View Sites and Channels Analytics

The Sites and Channels graphs and charts let you see usage, utilization, and traffic analytics for your created sites and channels.

You can also add JavaScript tracking code to sites and pages for web analytics tracking, making it easier to integrate with external analytics providers like Google, Adobe, or Oracle Infinity.

To view site and channel statistics:

  1. After you sign in to the Oracle Content Management web application as an administrator, click Analytics in the navigation menu.
  2. In the Analytics menu, click Sites and Channels.

    If Video Plus is enabled in your service, you'll see two tabs: General Usage and Video Plus.

  3. By default, the Sites and Channels page (or the General Usage tab) shows data for all sites and channels, in all languages, for the specified period (by default, the last 30 days). To filter the data, enter the site or channel name or a specific language in the search boxes, or select a different period from the drop-down list.

    The following table summarizes the general usage statistics for sites and channels.

    Statistics Description
    Number of Visits A line graph indicates the number of visits over a number of days for sites and channels. This counts "unique visits", and these are unique within a 1-hour period. So, if you visit a site 20 times within 1 hour, it still counts as only 1 unique visit.

    A visit is counted for each channel and at a 60-minute granularity. That is, if a visitor visits the same site in 2 different hours in a day, it's counted as 2 visits.

    Top Languages A bar chart shows the top six languages for site and channel visits.
    Devices A pie chart shows devices used to visit sites and channels.
    Browsers A pie charts shows browsers used to visit sites and channels.
    Most Visited A bar chart shows the most visited sites and channels over a number of days.
    Least Visited A bar chart shows the least visited sites and channels over a number of days.
  4. By default, the Video Plus tab shows data for all sites and channels, in all languages, for the specified period (by default, the last 30 days). To filter the data, enter the site or channel name or a specific language in the search boxes, or select a different period from the drop-down list.

    The following table summarizes the Video Plus statistics for sites and channels.

    Statistics Description
    Videos The number of Video Plus assets.
    Total Player Loads The number of times the player has loaded on a page, whether the video was played or not.
    Total Plays The number of times the video was played.
    Average Completion Rate The average percentage of the video that was played.
    Play Through The percentage of plays that completed to the end.
    Countries The number of countries in which the video was played.
    Top Platforms This pie chart shows the top five platforms on which the video was viewed.
    Browsers This pie chart shows the top five browsers on which the video was viewed.
    Top Countries This pie chart shows the top five countries from which the video was viewed.
    Top Video Content by Plays This table shows the top videos by number of plays. Click the video's name to preview it (if you have access to the asset).
    Top Video Content by Drop-Off This table shows the top videos by the percentage of the video that was played. Click the video's name to preview it (if you have access to the asset).
    Top Countries This table shows the countries, ordered by number of plays, from which the video was viewed.
    Browsers This table shows the browsers, ordered by number of plays, from which the video was viewed.
    Platforms This table shows the platform, ordered by number of plays, from which the video was viewed.

For more information on the analytics data and the features available in the charts, graphs, and reports, see Understand Analytics. For example, you can download a CSV file containing the data being displayed by clicking Export chart data icon.