REST API for Content Management

You can use the Oracle Cloud REST API for Content Management to manage assets in Oracle Content Management. Assets include content items as well as digital assets and their renditions.

The REST API for Content Management has several categories of endpoints, which are described in the following table.

Category Description
Archive Use the Archive resource to cancel, schedule, delete, list, and read the archived assets.
Archive Bulk Operations Use the Archive Bulk Operations resource to manage bulk operations on archived assets.
Archive Items Search Use the Archive Items Search resource to manage archived items search.
Asset Refresh Bulk Operations Use the Asset Refresh Bulk Operations resource to manage bulk operations for asset refresh.
Assign Primary Channel to Asset Bulk Operations Use the resource to manage bulk operations for assigning primary channel.
AutoSuggestions Use the AutoSuggestions resource to suggest item keywords for auto-completion of a default search.
Channel Secret Use the Channel Secret resource to generate, refresh, or delete a channel secret.
Channels Use the Channels resource to create, delete, read, or update a channel, to list all channels, or to list all permissions on a channel.
Collections Use the Collections resource to create, delete, read, or update a collection, to list all collections in a repository, or to list all permissions on a collection.
Connectors Use the Connectors resource to list all connectors.
Digital Item Renditions Use the Digital Item Renditions resource to get a rendition of a digital item or a digital item native file with or without a file name.
Digital Item Renditions by Slug Use the Digital Item Renditions resource to get a rendition of a digital item by slug.
Editorial Roles Use the editorial roles resource to create, copy, delete, read, update, list all permissions, list editorial roles, and list editorial role referenced by repositories.
File Extensions Use the File Extensions resource to list file extensions or to read a file extension.
Item Revisions Use the Item Revisions resource to list item revisions, list item revisions by slug, read an item revision, or read an item revision by slug.
Item Variations Use the Item Variations resource to list all item variations of a variation type, read an item or items by variation type, or update the master item of an item variations set.
  • Create or delete a content item or digital item
  • Generate taxonomy suggestions for content items on demand
  • List all suggested taxonomies and categories or all taxonomies and categories of an item
  • Get the workflow instance details for an item
  • List the time zones, channels, collections, published channels, relationships, tags, or variations of an item,
  • Read the lock, publish, or version information of an item
  • Read the on-demand taxonomy suggestion and operations status or the workflows of an item
  • Submit an item to workflow, take action on a workflow task, update a digital item with a new file, update an item, or update the lock status of an item.
Items Bulk Downloads Use the Items Bulk Operations resource to perform bulk items downloads.
Items Bulk Operations Use the Items Bulk Operations resource to perform bulk items operations, read item operations or status, or publish item IDs.
Items by Slug Use the Items by Slug resource to manage items by slug:
  • List all item variations of a variation type
  • List an item's channels, collections, lock information, permissions, publish information, published channels, relationships, tags, taxonomies, variations, version information, or workflow information.
  • Read an item or an item variation of a variation type value by slug,
  • Read the master of an item variation set by slug
Items Search Use the Items Search resource to manage items search queries, get the job status for similar items, query items, or query similar items.
Language Codes Use the Language Codes resource to create a custom language code, delete a language code, list all valid language codes, read a language code, or update a language code.
Languages Use the Languages resource to list the names of all known language codes.
Localization Policies Use the Localization Policies resource to create, delete, read, or update a localization policy or to list all localization policies.

Use the Taxonomies resource to manage your content:

  • Create, update, or delete a taxonomy
  • Get, create, update, copy, or delete a category in a taxonomy
  • Create, copy, update, promote, read, publish, unpublish, or delete a taxonomy
  • List all taxonomies or list all categories in a taxonomy
  • Copy, create, or delete a category
  • Read a taxonomy, a category, or the copy category, draft creation, the promote status
  • Create a new draft version
  • Read the promote, publish, or unpublish job status
  • Search categories
  • Update a category's properties, including moving it in the tree

After taxonomies are promoted, they can be assigned to repositories. After taxonomies are assigned to repositories, users can apply categories to assets.

OAuth Tokens Use the OAuth Tokens resource to generate an OAuth token.
Permission Operations Use the Permission Operations resource to perform permission operations on a resource or to read permission operations status.
Permission Sets Use the Permission Operations resource to create, read, convert, delete, list, and update a permission set.
Provider Tokens Generate a provider token for an asset for a specific version.
Recommendations Use the Recommendations resource to manage recommendations:
  • Create, delete, list, update, read, and publish recommendations
  • Read a recommendation's published and unpublished item IDs
  • Approve or reject a Recommendation
  • Create, delete, list, read, and update audience attributes
Repositories Use the Repositories resource to create, delete, read, or update a repository, to list all permissions on a repository, or to list all repositories.
Scheduled Jobs Use the Scheduled Jobs resource to create, list, read, and update a scheduled publish job.
Tokens Use the Tokens resource to read a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) valid token.
Types Use the Types resource to create, delete, read, or update a type or to list all types, all data types, or all permissions on a type.
Workflow Roles Use the Workflow Roles resource to add or remove members of a process role, get members or details of a process role, or list the roles of all registered workflows.
Workflow Tasks Use the Workflow Tasks resource to list workflow tasks assigned to the current user, or to read a workflow task.
Workflows Use the Workflows resource to reregister or deregister a workflow, list all workflows, list all permissions on a workflow, read a workflow, or update a workflow.