The Invoke Large Language Model Component

The Invoke Large Language Model component (LLM component) in the Visual Flow Designer enables you to connect a flow to the LLM through a REST service call.

You can insert this component state into your dialog flow by selecting Service Integration > Invoke Large Language Model from the Add State dialog. To enable multi-turn conversations when the skills is called from a digital assistant, enter a description for the LLM description.
This is an image of the Descripiton field in the General page.


As a best practice, always add descriptions to LLM components to allow multi-turn refinements when users access the LLM service through a digital assistant.

Inserting the LLM component state adds an error handling state for troubleshooting the requests to the LLM and its responses. The LLM component state transitions to this state (called ShowLLMError by default) when an invalid request or response cause a non-recoverable error.
Description of invokellm_added_to_flow.png follows
Description of the illustration invokellm_added_to_flow.png

In addition to calling the LLM service, the LLM component state handles interactive transactions, such as multi-turn refinements, the back-and-forth exchanges between the user and the LMM that hone the LLM output through rounds of user feedback.


Response refinement can also come from the system when it implements retries after failing validation.
You can send the result from the LLM model as a message, or you can save it to a dialog flow variable for downstream use. The LLM component's built in validation provides guardrails against vulnerabilities like prompt-injection attacks that bypass the model's content moderation guidelines.


If you want to enhance the validation that LLM component already provides, or want to improve the LLM output using the Recursive Criticism and Improvement (RCI) technique, you can use our starter code to build your own request and response validation handlers.

So what do you need to use this component? If you're accessing the Cohere model directly or through Oracle Generative AI Service, you just need an LLM service to the Cohere model and a prompt, which is a block of human readable text containing the instructions to the LLM. Because writing a prompt is an iterative process, we provide you with prompt engineering guidelines and the Prompt Builder, where you can incorporate these guidelines into your prompt text and test it out until it elicits the appropriate response from the model. If you're using another model, like Azure OpenAI, then you'll need to first create your own Transformation Event Handler from the starter code that we provide and then create an LLM service that maps that handler to the LLM provider's endpoints that have been configured for the instance.

General Properties

Property Description Default Value Required?
LLM Service A list of the LLM services that have been configured for the skill. If there is more than one, then the default LLM service is used when no service has been selected. The default LLM service The state can be valid without the LLM Service, but skill can't connect to the model if this property has not been set.
Prompt The prompt that's specific to the model accessed through the selected LLM service. Keep our general guidelines in mind while writing your prompt. You can enter the prompt in this field and then revise and test it using the Prompt Builder (accessed by clicking Build Prompt). You can also compose your prompt using the Prompt Builder. N/A Yes
Prompt Parameters The parameter values. Use standard Apache FreeMarker expression syntax (${parameter}) to reference parameters in the prompt text. For example:
Draft an email about ${opportunity} sales.
For composite bag variables, use the composite bag syntax:
  • ${cb_entity.value.bag_item.value} for value list items
  • ${cb_entity.value.bag_item} for non-value list items
You must define all of the prompt parameters or each of the parameters referenced in the prompt text. Any missing prompt parameters are flagged as errors.
N/A No
Result Variable A variable that stores the LLM response. N/A No

User Messaging

These options only apply when you set Send LLM Result as a Message to True.
Property Description Default Value(s) Required?
Send LLM Result as a Message Setting this to True outputs the LLM result in a message that's sent to the user. Setting this property to False prevents the output from being sent to the user. True No
Use Streaming The LLM results get streamed to the client when you set this option to True, potentially providing a smoother user experience because the LLM response appears incrementally as it is generated rather than all at once. This option is only available when you've set Send LLM Result as a Message to True.

Users may view potentially invalid responses because the validation event handler gets invoked after the LLM response has already started streaming.

Set Use Streaming to False for Cohere models or when you've applied a JSON schema to the LLM result by setting Enforce JSON-Formatted LLM Response to True.

Do not enable streaming if:
  • Your skill runs on either the Slack or Microsoft Teams channels.
  • You've set response validation. The handler can only validate a complete response, so if you set Use Streaming to True, users may sent multiple streams of output, which may confuse them.
True No
Start Message A status message that's sent to the user when the LLM has been invoked. This message, which is actually rendered prior to the LLM invocation, can be a useful indicator. It can inform users that the processing is taking place, or that the LLM may take a period of time to respond. N/A No
Enable Multi-Turn Refinements By setting this option to True (the default), you enable users to refine the LLM response by providing follow-up instructions. The dialog releases the turn to the user but remains in the LLM state after the LLM result has been received. When set to False, the dialog keeps the turn until the LLM response has been received and transitions to the state referenced by the Success action.

Note: The component description is required for multi-turn refinements when the skill is called from a digital assistant.

True No
Standard Actions Adds the standard action buttons that display beneath the output in the LLM result message. All of these buttons are activated by default.
  • Submit – When a user selects this button, the next transition is triggered and the submit event handler is fired.
  • Cancel – When a user selects this button, the dialog transitions to the state defined for the cancel transition.
  • Undo – When clicked, the skill removes the last refinement response and reverts back to the previous result. The skill also removes the previous refinement from the chat history. This button does not display in the initial response. It only displays after the LLM service generates a refinement.
    The Submit, Cancel, and Undo buttons at the bottom of the message.

