View User Statistics

To view user statistics:

  1. After you sign in to the Oracle Content Management web application as an administrator, click Analytics in the navigation menu.
  2. In the Analytics menu, click User Statistics.
  3. By default, the User Statistics page shows data for users in all groups. To display the data for users in a particular group, enter the group name in the search box.

The following table summarizes the statistics for users.

Statistics Description
Overview Metrics
  • Total Number of Enabled Users (Total User Population)
  • Users Enabled Last 30 Days
  • Deprovisioned Users
  • Total Number of Enabled Users (Total User Population) by Month: The dark blue line in the chart indicates the number of users that existed in the system during the previous 12 months. The light blue line in the chart shows the number of active users—those who have signed in at least one time.
  • Number of New Users per Day: The bar chart indicates the trend in new user additions for the period selected in the drop-down list (by default, the last 30 days).
  • New Users per Month: The line chart indicates the number of new users per month during the previous 12 months.
  • Unique User Logins per Day: The bar chart indicates the number of users who have logged in per day for the period selected in the drop-down list (by default, the last 30 days).
  • Users by Login Frequency: The pie chart shows how frequently users sign in to your system based on the previous 12 months.
  • Logins by Device Type: The pie chart shows the types of devices users use to sign in to your system over the previous 12 months.
  • Device Type Trend: The line chart shows the types of devices users have used each month to sign in to your system over the previous 12 months.
  • Active User Base Changes: The bar chart shows a comparison of new, returning, and leaving users per month, and the line shows the net change per month over the previous 12 months.
  • Monthly Churn Rate: The line chart shows the number of users lost per month over the previous 12 months.
  • Average Consecutive Months of Use: The line chart shows the average number of consecutive months users have used your system. The data is shown for the previous 12 months.
  • Top Users by Activity: The list shows the users with the most activity (for example, logins and files submitted) in descending order of activity. This report provides the following usage information for each user:
    • User Name
    • Logins
    • Assets Added
    • Files Submitted
    • Conversations Created
    • Conversation Membership
    • Shared Links
  • Top Users by Storage: The list shows the users with the highest storage usage in descending order of storage usage. This report provides the following usage information for each user:
    • User Name
    • Personal Storage (GB)
    • Shared Storage (GB)

For more information on the analytics data and the features available in the charts, graphs, and reports, see Understand Analytics. For example, you can download a CSV file containing the data being displayed by clicking Export chart data icon.