Export Project Data to and Import Project Data from Oracle Cloud

You can export your project’s data to an OCI Object Storage Classic container of any data center to perform a backup. You can then import the data into the same or another project of the same or a different data center when you want.

To export or import data, first, you’d need to set up a connection to OCI Object Storage Classic.

Exported Data

Before you export a project's data, note that not all the artifacts of the project are exported. You'll have to manually export the remaining artifacts and data manually.

This table shows you which artifacts are exported and which aren't:

Artifact Exported? Notes
Project users No When you export a project's data, its users are not exported, but all data associated to usernames (such as issue ownership and reviewers of a merge request) is preserved.

After you import the project's data to another project, when you add a user to the project with the same username, the data associated to the username is automatically restored.

User's favorite settings or personal preferences No  
Hosted Git repositories Yes  
Mirrored public external Git repositories Yes  
Mirrored private external Git repositories No Password protected external Git repositories aren't exported.

After you import the project's data to another project, you must add each external private Git repository.

Branch restrictions Yes  
Merge Requests Yes  
Default reviewers of a branch Yes After you import the project's data to another project, default reviewers are added automatically after the same users are added to the target project.
Maven artifacts No  
Linked Docker registries No  
Build jobs No
Releases Yes  
Deployment configurations No  
Environments No  
Issues Yes  
Agile boards Yes  
Wiki pages Yes  
Snippets Yes  
Project template definition No  
Announcements No  
Webhooks No  
RSS/ATOM feeds No  
Link rules No  
Project tags Yes  
Issue products and components Yes  
Default owners of issue components Yes After you import the project's data to another project, owners are activated automatically after the same users are added to the target project.
Issue custom fields Yes  
Named passwords Yes  

Export to and Import from an OCI Object Storage Classic Container

If you're an OCI Classic user, you can export project data to an OCI Object Storage Classic container and import from it.

The exported data isn't encrypted and can be downloaded from the container. If you're exporting the project's data for the first time, set up an OCI Object Storage Classic container for the project and users who can read from or write to it. You can use a common container for all projects of the organization, but it's recommended that you use a separate container for each project. This allows you to organize archive files better as they aren't mixed with the archive files of other projects. Contact the identity domain administrator or the OCI Object Storage Classic administrator to create the container. You should also ask the administrator to set up users with read-write access to the container.

Set Up the OCI Object Storage Classic Container

An identity domain administrator or the OCI Object Storage Classic administrator can create an OCI Object Storage Classic container. After creating the container, assign a user the Storage_ReadWriteGroup (Storage_ReadWriteGroup). If you want the user to read files from the container, but don't want them to write or delete files, assign the Storage_ReadOnlyGroup (Storage_ReadOnlyGroup) role to the user. Then, share the container and user details with the project owner. Project owner will need the details to connect to the container to export or import data.

You must be an identity domain administrator to create a container and set up the user.

  1. On the OCI Object Storage Classic console, create a container for the project.
    1. Open the Oracle Cloud My Services dashboard.
    2. On the Oracle Cloud Dashboard, in the Storage Classic tile, click Action the Action menu icon and select Open Service Console.
    3. On the Storage Classic page, click Create Container.
    4. In the Create Storage Container dialog box, enter the container name, and click Create.


      Create Storage Container dialog box
  2. Set up a user to access the container.
    1. On the Oracle Cloud My Services dashboard, click Users.
    2. Click the user's name tile to whom you want to assign the access.
      To create a user, click Add and fill in the details.
    3. Click the Roles tab.
    4. In All Services, search for Storage Classic.
    5. To assign read and write access to the user, add the Storage_ReadWriteGroup (Storage_ReadWriteGroup) role.
      To assign the read access, add the Storage_ReadOnlyGroup (Storage_ReadOnlyGroup) role.


      Storage Classic role
    6. Return to the dashboard.

Export Project Data

When you export project data, DevCS exports data to an archive file in the specified OCI Object Storage Classic container.

To export project data to an OCI Object Storage Classic container, you need the following:
  • Name of the target container
  • Credentials of a user with the Storage.Storage_Administrator or the Storage_ReadWriteGroup identity domain role.
  • Service ID and the authorization URL of OCI Object Storage Classic

Contact the identity domain administrator or the OCI Object Storage Classic administrator for the details and get the required input values.

the project owner icon You must be assigned the project Owner role to export data.

