Setting Your Preferences

Learn how to change your password and set preferences for notifications, risk events, and time format.


Previously these different preferences were separate items in the menu that you drop down from your user name in the upper-right corner of the Oracle CASB Cloud Service console. These options are now consolidated into a single menu item, with no change in functionality of the individual preferences.

  1. Click your user name in the upper-right corner of the Oracle CASB Cloud Service console and select Preferences from the drop-down menu.

    The Preferences page opens.

  2. To change your password:
    1. Click Change Password in the row of options at the top.
    2. Enter your New Password.
    3. Enter your new password again in the Confirm Password box.
    4. Click Change password.
  3. To change your preference on notifications:
    1. Click Notifications in the row of options at the top.
    2. Change the High risk events setting.

      When this setting is on, you receive email notifications for all high risk events. When it is off, you do not receive these notifications.

    3. Click Confirm.
  4. To change your preference for the summary displayed for a risk event generated by a policy alert:
    1. Click Risk Preference in the row of options at the top.
    2. Select or deselect the For "Policy Alerts" in the Risk Events view, use the policy name as the Risk Event Summary check box.

      When this option is selected, for policy alerts that generate alerts on the Risk Events page, the policy name (which you can control) is displayed as the risk event Summary. When it is deselected, risk events generated by policy alerts display an internal name (which you can’t control) for the risk event Summary.

    3. Click Confirm.
  5. To change your preference on time format:
    1. Click Time Format in the row of options at the top.
    2. Select the format you want used:
      • UTC — Universal time coordinates, also known as Greenwich mean time.

      • Local time from my browser — the local time your browser uses, which is set in your computer or network.

    3. Click Confirm.
  6. To generate API credentials so that you can use the Oracle CASB Cloud Service APIs:
    1. Click API Credentials in the row of options at the top.
    2. Click Generate Keys.
    3. Click Download Keys.

      Download the generated keys to a secure location where you will be able to access them when you need to use the Oracle CASB Cloud Service APIs.


      You can also copy and paste the keys to a secure location.

    4. Click Done.