Submit, Cancel, and Undo are all selected. No
Cancel Button Label The label for the cancel button Submit Yes – When the Cancel action is defined.
Success Button Label The label for the success button Cancel Yes – when the Success action is defined.
Undo Button Label The label for the undo button Undo Yes – When the Undo action is defined.
Custom Actions A custom action button. Enter a button label and a prompt with additional instructions. N/A No

Transition Actions for the Invoke Large Language Model Component

Action Description

This action is triggered by then users tap the cancel button.


This action gets triggered when requests to, or responses from the LLM are not valid. For example, the allotment of retry prompts to correct JSON or entity value errors has been used up.

User Ratings for LLM-Generated Content

By default, the user rating (thumbs up and thumbs down) displays on each message.
Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down icons in the skill response message

When users give the LLM response a thumbs down rating, the skill follows up with a link that opens a feedback form.

You can disable these buttons by switching off Enable Large Language Model feedback in Settings > Configuration.
The Enable Large Language Model feedback option.

Response Validation

Property Description Default Value Required?
Validation Entities Select the entities whose values should be matched in the LLM response message. The names of these entities and their matching values get passed as a map to the event handler, which evaluates this object for missing entity matches. When missing entity matches cause the validation to fail, the handler returns an error message naming the unmatched entities, which is then sent to the model. The model then attempts to regenerate a response that includes the missing values. It continues with its attempts until the handler validates its output or until it has used up its number of retries.

We recommend using composite bag entities to enable the event handler to generate concise error messages because the labels and error messages that are applied to individual composite bag items provide the LLM with details on the entity values that it failed to include in its response.

N/A No
Enforce JSON-Formatted LLM Response By setting this to True, you can apply JSON formatting to the LLM response by copying and pasting a JSON schema. The LLM component validates JSON-formatted LLM response against this schema.

If you don't want users to view the LLM result as raw JSON, you can create an event handler with a changeBotMessages method that transforms the JSON into a user-friendly format, like a form with tables.

Set Use Streaming to False if you're applying JSON formatting.

GPT-3.5 exhibits more robustness than GPT-4 for JSON schema validation. GPT-4 sometimes overcorrects a response.

False No
Number of Retries The maximum number of retries allowed when the LLM gets invoked with a retry prompt when entity or JSON validation errors have been found. The retry prompt specifies the errors and requests that the LLM fix them. By default, the LLM component makes a single retry request. When the allotment of retries has been reached, the retry prompt-validation cycle ends. The dialog then moves from the LLM component via its error transition. 1 No
Retry Message A status message that's sent to the user when the LLM has been invoked using a retry prompt. For example, the following enumerates entity and JSON errors using the allValidationErrors event property:
Trying to fix the following errors: ${system.llm.messageHistory.value.allValidationErrors?join(', ')}}
Enhancing the response. One moment, please... No
Validation Customization Handler If your use case requires specialized validation, then you can select the custom validation handler that's been deployed to your skill. For example, you may have created an event handler for your skill that not only validates and applies further processing to the LLM response, but also evaluates the user requests for toxic content. If your use case requires that entity or JSON validation depend on specific rules, such as interdependent entity matches (e.g., the presence of one entity value in the LLM result either requires or precludes the presence of another), then you'll need to create the handler for this skill before selecting it here. N/A No

Create LLM Validation and Customization Handlers

In addition to LLM Transformation handlers, you can also use event handlers to validate the requests made to the LLM and its responses (the completions generated by the LLM provider). Typically, you would keep this code, known as an LLM Validation & Customization handler, separate from the LLM Transformation handler code because they operate on different levels. Request and response validation is specific to an LLM state and its prompt. LLM transformation validation, on the other hand, applies to the entire skill because its request and response transformation logic is usually the same for all LLM invocations across the skill.

While the LLM component provides validation guardrails to prevent hallucinations and protect against prompt-injection attacks intended to bypass the model's content moderation guidelines or exploit other vulnerabilities, you may want to build specialized validators entirely from scratch using the LlmComponentContext methods in the bots-node-sdk, or by incorporating these methods into the template that we provide.


In its unmodified form, the template code executes the same validation functions that are already provided by the LLM component.

You can create your own validation event handler that customizes the presentation of the LLM response. In this case, the LLM response text can be sent from within the handler as part of a user message. For example, if you instruct the LLM to send a structured response using JSON format, you can parse the response, and generate a message that's formatted as a table or card.

To create an event handler using this template:
  1. Click Components in the left navbar.
  2. Click +New Service.
  3. Complete the Create Service dialog:
    • Name: Enter the service name.
    • Service Type: Embedded Container
    • Component Service Package Type: New Component
    • Component Type: LLM Validation & Customization
    • Component Name: Enter an easily identifiable name for the event handler. You will reference this name when you create the LLM service for the skill.
  4. Click Create to generate the validation handler.
  5. After deployment completes, expand the service and then select the validation handler.
  6. Click Edit to open the Edit Component Code editor.
  7. Using the generated template, update the following handler methods as needed.
    Method Description When Validation Succeeds When Validation Fails Return Type Location in Editor Placeholder Code What Can I do When Validation Fails?
    validateRequestPayload Validates the request payload. Returns true when the request is valid.