  1. Open the DevCS project.
  2. In the navigation bar, click Project Administration Gear.
  3. Click Data Export/Import.
  4. Click the Job tab.
  5. In Account Type, select OCI Classic.
  6. In Service ID, enter the value copied from the last part of the REST Endpoint URL field of the Service Details page.
    For example, if the value of REST Endpoint URL is https://demo12345678.storage.oraclecloud.com/v1/Storage-demo12345678, then enter Storage-demo12345678.
  7. In Username and Password, enter the credentials of the user assigned the Storage.Storage_Administrator or Storage_ReadWriteGroup identity domain role.
  8. In Authorization URL, enter the URL copied from the Auth V1 Endpoint field of the Service Details page.
    Example: http://storagetria01234-usoracletria12345.storage.oraclecloud.com/auth/v1.0.
  9. Click Connect.
  10. In the Create Job section, in Type, select Export.
  11. In Name, enter a name for the export job.
  12. In Description, enter the job's description.
  13. In Storage Container, select the container to export the project data.
  14. In Storage Object, if required, update the default .zip file name.
  15. Click Export.
  16. In the Confirm Project Export dialog box, select the Export project data check box, and click Yes.
  17. In the Exporting Project page, expand Steps to see the status of each module.
After the export is complete, a notification is added to the Recent Activities feed of the Project Home page and to the History tab of the Data Export/Import page.

Import Project Data

When you import data, it overwrites the data of the project. All artifacts of the project are replaced with the components from the imported project.

To import project data from an OCI Object Storage Classic container, you need the following:
  • Name of the target container
  • Name of the archive file with the project data
  • Credentials of a user with the Storage.Storage_Administrator, Storage_ReadWriteGroup, or Storage_ReadOnlyGroup identity domain role
  • Service ID and the authorization URL of OCI Object Storage Classic

Contact the identity domain administrator or the OCI Object Storage Classic administrator for the details and get the required input values.

the project owner icon You must be assigned the project Owner role to import data.

  1. Open the DevCS project.
  2. In the navigation bar, click Project Administration Gear.
  3. Click Data Export/Import.
  4. Click the Job tab.
  5. In Account Type, select OCI Classic..
  6. In Service ID, enter the value copied from the last part of the REST Endpoint URL field of the Service Details page.
    For example, if the value of REST Endpoint URL is https://demo12345678.storage.oraclecloud.com/v1/Storage-demo12345678, then enter Storage-demo12345678.
  7. In Username and Password, enter the credentials of the user assigned the Storage.Storage_Administrator, Storage_ReadWriteGroup, or Storage_ReadOnlyGroup identity domain role.
  8. In Authorization URL, enter the URL copied from the Auth V1 Endpoint field of the Service Details page.
    Example: http://storagetria01234-usoracletria12345.storage.oraclecloud.com/auth/v1.0.
  9. Click Connect.
  10. In the Create Job section, in Type, select Import.
  11. In Name, enter a name for the import job.
  12. In Description, enter the job's description.
  13. In Storage Container, select the container to import the project data from.
  14. In Storage Object, select the .zip file name of the exported data.
  15. Click Import.
  16. In the Confirm Project Import dialog box, read and verify the container and object details, select the Import project data check box, and click Yes.
  17. In the Importing Project page, expand Steps to see the status of each module.
    If you want to cancel the import process, click Cancel.
When an import job is in progress, the project is in the locked state. You can’t access other pages of the project until the import job is complete. After the import is complete, you're redirected to the Project Home page. A notification of the import action is added to the Recent Activities feed of the Project Home page and to the History tab of the Data Export/Import page.

View Export and Import History of the Project

If you want to know the export and import history of a project, you can do so from the History tab of the Data Export/Import page.

  1. In the navigation bar, click Project Administration Gear.

  2. Click Data Export/Import.

  3. Click the History tab.

The history of all export and import jobs is displayed. Select a job to view its details. In the case of a failure, expand Steps to view the modules that passed and failed.