View Sensitive Types and Categories

In Data Discovery, you can search and view details for sensitive types and sensitive categories.

Search for a Sensitive Type

  1. Under Security Center, click Data Discovery.
  2. Under Related Resources, click Sensitive Types.
    By default, all Oracle predefined and user-defined sensitive types are listed.

    You can apply either filter separately or both at the same time.

  3. To search by name, in the Sensitive Type Name field under Filters on the left, enter a sensitive type name.
    Sensitive types and sensitive categories that match your search criteria are listed.
  4. To search by type, from the Listing Type drop-down list under Filters on the left, select Oracle Predefined, User Defined, or All.
  5. To search by only child sensitive types, only parent sensitive categories, or both, from the Sensitive Category drop-down list under Filters on the left, select No, Yes, or All, respectively.
  6. Click Apply Filters.

View Sensitive Categories and Sensitive Type Details

On the Sensitive Types page in Oracle Data Safe, you can view Oracle predefined sensitive types as well as user-defined sensitive types and categories. It's useful to become familiar with sensitive types and sensitive categories because during data discovery, you choose them to find your sensitive data in your target database.

  1. Under Security Center, click Data Discovery.
  2. Under Related Resources, click Sensitive Types.
    By default, sensitive categories and all predefined and user-defined sensitive types are listed. Sensitive categories have a Yes in the Sensitive Category column. Sensitive types have aNo value in the same column.
  3. To view the details for either a sensitive type or sensitive category, click on its name in the Name column.

    For a sensitive type, the following details are displayed:

    • Sensitive type name
    • Oracle Cloud Identifier for the sensitive type
    • Description of the sensitive type
    • When the sensitive type was created and last updated
    • Parent sensitive category for the sensitive type
    • Whether the sensitive type is a sensitive category
    • Whether the sensitive type is Oracle predefined
    • Column name pattern, column comment pattern, column data pattern, and search type (AND or OR)
    • Default masking format

    For a sensitive category, the following details are displayed:

    • Sensitive category name
    • Oracle Cloud Identifier for the sensitive category
    • Description of the sensitive category
    • When the sensitive category was created and last updated
    • Whether the sensitive category is a sensitive category
    • Whether the sensitive category is Oracle predefined
    • A table containing a list of the child sensitive types that are a part of the parent sensitive category. This table specifies the:
      • Child sensitive type name
      • Child sensitive type description
      • Whether the child sensitive type is also a sensitive category
      • Whether the child sensitive type is Oracle predefined
    Note: To view the details for a child sensitive type, click on its name in the Name column.
  4. To return to the list of sensitive types, click Sensitive Types in the breadcrumb at the top of the page.