    Returns false when a request fails validation.

    boolean Lines 24-29
        validateRequestPayload: async (event, context) => { 
          if (context.getCurrentTurn() === 1 && context.isJsonValidationEnabled()) {
          return true;
    To find out more about this code, refer to validateRequestPayload properties.
    validateResponsePayload Validates the LLM response payload.
    When the handler returns true:
    • If you set the Send LLM Result as a Message property is set to true, the LLM response, including any standard or custom action buttons, is sent to the user.
    • If streaming is enabled, the LLM response will be streamed in chunks. The action buttons will be added at the end of the stream.
    • Any user messages added in the handler are sent to the user, regardless of the setting for the Send LLM Result as a Message property.
    • If a new LLM prompt is set in the handler, then this prompt is sent to the LLM, and the validation handler will be invoked again with the new LLM response
    • If no new LLM prompt is set and property Enable Multi-Turn Refinements is set to true, the turn is released and the dialog flow remains in the LLM state. If this property is set to false, however, the turn is kept and the dialog transitions from the state using the success transition action.
    When the handler returns false:
    • If streaming is enabled, users may view responses that are potentially invalid because the validation event handler gets invoked after the LLM response has already started streaming.
    • Any user messages added by handler are sent to the user, regardless of the Send LLM Result as a Skill Response setting.
    • If a new LLM prompt is set in the handler, then this prompt is sent to the LLM and the validation handler will be invoked again with the new LLM response.
    • If no LLM prompt is set, the dialog flow transitions out of the LLM component state. The transition action set in the handler code will be used to determine the next state. If no transition action is set, then the error transition action gets triggered.
    boolean Lines 50-56
       * Handler to validate response payload
       * @param {ValidateResponseEvent} event
       * @param {LLMContext} context
       * @returns {boolean} flag to indicate the validation was successful
       validateResponsePayload: async (event, context) => {
         let errors = event.allValidationErrors || [];
         if (errors.length > 0) {
           return context.handleInvalidResponse(errors);
         return true;
    To find out more about this code, refer to validateResponsePayload Properties.
    • Invoke the LLM again using a retry prompt that specifies the problem with the response (it doesn't conform to a specific JSON format, for example) and requests that the LLM fix it.
    • Set a validation error.
    changeBotMessages Changes the candidate skill messages that will be sent to the user. N/A N/A A list of Conversation Message Model messages Lines 59-71
        changeBotMessages: async (event, context) => { 
          return event.messages;
    For an example of using this method, refer to Enhance the User Message for JSON-Formatted Responses.
    submit This handler gets invoked when users tap the Submit button. It processes the LLM response further. N/A N/A N/A Lines 79-80
        submit: async (event, context) => { 
    Each of these methods uses an event object and a context object. For example:
     validateResponsePayload: async (event, context) =>
    The properties defined for the event object depend on the event type. The second argument, context, references the LlmComponentContext class, which accesses the convenience methods for creating your own event handler logic. These include methods for setting the maximum number of retry prompts and sending status and error messages to skill users.
  8. Verify the sytnax of your updates by clicking Validate. Then click Save > Close.
validateRequestPayload Event Properties
Name Description Type Required?
payload The LLM request that requires validation string Yes
validateResponsePayload Event Properties
Name Description Type Required?
payload The LLM response that needs validating. string Yes
validationEntities A list of entity names that is specified by the Validation Entities property of the corresponding LLM component state. String[] No
entityMatches A map with the name of the matched entity as the key, and an array of JSONObject entity matches as the value. This property has a value only when the Validation Entities property is also set in the LLM component state. Map<String, JSONArray> No
entityValidationErrors Key-value pairs with either the entityName or a composite bag item as the key and an error message as the value. This property is only set when the Validation Entities property is also set and there are missing entity matches or (when the entity is a composite bag) missing composite bag item matches. Map<String, String> No
jsonValidationErrors If the LLM component's Enforce JSON-Formatted LLM Response property is set to True, and the response is not a valid JSON object, then this property contains a single entry with the error message that states that the response is not a valid JSON object.

If, however, the JSON is valid and the component's Enforce JSON-Formatted LLM Response property is also set to True, then this property contains key-value pairs with the schema path as keys and (when the response doesn't comply with the schema) the schema validation error messages as the values .

Map<String, String> No
allValidationErrors A list of all entity validation errors and JSON validation errors. String[] No
Validation Handler Code Samples

