Configure When to Attempt Agent Transfer

By default, the Agent Conversation dialog flow component transfers the conversation to Oracle B2C Service regardless of whether there are any available agents. However, you have options for when to transfer the chat to a human agent.

If you would like to change the rules about when to transfer to an agent, you can use the Agent Initiation component's Allow Transfer If and Queue ID properties to configure when the component should attempt to transfer the conversation to a live agent. Your choices are:

  • Agents Are Requesting New Engagements: Transfer only if at least one agent who is assigned to the specified queue has requested a new engagement (pulled a chat) or, if chats are automatically routed to available agents, there is at least one agent assigned to the queue who hasn't reached their maximum number of chats. With this option, the user doesn't have to wait for an agent.
  • Agent Sessions Are Available: Transfer if any agents who are assigned to the queue haven't reached their maximum number of chats regardless of whether they've requested a new engagement (pulled a chat) or, if chats are automatically routed to available agents, there is at least one agent assigned to the queue who hasn't reached their maximum number of chats. The user may have to wait if all the agents are involved in long-running conversations or are doing some post-chat follow-up.
  • Agents Are Available: In the case where agents must request new engagements (pull chats), transfer even if none of the queue's agents have requested a new engagement or all the queue's agents have reached their maximum number of chats. In the case where chats are automatically routed to available agents, transfer even if they all the queue's agents have reached their maximum number of chats. The user may have a long wait.

You should ensure that the queue that's identified by the Queue ID property is the actual queue that the Oracle Digital Assistant chat rules will route the conversation to.


To get the queue ID, ask someone who has configuration permissions to open the Service Console and get the ID from Chat Queues in the System Menus page. When you hover the mouse over the queue name, it displays the ID. Sometimes it takes a few seconds for the ID tooltip to appear.