Data Fields

Use data fields in asset types to define the content needed for the finished asset.

Data Field Options
  • Allows multiple values
  • Single text box - default value, length validation, pattern validation (custom, email, URL, phone number, zip code)
  • Text area - length validation, pattern validation (email, URL, phone number, zip code)
  • Maximum of 2,000 characters. Can't include # * & | ? < > ^ ; { } ( ) ' = + \
  • Radio buttons - options or JSON
  • Single-select menu - options or JSON
  • Single-select menu (Visual Builder endpoint) - Visual Builder endpoint URL, endpoint security, REST fields to use as label and value
Large Text
  • Allows multiple values
  • Text area - default value, length validation, pattern validation (custom, email, URL, phone number, zip code)
  • Rich-text editor - toolbar type (standard, basic, custom), default value, length validation

    See Customize the Rich-Text Editor Toolbar.

  • Markdown editor - toolbar type (standard, custom), default value, length validation

    If you select custom as the toolbar type, you can select which buttons to include in the markdown editor toolbar.

  • Allows multiple values
  • Media picker - select media types (documents, images, videos, other), select asset types (all or specific types)
  • Allows multiple values
  • Content item picker - select content types (all or specific types)
  • Date picker
  • Date/time picker
  • Date/time picker with time zone
  • Default value
  • Date range validation
  • Number spinner - default value, number range validation
  • Maximum of 15 characters. Must be a whole number, no decimals.
  • Radio buttons - options or JSON
  • Single-select menu - options or JSON
  • Number spinner - default value, number range validation
  • Radio buttons - options or JSON
  • Single-select menu - options or JSON
  • Switch - labels for true/false, default value
  • Checkbox - label for checkbox, default value
Embedded Content (JSON content)
  • Text area - requires valid JSON syntax. Optionally, JSON value will be validated against included schema.
  • JSON Schema Form - requires a JSON schema to dynamically generate an interactive form for entering JSON content. You can provide options to customize how fields defined in the schema are presented on the form and preview the result.
Currently supports version 04 of JSON Schema ( The following types are supported:
  • string
  • number
  • boolean
  • array
The following options are supported:

Text, Textarea, Number, Checkbox, Array, Select, and Radio.

For more information, see the documentation for the Alpaca Forms package at