
As a enterprise user, you can use a Recommendation component to provide personalized experiences for website visitors by showing assets based on location or areas of interest. When a repository contributor creates a recommendation they define a set of rules that find assets matching audience attributes such as the geolocation information of a site visitor. For example, site visitors with European IP addresses may first see event announcements for Europe on the site home page, while site visitors from North America will see events in the United States and Canada.

Like digital assets, recommendations are associated with a repository and can be edited and moved through a workflow for review and publishing by anyone who is a content contributor to the repository. However, even if you don't have contributor rights, you can still view and test recommendations to see how they work before using them in a site or headless experience.

To add a recommendation to a page:

  1. Click Sites in the side menu, select the site you want to add the recommendation to, then choose Open in the right-click menu or click Open icon in the actions bar.

  2. Toggle the site to Edit and select the update to use or create a new one.

  3. Select Components from the side menu.

  4. Open Seeded.

  5. Click-and-drag Recommendation under the Content section to place it onto the page.

  6. Select Settings from the Recommendation menu ( Menu icon ).

    Site builder placement

  7. In the Recommendation settings General tab, select the recommendation to use. The page will refresh and display the recommended assets.

  8. Optionally, enter default values of the audience attributes used by this recommendation by clicking the arrow next to the selected recommendation. When finished adding values, click Back.

  9. Change any additional properties you want, such as which version to use, maximum items to display or default content layout. When done, close the recommendation settings and click Save.


    If you have created test profiles with predefined audience attribute values, select a profile from the test profile menu in the menu bar to preview how the recommendation responds to those inputs. Test profile values would override the default values you set in the component settings.
  10. If your recommendation uses the Current date (System) in its rules and you want to test the recommendation as if it were a different date, select System Date from the test profile menu and select the date to test with.