29 Manage Rendition Policies

Your images are likely used in multiple channels (mobile, tablet, web, etc.). Each channel might have different format, quality, and size requirements. You can use different renditions of an image to accommodate each channel's requirements.

When you add an image to a repository, several renditions are automatically generated by Oracle Content Management. By default, you'll get system renditions—large, medium, small, and thumbnail. However, you can create custom rendition policies to define your own rules and conditions for image renditions that are needed for specific channels. You then associate the rendition policy with a digital asset type, and when an image is created from that asset type, your custom rendition will be automatically generated along with the system renditions.


Rendition policies aren't applied to assets in business asset repositories.

You must be a content administrator to create and manage rendition policies.

By default the Rendition Policies page shows all rendition policies sorted by name. Use the drop-down menu on the right to change the sort order. You can also use the search box to find a rendition policy by name.

You can manage rendition policies in the following ways: