REST API for Content Delivery

You can use the Oracle Cloud REST API for Content Delivery to fetch things from channels in an asset repository.

The REST API for Content Delivery has several categories of endpoints, which are described in the following table.

Category Description
AutoSuggestions Use the AutoSuggestions resource to suggest item keywords for auto-completion of a default search.
Item Use the Item resource to get published items, previews of items, item metadata, or taxonomies of items. Use the Published Item resource to get the metadata catalog preview of an item.
Item Variations Use the Item Variations resource to get item variations, a content item for item variations, and item variations by variation type.
Items Use the Items resource to search published items or get the metadata catalog of published items.
Items by slug Use the Items by slug resource to manage items by slug and to provide details about the metadata catalog, preview, taxonomies, published information, and variations of an item.
Provider Tokens Use the Provider Tokens resource to generate a provider token.
Published Item Use the operations from the Published Item category.
Recommendations Use the Recommendations resource to access published recommendation results.
Renditions Use the Renditions resource to get a digital assets file and metadata catalog, to get metadata for digital assets or renditions, or to get information about published assets or renditions.
Renditions by slug Use the Renditions by slug resource to get the published digital assets native file by slug, to get the published native resource by slug using a file name, to get a published rendition by slug, or to get a published rendition by slug using a file name.
Taxonomies Use the Taxonomies resource to get the metadata of a category, published taxonomies, or published categories, to list all taxonomies, to read a published category or taxonomy, or to search published categories.
Version Catalog Use the Version Catalog resource to get information about APIs, API versions, or API metadata.