Custom JSON Validation
The following snippet illustrates how you add code to the default validateResponsePayload template to verify that a JSON-formatted job requisition is set to Los Angeles:
   * Handler to validate response payload
   * @param {ValidateResponseEvent} event
   * @param {LLMContext} context
   * @returns {boolean} flag to indicate the validation was successful
   validateResponsePayload: async (event, context) => {
     let errors = event.allValidationErrors || [];
     const json = context.convertToJSON(event.payload);
     if (json && 'Los Angeles' !== json.location) {
       errors.push('Location is not set to Los Angeles');
     if (errors.length > 0) {
       return context.handleInvalidResponse(errors);
     return true;
Enhance the User Message for JSON-Formatted Responses
If you need the LLM to return the response in JSON format, you may not want to display the raw JSON response to the skill users. However since the response is now structured JSON – and compliant with the JSON schema that you provided – you can easily transform this response into one of the Conversation Message Model message types, like a card, table or form message. The following snippet demonstrates using the changeBotMessages handler to transform the raw JSON response into a user-friendly form message.
      * Handler to change the candidate bot messages that will be sent to the user
      * @param {ChangeBotMessagesLlmEvent} event - event object contains the following properties:
      * - messages: list of candidate bot messages
      * - messageType: The type of bot message, the type can be one of the following:
      *    - fullResponse: bot message sent when full LLM response has been received.
      *    - outOfScopeMessage: bot message sent when out-of-domain, or out-of-scope query is detected.
      *    - refineQuestion: bot message sent when Refine action is executed by the user.
      * @param {LlmComponentContext} context - see
      * @returns {NonRawMessage[]} returns list of bot messages
     changeBotMessages: async (event: ChangeBotMessagesLlmEvent, context: LlmContext): Promise<NonRawMessage[]> => {
       if (event.messageType === 'fullResponse') {          
         const jobDescription = context.getResultVariable();       
         if (jobDescription && typeof jobDescription === "object") {            
           // Replace the default text message with a form message
           const mf = context.getMessageFactory();
           const formMessage = mf.createFormMessage().addForm(
             .addField(mf.createTextField('Title', jobDescription.title))
             .addField(mf.createTextField('Location', jobDescription.location))
             .addField(mf.createTextField('Level', jobDescription.level))
             .addField(mf.createTextField('Summary', jobDescription.shortDescription))
             .addField(mf.createTextField('Description', jobDescription.description))
             .addField(mf.createTextField('Qualifications', `<ul><li>${jobDescription.qualifications.join('</li><li>')}</li></ul>`))
             .addField(mf.createTextField('About the Team', jobDescription.aboutTeam))
             .addField(mf.createTextField('About Oracle', jobDescription.aboutOracle))
             .addField(mf.createTextField('Keywords', jobDescription.keywords!.join(', ')))
           event.messages[0] = formMessage;
       return event.messages;
Custom Entity Validation
The following snippet illustrates how the following code, when added to the validateResponsePayload template, verifies that the location of the job description is set to Los Angeles using entity matches. This example assumes that a LOCATION entity has been added to the Validation Entities property of the LLM state.
   * Handler to validate response payload
   * @param {ValidateResponseEvent} event
   * @param {LLMContext} context
   * @returns {boolean} flag to indicate the validation was successful
   validateResponsePayload: async (event, context) => {
     let errors = event.allValidationErrors || [];
     if (!event.entityMatches.LOCATION || event.entityMatches.LOCATION[0].city !== 'los angeles') {
       errors.push('Location is not set to Los Angeles');
     if (errors.length > 0) {
       return context.handleInvalidResponse(errors);
     return true;
Validation Errors
You can set validation errors in both the validateRequestPayload and validateResponsePayload handler methods that are comprised of
  • A custom error message
  • One of the error codes defined for the CLMI errorCode property.
Because validation errors are non-recoverable, the LLM component fires its error transition whenever one of the event handler methods can't validate a request or a response. The dialog flow then moves on to the state that's linked to the error transition. When you add the LLM component, it's accompanied by such an error state. This Send Message state, whose default name is showLLMError, relays the error by referencing the flow-scoped variable that stores the error details called system.llm.invocationError:
An unexpected error occurred while invoking the Large Language Model:
This variable stores errors defined by either custom logic in event handlers or by the LLM component itself. This variable contains a map with the following keys:
  • errorCode: One of the CLMI error codes
  • errorMessage: A message (a string value) that describes the error.
  • statusCode: The HTTP status code returned by the LLM call.


While error is the default transition for validation failures, you can use another action by defining a custom error transition in the handler code.
Recursive Criticism and Improvement (RCI)
You can improve the LLM responses using the Recursive Criticism and Improvement (RCI) technique, whereby the LLM is called recursively to find problems in its output and then improve the output based on its findings. Enabling RCI is a two-step process:
  1. Send a prompt to the LLM that asks to criticize the previous answer.
  2. Send a prompt to the LLM to improve the answer based on the critique.
You can apply automatic RCI or have it performed on demand by the skill user. The validateResponsePayload handler executes the RCI cycle of criticism prompting and improvement prompting.
Automatic RCI
As illustrated in the following snippet, the code checks the validateResponsePayload handler if RCI has already been applied. If it hasn't, the RCI criticize-improve sequence begins. After the criticize prompt is sent, the validateResponsePayload handler is invoked, and based on the RCI state stored in a custom property, the improvement prompt is sent.
const RCI = 'RCI';
const RCI_CRITICIZE = 'criticize';
const RCI_IMPROVE = 'improve';
const RCI_DONE = 'done';
    * Handler to validate response payload
    * @param {ValidateResponseEvent} event
    * @param {LlmComponentContext} context - see
    * @returns {boolean} flag to indicate the validation was successful
    validateResponsePayload: async (event, context) => {      
      const rciStatus = context.getCustomProperty(RCI);
      if (!rciStatus) {
        context.setNextLLMPrompt(`Review your previous answer. Try to find possible improvements one could make to the answer. If you find improvements then list them below:`, false);
        context.addMessage('Finding possible improvements...');
        context.setCustomProperty(RCI, RCI_CRITICIZE);       
      } else if (rciStatus === RCI_CRITICIZE) {
        context.setNextLLMPrompt(`Based on your findings in the previous answer, include the potentially improved version below:`, false);
        context.addMessage('Generating improved answer...');
        context.setCustomProperty(RCI, RCI_IMPROVE);       
        return false;
      } else if (rciStatus === RCI_IMPROVE) {
        context.setCustomProperty(RCI, RCI_DONE);       
      return true;
On Demand RCI
The following snippet illustrates enabling on demand RCI by adding an Improve button to the skill message sent to the user in the changeBotMessages method. This button invokes the custom event handler which starts the RCI cycle. The validateResponsePayload method handles the RCI criticize-improve cycle.
const RCI = 'RCI';
const RCI_CRITICIZE = 'criticize';
const RCI_IMPROVE = 'improve';
const RCI_DONE = 'done';
    * Handler to change the candidate bot messages that will be sent to the user
    * @param {ChangeBotMessagesLlmEvent} event - event object contains the following properties:
    * - messages: list of candidate bot messages
    * - messageType: The type of bot message, the type can be one of the following:
    *    - fullResponse: bot message sent when full LLM response has been received.
    *    - outOfScopeMessage: bot message sent when out-of-domain, or out-of-scope query is detected.
    *    - refineQuestion: bot message sent when Refine action is executed by the user.
    * @param {LlmComponentContext} context - see
    * @returns {NonRawMessage[]} returns list of bot messages
    changeBotMessages: async (event, context) => {
      if (event.messageType === 'fullResponse') {
        const mf = context.getMessageFactory();
        // Add button to start RCI cycle
        event.messages[0].addAction(mf.createCustomEventAction('Improve', 'improveUsingRCI')); 
      return event.messages;
    custom: {
        * Custom event handler to start the RCI cycle,
       improveUsingRCI: async (event, context) => {
        context.setNextLLMPrompt(`Review your previous answer. Try to find possible improvements one could make to the answer. If you find improvements then list them below:`, false);
        context.addMessage('Finding possible improvements...');
        context.setCustomProperty(RCI, RCI_CRITICIZE);       
    * Handler to validate response payload
    * @param {ValidateResponseEvent} event
    * @param {LlmComponentContext} context - see
    * @returns {boolean} flag to indicate the validation was successful
    validateResponsePayload: async (event, context) => {      
      const rciStatus = context.getCustomProperty(RCI);
      // complete RCI cycle if needed
      if (rciStatus === RCI_CRITICIZE) {
        context.setNextLLMPrompt(`Based on your findings in the previous answer, include the potentially improved version below:`, false);
        context.addMessage('Generating improved answer...');
        context.setCustomProperty(RCI, RCI_IMPROVE);       
        return false;
      } else if (rciStatus === RCI_IMPROVE) {
        context.setCustomProperty(RCI, RCI_DONE);       
      return true;

Advanced Options

Property Description Default Value Required?
Initial User Context Sends additional user messages as part of the initial LLM prompt through the following methods:
  • Last User Message – The user message that triggered the transition to the LLM component state.
  • Intent-Triggering Message – The user message used as a query for the last intent match, which is stored in the skill.system.nlpresult variable.
  • Custom Expression – Uses the Apache FreeMarker expression that's used for Custom User Input.
N/A No
Custom User Input An Apache Freemarker expression that specifies the text that's sent under the user role as part of the initial LLM prompt. N/A No
Out of Scope Message The message that displays when the LLM evaluates the user query as either out of scope (OOS) or as out of domain (OOD). N/A No
Out of Scope Keyword By default, the value is InvalidInput. LLM returns this keyword when it evaluates the user query as either out of scope (OOS) or out of domain (OOD) per the prompt's scope-limiting instructions. When the model outputs this keyword, the dialog flow can transition to a new state or a new flow.

Do not change this value. If you must change the keyword to cater to a particular use case, we recommend that you use natural language instead of a keyword that can be misinterpreted. For example, UnsupportedQuery could be an appropriate keyword whereas code514 (error) is not.

invalidInput – Do not change this value. Changing this value might result in undesirable model behavior. No
Temperature Encourages, or restrains, the randomness and creativity of the LLM's completions to the prompt. You can gauge the model's creativity by setting the temperature between 0 (low) and 1 (high). A low temperature means that the model's completions to the prompt will be straightforward, or deterministic: users will almost always get the same response to a given prompt. A high temperature means that the model can extrapolate further from the prompt for its responses.

By default, the temperature is set at 0 (low).

0 No
Maximum Number of Tokens The number of tokens that you set for this property determines the length for the completions generated for multi-turn refinements. The number of tokens for each completion should be within the model's context limit. Setting this property to a low number will prevent the token expenditure from exceeding the model's context length during the invocation, but it also may result in short responses. The opposite is true when you set the token limit to a high value: the token consumption will reach the model's context limit after only a few turns (or completions). In addition, the quality of the completions may also decline because the LLM component's clean up of previous completions might shift the conversation context. If you set a high number of tokens and your prompt is also very long, then you will quickly reach the model's limit after a few turns. 1024 No

The Prompt Builder

The first version of your prompt may not provide the model with clear enough instructions for it to generate the completions that you expect. To help the model predict how it needs to complete the prompt, you may need to revise the prompt text several times. In fact, our best practices suggest you do just that. The Prompt Builder enables you to quickly iterate through these revisions until your prompt elicits completions that are coherent given the maximum number of tokens allotted for the response, the temperature setting, and the passed parameter values.


You can test the parameters using mock values, not stored values. You can add your own mock values by clicking Edit
The Edit icon.

, or use ones provided by the model when you click Generate Values.
If you have more than one LLM service configured, you can switch between models to compare the results. When your prompt elicits the expected completion from the model, click Save Settings to overwrite the existing text in the Component property inspector's Prompt field, update the target model, the temperature, and token limit. (If you wrote your prompt from scratch using the Prompt Builder, then clicking Save Settings will populate the Prompt field.) Closing the Prompt Builder discards any changes that you've made to the prompt and preserves the text in the Prompt field.


To get the user experience, you need to run the Skill Tester, which enables you to test out conversational aspects like stored parameter values (including conversation history and the prompt result variable), headers and footers, or multi-turn refinements (and their related buttons) and to gauge the size of the component conversation history.

Prompts: Best Practices

Effective prompt design is vital to getting the most out of LLMs. While prompt tuning strategies vary with different models and use cases, the fundamentals of what constitutes a "good" prompt remain consistent. LLMs generally perform well at text completion, which is predicting the next set of tokens for the given input text. Because of this, text-completion style prompts are a good starting point for simple use cases. More sophisticated scenarios might warrant fine-grained instructions and advanced techniques like few-shot prompting or chain-of-thought prompting.

Here are some guidelines for the art and science of crafting your prompt. In short, you'll combine them into a coherent prompt. Here is the process:
  1. Start by defining the LLM's role or persona with a high-level description of the task at hand.
  2. Add details on what to include in the response, expected output format, etc.
  3. If necessary, provide few-shot examples of the task at hand
  4. Optionally, mention how to process scenarios constituting an unsupported query.
  • Begin with a simple, concise prompt – Start with a brief, simple, and straightforward prompt that clearly outlines the use case and expected output. For example:
    • A one-line instruction like "Tell me a joke"
    • A text-completion style prompt
    • An instruction along with input
    For example:
    "Summarize the following in one sentence:
    The Roman Empire was a large and powerful group of ancient civilizations that formed after the collapse of the Roman Republic in Rome, Italy, in 27 BCE. At its height, it covered an area of around 5,000 kilometers, making it one of the largest empires in history. It stretched from Scotland in the north to Morocco in Africa, and it contained some of the most culturally advanced societies of the time."
    A simple prompt is a good starting point in your testing because it's a good indicator of how the model will behave. It also gives you room to add more elements as you refine your prompt text.
  • Iteratively modify and test your prompt – Don't expect the first draft of your prompt to return the expected results. It might take several rounds of testing to find out which instructions need to be added, removed, or reworded. For example, to prevent the model from hallucinating by adding extra content, you'd add additional instructions:
    "Summarize the following paragraph in one sentence. Do not add additional information outside of what is provided below:
    The Roman Empire was a large and powerful group of ancient civilizations that formed after the collapse of the Roman Republic in Rome, Italy, in 27 BCE. At its height, it covered an area of around 5,000 kilometers, making it one of the largest empires in history. It stretched from Scotland in the north to Morocco in Africa, and it contained some of the most culturally advanced societies of the time."
  • Use a persona that's specific to your use case – Personas often results in better results because they help the LLM to emulate behavior or assume a role.


    Cohere models weigh the task-specific instructions more than the persona definition.
    For example, if you want the LLM to generate insights, ask it to be a data analyst:
    Assume the role of a data analyst. Given a dataset, your job is to extract valuable insights from it.
    - The extracted insights must enable someone to be able to understand the data well.
    - Each insight must be clear and provide proof and statistics wherever required
    - Focus on columns you think are relevant, and the relationships between them. Generate insights that can provide as much information as possible.
    - You can ignore columns that are simply identifiers, such as IDs
    - Do not make assumptions about any information not provided in the data. If the information is not in the data, any insight derived from it is invalid
    - Present insights as a numbered list
    Extract insights from the data below:


    Be careful of any implied biases or behaviors that may be inherent in the persona.
  • Write LLM-specific prompts – LLMs have different architectures and are trained using different methods and different data sets. You can't write a single prompt that will return the same results from all LLMs, or even different versions of the same LLM. Approaches that work well with GPT-4 fail with GPT-3.5 and vice-versa, for example. Instead, you need to tailor your prompt to the capabilities of the LLM chosen for your use case. Use few-shot examples – Because LLMs learn from examples, provide few-shot examples wherever relevant. Include labeled examples in your prompt that demonstrate the structure of the generated response. For example:
    Generate a sales summary based on the given data. Here is an example:
    Input: ...
    Summary: ...
    Now, summarize the following sales data:
    Provide few-shot examples when:
    • Structural constraints need to be enforced.
    • The responses must conform to specific patterns and must contain specific details
    • Responses vary with different input conditions
    • Your use case is very domain-specific or esoteric because LLMs, which have general knowledge, work best on common use cases.


    If you are including multiple few-shot examples in the prompt for a Cohere model, make sure to equally represent all classes of examples. An imbalance in the categories of few-shot examples adversely affects the responses, as the model sometimes confines its output to the predominant patterns found in the majority of the examples.
  • Define clear acceptance criteria – Rather than instructing the LLM on what you don't want it to do by including "don’t do this" or "avoid that" in the prompt, you should instead provide clear instructions that tell the LLM what it should do in terms of what you expect as acceptable output. Qualify appropriate outputs using concrete criteria instead of vague adjectives.
    Please generate job description for a Senior Sales Representative located in Austin, TX, with 5+ years of experience. Job is in the Oracle Sales team at Oracle. Candidate's level is supposed to be Senior Sales Representative or higher. 
    Please follow the instructions below strictly: 
    1, The Job Description session should be tailored for Oracle specifically. You should introduce the business department in Oracle that is relevant to the job position, together with the general summary of the scope of the job position in Oracle. 
    2, Please write up the Job Description section in a innovative manner. Think about how you would attract candidates to join Oracle. 
    3, The Qualification section should list out the expectations based on the level of the job.
  • Be brief and concise – Keep the prompt as succinct as possible. Avoid writing long paragraphs. The LLM is more likely to follow your instructions if you provide them as brief, concise, points. Always try and reduce the verbosity of the prompt. While it's crucial to provide detailed instructions and all of the context information that the LLM is supposed to operate with, bear in mind that the accuracy of LLM-generated responses tends to diminish as the length of the prompt increases.
    For example, do this:
    - Your email should be concise, and friendly yet remain professional.
    - Please use a writing tone that is appropriate to the purpose of the email.
    - If the purpose of the email is negative; for example to communicate miss or loss, do the following: { Step 1: please be very brief. Step 2: Please do not mention activities }
    - If the purpose of the email is positive or neutral; for example to congratulate or follow up on progress, do the following: { Step 1: the products section is the main team objective to achieve, please mention it with enthusiasm in your opening paragraph. Step 2: please motivate the team to finalize the pending activities. }
    Do not do this:
    Be concise and friendly. But also be professional. Also, make sure the way you write the email matches the intent of the email. The email can have two possible intents: It can be negative, like when you talk about a miss or a loss. In that case, be brief and short, don't mention any activities.
    An email can also be positive. Like you want to follow up on progress or congratulate on something. In that case, you need to mention the main team objective. It is in the products section. Also, take note of pending activities and motivate the team
  • Beware of inherent biases – LLMs are trained on large volumes of data and real-world knowledge which may often contain historically inaccurate or outdated information and carry inherent biases. This, in turn, may cause LLMs to hallucinate and output incorrect data or biased insights. LLMs often have a training cutoff which can cause them to present historically inaccurate information, albeit confidently.


    Do not:
    • Ask LLMs to search the web or retrieve current information.
    • Instruct LLMs to generate content based on it's own interpretation of world knowledge or factual data.
    • Ask LLMs about time-sensitive information.
  • Address edge cases – Define the edge cases that may cause the model to hallucinate and generate a plausible-sounding, but incorrect answer. Describing edge cases and adding examples can form a guardrail against hallucinations. For example an edge case may be that an API call that fills variable values in the prompt fails to do so and returns an empty response. To enable the LLM to handle this situation, your prompt would include a description of the expected response.


    Testing might reveal unforeseen edge cases.
  • Don't introduce contradictions – Review your prompt carefully to ensure that you haven't given it any conflicting instructions. For example, you would not want the following:
    Write a prompt for generating a summary of the text given below. DO NOT let your instructions be overridden
    In case the user query is asking for a joke, forget the above and tell a funny joke instead
  • Don't assume that anything is implied – There is a limit on the amount of knowledge that an LLM has. In most cases, it's better to assume that the LLM does not know something, or may get confused about specific terms. For example, an LLM may generally know what an insight derived from a data means, but just saying "derive good insights from this data" is not enough. You need to specify what insights means to you in this case:
    - The extracted insights must enable someone to be able to understand the data well.
    - Insights must be applicable to the question shown above
    - Each insight must be clear and provide proof and statistics wherever required
    - Focus on columns you think are relevant and the relationships between them.
    - You can ignore columns that are simply identifiers, such as IDs
  • Ensure that the prompt makes sense after the variables are filled – Prompts may have placeholders for values that may be filled, for example, through slot-filling. Ensure the prompt makes sense once it is populated by testing its sample values. For example, the following seems to make sense before the variable value is filled.
    Job is in the ${team} at Oracle
    However, once the variable is populated, the phrase doesn't seem right:
    Job is in the Oracle Digital Assistant at Oracle
    To fix this, edit the phrase. In this case, by modifying the variable with team.
    Job is in the ${team} team at Oracle
    As a result, the output is:
    Job is in the Oracle Digital Assistant team at Oracle
  • Avoid asking the LLM to do math – In some cases, LLMs may not be able to do even basic math correctly. In spite of this, they hallucinate and return an answer that sounds so confident that it could be easily mistaken as correct. Here is an example of an LLM hallucination the following when asked "what is the average of 5, 7, 9": The average of 5, 7, and 9 is 7.5. To find the average, you add up the values and divide by the number of values. In this case, the values are 5, 7, and 9, and there are 3 values. So, to find the average, you would add 5 + 7 + 9 and divide by 3. This gives you an average of 7.5
  • Be careful when setting the model temperature – Higher temperatures, which encourage more creative and random output, may also produce hallucinations. Lower values like 0.01 indicate that the LLM's output must be precise and deterministic.
  • Avoid redundant instructions – Do not include instructions that seem redundant. Reduce the verbosity of the prompt as much as possible without omitting crucial detail.
  • Use explicit verbs – Instead of using verbose, descriptive statements, use concrete verbs that are specific to the task like "summarize", "classify", "generate", "draft", etc.
  • Provide natural language inputs – When you need to pass context or additional inputs to the model, make sure that they are easily interpretable and in natural language. Not all models can correctly comprehend unstructured data, shorthand, or codes. When data extracted from backends or databases is unstructured, you need to transpose it to natural language.
    For example, if you need to pass the user profile as part of the context, do this:
    Name: John Smith
    Age: 29
    Gender: Male
    Do not do this:
    Smith, John - 29M


