Component Groups

You can combine one or more components to create a component group that you can name and reuse.

When you save a component group, the component group is saved as a custom component with the name you give it and it then appears in the list of custom components in the editor.
  1. Navigate to the page you want to edit and make sure that Edit switch is set to Edit.
  2. Add a component group to the page. The component group is identified by Component Group icon.
  3. Drag and drop one or more components into the frame of the custom component.
  4. Position and size the components within the component group in the same way you do for components in a slot.
  5. To edit a component and its appearance, click its menu icon Component Menu icon, and choose Settings. If you click the component name instead of the menu icon, you can see and select the menu icon for the component group (or slot):
    The Settings tab for the component group lets you specify the position of the component group, a background image, and other settings that apply to the entire component group.
  6. When you are ready to save your changes to the component group, click the component group, click its menu icon Component Menu icon, and choose Save.
    1. In the dialog, enter a name for the component group. You can use letters, numbers, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). If you enter a space, it's automatically replaced with a hyphen.
      If this is a new component group, you cannot use the name of an existing custom component.

      If you added an existing component group to the page, modified the component group, and then tried to save your changes, you are given the option to provide a name to create a new component group to select Overwrite the existing component group to update the existing component group with your changes.

    2. Click Save.
      The component group is saved with the specified name as a custom component. It appears in its own folder in the component manager and in the list of custom components in the editor if you are the owner or someone has shared the component with you. You can share the component group as you would any custom component.

Copying Component Groups to the Clipboard

For easy access to component groups used while editing a site update, you can copy component groups to the component clipboard.
  1. Find and select the component group you want to copy.
  2. Click the component menu Component Menu icon of the component group, and select Copy to Clipboard. The component group is now listed in the clipboard section of the component panel.


    Each time you copy a component group to the clipboard, it is listed by a new name, whether you have edited the component group or not.
  3. Drag-and-drop the component group from the clipboard section of the component panel onto any page.


    The component clipboard is associated with an update. Items in the clipboard of one update are not available in different update. The clipboard is emptied when closing Site Builder.