromOrgId, fromUserId, constants.UserAccount)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error in TransferTokenSysRole. Error: %s", err)
    toUserAccountId, err := t.Ctx.ERC1155Account.GenerateAccountId(toOrgId, toUserId, constants.UserAccount)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error in TransferTokenSysRole. Error: %s", err)
    return t.Ctx.ERC1155Token.TransferTokenSysRole(role, fromUserAccountId, toUserAccountId)
  • fromOrgId: string – The membership service provider (MSP) ID of the user to transfer the TokenSys role from.
  • fromUserId: string – The user name or email ID of the user to transfer the TokenSys role from.
  • toOrgId: string – The membership service provider (MSP) ID of the user to transfer the TokenSys role to.
  • toUserId: string – The user name or email ID of the user to transfer the TokenSys role to.
  • role: string – The name of the TokenSys role to transfer.
  • On success, a message that contains relevant details of the operation.
Return Value Example:
    "msg": "Successfully transfered role 'vault' from Account Id: ouaccount~f4e311528f03fffa7810753d643f66289ff6c9080fcf839902f28a1d3aff1789 (Org-Id: Org1MSP, User-Id: user1) to Account Id: ouaccount~ae5be2ae8f98d6d32f5d02b43877d987114e7937c7bacbc30390dcce09996a19 (Org-Id: Org1MSP, User-Id: user2)"
This method returns a list of all account IDs for a specified TokenSys role. This method can be called only by a Token Admin of the chaincode.
func (t *Controller) GetAccountsByTokenSysRole(role string) (interface{}, error) {
    auth, err := t.Ctx.ERC1155Auth.CheckAuthorization("ERC1155Role.GetAccountsByTokenSysRole", "TOKEN")
    if err != nil && !auth {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error in authorizing the caller  %s", err.Error())
    return t.Ctx.ERC1155Token.GetAccountsByTokenSysRole(role)
  • role: string – The name of the TokenSys role.
  • On success, a message that contains relevant details of the operation.
Return Value Example:
    "accountIds": [
This method returns user information for all users with a specified TokenSys role. This method can be called only by a Token Admin of the chaincode.
func (t *Controller) GetUsersByTokenSysRole(role string) (interface{}, error) {
    auth, err := t.Ctx.ERC1155Auth.CheckAuthorization("ERC1155Role.GetUsersByTokenSysRole", "TOKEN")
    if err != nil && !auth {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error in authorizing the caller  %s", err.Error())
    return t.Ctx.ERC1155Token.GetUsersByTokenSysRole(role)
  • role: string – The name of the TokenSys role.
  • On success, a message that contains relevant details of the operation.
Return Value Example:

NFT Locking Methods

This method locks a specified non-fungible token. To lock a token, there must be a user with the TokenSys vault role, who acts as the vault manager. This method can be called only by the owner of the token.
func (t *Controller) LockNFT(orgId string, userId string, tokenId string) (interface{}, error) {
    return t.Ctx.ERC1155Token.LockNFT(orgId, userId, tokenId)
  • orgId: string – The membership service provider (MSP) ID of the user in the current organization.
  • userId: string – The user name or email ID of the user (optional).
  • tokenID: string – The ID of the token to lock.
  • On success, a JSON representation of the token object.
Return Value Example:
This method returns a Boolean value to indicate if a specified token is locked. This method can be called only by the token owner, the vault manager (the user with the TokenSys vault role), or a Token Admin of the chaincode.
func (t *Controller) IsNFTLocked(tokenId string) (interface{}, error) {
        auth, err := t.Ctx.ERC1155Auth.CheckAuthorization("ERC1155Token.IsNFTLocked", "TOKEN", map[string]string{"tokenId": tokenId})
        if err != nil && !auth {
            isCallerTokenSysRoleHolder, error := t.Ctx.ERC1155Token.IsCallerTokenSysRoleHolder(constants.Vault)
            if error != nil {
                return nil, error
            if !isCallerTokenSysRoleHolder {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("error in authorizing the caller  %s", err.Error())
        return t.Ctx.ERC1155Token.IsNFTLocked(tokenId)
  • tokenID: string – The ID of the token.
  • On success, a message that contains relevant details of the operation.
Return Value Example:
This method returns a list of all locked non-fungible tokens. This method can be called only by the vault manager (the user with the TokenSys vault role) or a Token Admin of the chaincode.
func (t *Controller) GetAllLockedNFTs() (interface{}, error) {
        auth, err := t.Ctx.ERC1155Auth.CheckAuthorization("ERC1155Token.GetAllLockedNFTs", "TOKEN")
        if err != nil && !auth {
            isCallerTokenSysRoleHolder, error := t.Ctx.ERC1155Token.IsCallerTokenSysRoleHolder(constants.Vault)
            if error != nil {
                return nil, error
            if !isCallerTokenSysRoleHolder {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("error in authorizing the caller  %s", err.Error())
        return t.Ctx.ERC1155Token.GetAllLockedNFTs()
  • None
  • On success, an array of the locked non-fungible token objects.
Return Value Example:
This method returns a list of all locked non-fungible tokens for a specified organization and optionally a specified user. This method can be called only by the vault manager (the user with the TokenSys vault role) or a Token Admin of the chaincode.
func (t *Controller) GetLockedNFTsByOrg(orgId string, userId ...string) (interface{}, error) {
        auth, err := t.Ctx.ERC1155Auth.CheckAuthorization("ERC1155Token.GetLockedNFTsByOrg", "TOKEN")
        if err != nil && !auth {
            isCallerTokenSysRoleHolder, error := t.Ctx.ERC1155Token.IsCallerTokenSysRoleHolder(constants.Vault)
            if error != nil {
                return nil, error
            if !isCallerTokenSysRoleHolder {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("error in authorizing the caller  %s", err.Error())
        return t.Ctx.ERC1155Token.GetLockedNFTsByOrg(orgId, userId...)
  • orgId: string – The membership service provider (MSP) ID of the user in the current organization.
  • userId: string – The user name or email ID of the user (optional).
  • On success, an array of the locked non-fungible token objects.
Return Value Example: