View Capture Metrics

Content Capture metrics show composite data of individual documents and audit history. The metrics show what is being captured and how effectively Content Capture is used by the users.

You can also view reports on users' Capture activities to help you understand how Content Capture is being used.

To view Capture metrics:

  1. After you sign in to the Oracle Content Management web application as an administrator, click Analytics in the navigation menu.
  2. In the Analytics menu, click Capture.

The following table summarizes the metrics for Capture.

Statistics Description

By default, the overview metrics show data for the life of your system. To display data for a specific period, select Date Range from the drop-down list, enter a start date (no older than one year) and end date, and then click Refresh.

The overview metrics show the following data:

  • Total Documents Captured: The total number of documents (not batches) captured across all procedures.
  • Total Documents Committed: The total number of documents committed to Oracle Content Management.
  • Total Tiff Conversions: The total number of documents that went through TIFF conversion.
  • Total Documents Recognized: The total number of documents that went through barcode recognition.
  • Total Documents OCRed: The total number of documents that went through OCR processing.
  • Asset Lookups: The total number of documents that went through asset lookup.
  • Taxonomy Lookups: The total number of documents that went through taxonomy lookup.
  • XML Transforms: The total number of documents that went through XML transformation.
  • Conditional Assignments: The total number of documents that went through conditional assignment.
  • External Processes: The total number of documents that were processed via an external processor.
  • Total PDF Conversions: The total number of documents that went through PDF conversion.
  • Total Documents Classified: The total number of documents that went through classification processing.
  • Users: The total number of users that have used Capture across all procedures.
  • Sources: Shown only when a date range has been specified, not for All-Time. The total number of import jobs, across all procedures, in which there was at least one batch created.
  • Types of Documents Captured: The total number of distinct file formats captured.

By default, the charts show data for the last 30 days. To display data for a different period, enter a start date (no older than one year) and end date, and then click Refresh.

The following charts are available:

  • Source of Documents: This pie chart shows the distribution of various sources that have used for capturing documents. These sources are scanner, email, list, folder, and WCC (WebCenter Content) archive.
  • Total Documents Captured (by user): This line graph shows the total documents captured by each user on a daily basis. It's filtered by top ten users to reduce clutter. Overall data is available for download. The date range can't be longer than one month.
  • Daily Count: This line graph shows the total documents that have undergone the selected activity, broken down by source, on a daily basis. Select an activity, enter a date range, and then click Refresh. The date range can't be longer than one month.
Capture Activities

By default, the Capture activities list shows data for the last 30 days. To display data for a different period, enter a start date (no older than one year) and end date, and then click Refresh.

The Capture activities list shows all the jobs that have run for the specified period. Each job entry includes the following information:

  • Import Processor: The name of the import processor, if one was used.
  • Processor Type: The type of import processor used (email, file folder, or client).
  • Procedure: The name of the procedure in which the import processor is defined.
  • Capture: The total number of documents captured in this job.
  • OCR: The total number of captured documents that went through OCR processing.
  • TIFF Convert: The total number of captured documents that were converted to TIFF.
  • PDF Convert: The total number of captured documents that were converted to PDF.
  • Recognize: The total number of captured documents that went through barcode recognition.
  • Classify: The total number of captured documents that went through classification processing.
  • Commit: The total number of captured documents that were committed to Oracle Content Management.

For more information on the analytics data and the features available in the charts, graphs, and reports, see Understand Analytics. For example, you can download a CSV file containing the data being displayed by clicking Export chart data icon.