Work with Your Files and Folders

You can organize and work with any kind of file that’s allowed by your service administrator (the person in charge of managing Oracle Content Management). You can upload and download documents, video files, pictures and graphics—all the files you might need for your projects.

Although not discussed in this topic, you can also upload templates and other files needed for your websites. This includes the digital assets, such as pictures or videos, that you might need on your website. Those are managed using the digital asset manager. You can also create content items, which are blocks of content based on a content type created by your administrator.

This topic discusses the following areas:

Change Your View of the Documents Page

You can change your view of the Documents page to suit your needs.

Task Description
Filter your view of files and folders To filter what you see, click the Documents menu. You can view all items, items owned by you, shared items, favorites, or items in your Trash folder.
Sort your files and folders To sort your file and folder list, click the sort option (Name or Last Updated) at the top right corner of the file list.
Change the view of your files and folders You can view your files and folders in a list view, a grid view, or a table view. To change the view, click the view menu icon ( View menu icon ) to the right of the sort menu, and select the view you want.

Folder Actions

The following table lists common actions you can perform on folders from the menu bar or right-click menu. Depending on how wide your browser window is, the menu bar may not show all menu options. If you don't see an option when you select an item, click More in the menu bar to see the hidden options.


If your assigned user role doesn't let you do a particular task, or if you can't perform a task for some other reason, the menu option won't be available.
Task Description
Create a new folder Browse to where you want to create a new folder, click Create, then select Folder. Add a name and, optionally, a description.
Open a folder Select a folder and choose Open in the right-click menu or click Open icon in the actions bar.
Share a folder Select a folder and choose Share Link in the right-click menu or click Share icon in the actions bar or next to the folder. You can set whether the link is public or for members only, permissions for the link, and other settings.
View or edit the members of a folder Select a folder, then choose Members in the right-click menu or select Sidebar in the actions bar and choose Members. If your service administrator has enabled inclusion of external users, then you can choose to allow them access to the folder or not. External users can collaborate on objects to which they're given access, but they cannot be assigned the manager role. This safely limits their ability to create and remove content.
Copy or move folders Select one or more folders, then choose Copy or Move in the right-click menu or in the actions bar click Copy icon to copy or Move icon to move.

If you copy a folder to the same location, the copy is renamed with a number added to the name. For example, Sales(2).

Delete folders Select one or more folders, then choose Delete in the right-click menu or click Delete icon in the actions bar.

If you delete a folder, it's moved to your cloud Trash folder, just like on your local computer. If you change your mind, go to the Trash folder and restore the deleted item. To check your Trash, in the Documents menu, click Trash.

Deleted items stay in the Trash until one of the following events happens:

  • You permanently delete them.
  • Your Trash quota is reached.
  • The Trash is automatically cleared out according to the schedule set by your service administrator, the person in charge of managing the service for your organization.
Rename a folder Select the folder to rename, then choose Rename in the right-click menu or click Rename icon in the actions bar.
Tag a folder Select one or more folders, then choose Tags and Metadata in the right-click menu or click Sidebar in the actions bar and choose Tags and Metadata. Tagging an item is similar to adding a keyword for the item, letting you group items later for use or for searching.
View folder properties Select a folder, then choose Properties in the right-click menu or click Sidebar in the actions bar and choose Properties.
Change folder ownership You can transfer ownership of a folder to another person. When you do, the folder and its content will be added to the quota of the person assuming new ownership. To change the folder owner, select the folder, view folder properties and click Change Owner, then select the name of the new owner from the list. Add an optional message to be sent to the new owner or use the default message as given.
Change folder sharing settings You can control sharing settings such as whether people can create public links to the folder and the default role assigned for public links. To change sharing settings, select the folder, view folder properties and click the Sharing tab, then edit the settings.
Add a folder to your favorites To add a folder to your favorites, choose Add to Favorites in the right-click menu or click Favorite icon in the actions bar. To view your favorites, in the Documents menu, click Favorites.

File Actions

The following table lists common actions you can perform on files from the actions bar or right-click menu. Depending on how wide your browser window is, the actions bar may not show all menu options. If you don't see an option when you select an item, click More in the actions bar to see the hidden options. Some actions are available through the sidebar and can also be accessed by first clicking Sidebar icon to open the sidebar, or selecting Sidebar on the actions bar.


If your assigned user role doesn't let you do a particular task, or if you can't perform a task for some other reason, the action won't be available on the actions bar.
Task Description
Upload a file Browse to where you want to upload the file, choose Upload in the right-click menu or click Upload icon in the actions bar, then select the file from your computer.
Create a new Microsoft Office file Browse to where you want to create a new file, click Create, then select the type of Microsoft Office file you want to create.
View a file Select a file, then choose View in the right-click menu or click View icon in the actions bar.

If you selected a Microsoft Office file and your system administrator has enabled Microsoft Office Online integration, to view the file click View in the actions bar and select either View in [Office] Online (for example, "View in Word Online") or Web Preview to view the document in Oracle Content Management.

