Download Files

If you have the Download resource role on a file, you can download the file from the cloud to your local computer in a couple of ways:

  • When viewing the file, click Download in the file viewer.
  • When viewing files in a list, table, or grid, select the file and choose Download from the right-click menu or click Download icon in the actions bar or next to an the individual item.

When you download a file, it goes to the download location configured for your web browser or you may be able to choose the location to download the file to, depending on your web browser settings.

Download Multiple Files

You can download more than one file at a time or a folder with multiple files in it. To download more than one file or folder at a time, select the files and folders and choose Download in the right-click menu or Download Multiple icon in the actions bar. A .zip file is prepared with the selected files and folders and automatically downloaded when ready.

If a folder contains subfolders with files, they are also included in the .zip file. If you select an empty folder that does not contain any files, then it is not included in the .zip file.

There are some limitations:

  • .zip files larger than 2 gigabytes cannot be downloaded.

  • .zip files cannot contain more than 1000 items.


    A document and the folder that contains it are considered as separate items in the .zip file, so if you select 4 folders that each have 250 documents in them, there are 1004 items in the .zip (4 folders + 1000 documents) and the download will fail.