7 Manage Your Procedures

On the Procedure page, you can create your procedures and edit them later if requirements change. If you're going to manage several procedures, you can use the filter feature on this page to easily find them by context. If you want to create a new procedure that is based on an existing one, use the copy feature. You can also move procedures to another location using the export and import features.

Here is what you can do when you've already created some procedures:

Filter a Procedure

If you manage many procedures, you may find it useful to limit the procedure list by filtering it. Filtering makes it easy for you to quickly find a procedure when you need it.

To filter a procedure:
  1. On your Capture Procedures page, navigate to the procedures pane on the left.
  2. In the Filter field, enter the full name of the procedure, or use % as a wildcard to match one or more characters. For example, enter %capture% to display procedures with capture in their names or descriptions. Filters are case-sensitive.
    The procedures that match the specified filter are displayed in the table below the Filter field.

Edit a Procedure

You can edit a procedure name and description any time after you have created your procedure.

To edit a procedure:
  1. On your Capture Procedures page, navigate to the procedures pane on the left.
  2. Select the procedure you want to edit and click Edit procedure.
  3. In the Edit Procedure Name and Description dialog, change the procedure name and how you describe the procedure.
The changes reflect in the procedures table.

You can edit the configuration settings on the tabs that are displayed on the right side when a procedure is open.

Delete a Procedure

When you delete a procedure, all of its batch data and configurations, including metadata, profiles, and processor jobs, are removed. If you delete a procedure while its batches are being processed, then these batches are also deleted.

To delete a procedure:
  1. On your Capture Procedures page, navigate to the procedures pane on the left.
  2. Select the procedure you want to delete and click Delete procedure. When prompted, confirm that you want to delete the procedure.

Copy a Procedure

You can copy a procedure if you want to use it as a starting point for a new procedure and then modify the configuration as needed. This allows you to quickly set up procedures that are similar.

To copy a procedure:
  1. On your Capture Procedures page, navigate to the procedures pane on the left.
  2. Select the procedure you want to copy and click Copy procedure.
  3. In the Copy Procedure dialog, change the procedure name and description.
This procedure is displayed in the list of procedures on the left.

Validate a Procedure

You can diagnose errors, if any, in your procedures by running a validation through the Validate a Procedure icon on the procedure toolbar.

You can validate multiple procedures by selecting them simulataneously in the procedures pane on the left side. To validate a procedure:
  1. On your Procedures page, navigate to the procedures pane on the left.
  2. Select the procedure you want to validate and click the Validate procedure icon on the toolbar. You can run validation on different elements of your procedure.

    Validation issues are displayed in the Messages column of the Validate Procedure Issues dialog. Some examples of validation are: if correct repository type is chosen in the commit profile, if an imported procedure has errors such as missing content types and mappings, character mismatch between the names of the asset types as configured in the repository and as configured in the procedure, and so on. Since the messages could be lengthy, the complete message displays below the table under Validation Message in the dialog once you select the message.

  3. After reviewing the issues, close the dialog.


    The email validation may report a valid email if the password was just changed (in the last minute or two).

Export or Import a Procedure

You can export and import procedures between different environments such as development, test, and production. When you import a procedure, make sure its identifier is unique.

To export and import a procedure:
  1. On your Capture Procedures page, navigate to the procedures pane on the left.
  2. Select the procedure you want to export and click Export a procedure on the toolbar.

    The XML configuration file for your procedure is downloaded to your local computer. You can modify the procedure name in the file if you want.

  3. In your other system, open the Capture Procedures page and click Import procedure on the toolbar.
  4. In the Import Procedure dialog, click Choose File and select the XML file of the procedure you want to import.
  5. Enter a meaningful name and description for the procedure in the Name and Description fields respectively, and then click Process.
    The message that the import is completed is displayed.
  6. Click Close.
    The procedure is included in the procedures list on the left.