Edit a file Select a file, then choose Edit in the right-click menu or click Edit icon in the actions bar. The desktop client opens the file in the associated program on your computer. If you haven't already installed the desktop client, you'll be prompted to do so.

If you selected a Microsoft Office file and your system administrator has enabled Microsoft Office Online integration, you can edit the file in Office Online by clicking Edit and selecting Edit in [Office] Online (for example, "Edit in Word Online") or selecting Edit in [Office] (desktop) to edit the file in the desktop client.

Download a file Select a file and choose Download in the right-click menu or click Download icon in the actions bar or next to the file, then select where on your computer you want to store the file.
Download multiple files as a .zip file Select the folders or files to download and choose Download in the right-click menu or click Download Multiple icon in the actions bar, then select where on your computer you want to store the .zip file.
Extract multiple files from a compressed file

You can upload compressed files and extract them within Oracle Content Management. This is a useful way to easily create a hierarchy of folders and files, or to revision multiple files at once.

Select the compressed file to extract and choose Unzip in the right-click menu or click Unzip Icon in the actions bar.

Select from the options in the dialog and click Unzip to extract the file.

Lock a file You can lock a file so no one else can edit the file. To lock a file, select it, then choose Lock in the right-click menu or click Lock icon in the actions bar. When you're done with the file, you can unlock it.
Share a file Select a file and choose Share Link in the right-click menu or click Share icon in the actions bar or next to the file. You can set whether the link is public or for members only, permissions for the link, and other settings.
Add a file to Assets Select one or more files and choose Add to Assets in the right-click menu or click Add Assets icon on the actions bar, then select the repository you want to store the asset in.
Copy files Select one or more files and choose Copy in the right-click menu or Copy icon in the actions bar.

If you copy a file to the same location, the copy is renamed with a number added to the name. For example, Sales Report(2).doc.

Move files Select one or more files and choose Move in the right-click menu or Move icon in the actions bar.
Delete files Select one or more files and choose Delete in the right-click menu or Delete icon from the actions bar.

If you delete a file, it's moved to your cloud Trash folder, just like on your local computer. If you change your mind, go to the Trash folder and restore the deleted item. To check your Trash, in the Documents menu, click Trash.

Deleted items stay in the Trash until one of the following events happens:

  • You permanently delete them.
  • Your Trash quota is reached.
  • The Trash is automatically cleared out according to the schedule set by your service administrator, the person in charge of managing the service for your organization.
Upload a new version of a file Select a file and choose Upload New Version in the right-click menu or click Upload icon in the actions bar, then select the new version from your computer.
View and manage file version history To view the history of a file, select it and choose Version History in the right-click menu or click Sidebar in the actions bar and select Version History. When viewing a file, click the version number next to the file name to see the version history. Click a specific version in the history to view it.

To make a previous version the current version, on the Version History tab, click Make Current for the version you want to use as the current version.

You can also delete previous versions or download older versions by clicking Delete or Download.

Rename a file Select the file to rename and choose Rename in the right-click menu or click Rename icon in the actions bar.

You can’t change a file extension.

Tag a file Select one or more files and choose Tags and Metadata in the right-click menu or click Sidebar in the actions bar and select Tags and Metadata. Tagging an item is similar to adding a keyword for the item, letting you group items later for use or for searching.
View file properties Select a file and choose Properties in the right-click menu or click Sidebar in the actions bar and select Properties.
View file access history To view who has accessed a file, view file properties and click the Access History tab.
Add a file to your favorites To add a file to your favorites choose Add to Favorites in the right-click menu or click Favorite icon in the actions bar or next to a file. To view your favorites, in the Documents menu, click Favorites.

File and Folder Icons

Icon Description
Folder icon A plain folder indicates one of your personal folders.
Shared folder icon A folder with a shared icon indicates that you shared the folder or someone else has shared a folder with you.
Various file icons File icons show the file extension.
Conversation icon The conversation icon shows that there’s a conversation started for that item.
Lock icon The lock icon shows that a file is locked.
Download icon Click the download icon to download a file.
Share icon Click the share icon to share a file or folder with other people.
Favorite icon Click the favorite icon to add the file or folder to your favorites.

Storage Quota

Your service administrator is in charge of allocating your storage quota. To see how much storage space you have:

  • In your web browser, click your user name and then click Preferences. Select Documents from the Preferences menu.
  • On your mobile device, tap the Settings icon to open your settings information.

You can see the maximum storage space that you've been given and the space you've used so far. Your Trash counts against your user quota. For example, if you have 1 GB of files stored and 1 GB of files in your trash and your overall quota is 5 GB, then you have 3 GB remaining.

If you share a folder and people add files to it, those files count against your quota because it is your folder. If someone shares a folder with you, the content of that folder does not count against your quota. If you need more storage space than you currently have, contact your service administrator.