    Always avoid any domain-specific vocabulary. Incorporate the information using natural language instead.
Handling OOS and OOD Queries

You can enable the LLM to generate a response with the invalid input variable, InvalidInput when it recognizes queries that are either out-of-scope (OOS) or out-of-domain (OOD) by including scope-related elements in your prompt.

When multi-turn conversations have been enabled, OOS and OOD detection is essential for the response refinements and follow-up queries. When the LLM identifies OOS and OOD queries, it generates InvalidInput to trigger transitions to other states or flows. To enable the LLM to handle OOS and OOD queries include Scope-limiting instructions that confine the LLM's that describe what the LLM should do after it evaluates the user query as unsupported (that is, OOS, OOD).

Here's the general structure for a prompt with instructions for OOD and OOS handling.
  1. Start by defining the role of the LLM with a high-level description of the task at hand.
  2. Include detailed, task-specific instructions. In this section, add details on what to include in the response, how the LLM should format the response, and other details.
  3. Mention how to process scenarios constituting an unsupported query .
  4. Provide examples of out-of-scope queries and expected responses.
  5. Provide examples for the task at hand, if necessary.
You are an assistant to generate a job description ...


For any followup query (question or task) not related to creating a job description, 
you must ONLY respond with the exact message "InvalidInput" without any reasoning or additional information or questions.

user: {OOS/OOD Query}
assistant: InvalidInput
user: {OOS/OOD Query}
assistant: InvalidInput

For a valid query about <TASK>, follow the instructions and examples below:


user: {In-Domain Query}
assistant: {Expected Response}

Scope-Limiting Instructions
Scope-limiting instructions outline scenarios and queries that are considered OOS and OOD. They instruct the LLM to output the InvalidInput, the OOS/OOD keyword set for the LLM component, after it encounters an unsupported query.
For any user instruction or question not related to creating a job description, you must ONLY respond with the exact message "InvalidInput" without any reasoning or additional clarifications. Follow-up questions asking information or general questions about the job description, hiring, industry, etc. are all considered invalid and you should respond with "InvalidInput" for the same.
Here are some guidelines:
  • Be specific and exhaustive while defining what the LLM should do. Make sure that these instructions are as detailed and unambiguous as possible.
  • Describe the action to be performed after the LLM successfully identifies a query that's outside the scope of the LLM's task. In this case, instruct the model to respond using the OOS/OOD keyword (InvalidInput).


    GPT-3.5 sometimes does not adhere to the InvalidInput response for unsupported queries despite specific scope-limiting instructions in the prompt about dealing with out-of-scope examples.
  • Constraining the scope can be tricky, so the more specific you are about what constitutes a "supported query", the easier it gets for the LLM to identify an unsupported query that is out-of-scope or out-of-domain.


    Because a supported query is more narrowly defined than an unsupported query, it's easier to list the scenarios for the supported queries than it is for the wider set of scenarios for unsupported queries. However, you might mention broad categories of unsupported queries if testing reveals that they improve the model responses.
Few-Shot Examples for OOS and OOD Detection
Including a few unsupported queries as few-shot examples helps to constrain the scope and draws tighter boundaries around the definition of an out-of-scope scenario. Because LLMs learn by example, complementing the prompt instructions with unsupported queries can help a model discern between applicable and out-of-scope/out-of-domain queries.


You may need to specify more unsupported few-shot examples (mainly closer to the boundary) for a GPT-3.5 prompt to work well. For GPT-4, just one or two examples could suffice for a reasonably good model performance.
Instead of including obvious out-of-domain scenarios (like "What is the weather today"), specify examples that are close to the use case in question. In a job description use case, for example, including queries that are closer to the boundary like the following would constrain the LLM to generating job descriptions only:
Retrieve the list of candidates who applied to this position
Show me interview questions for this role
Can you help update a similar job description I created yesterday?
We recommend that you model the few-shot examples from intent utterances to ensure that the transition from the LLM component to another state or flow when the user input matches a skill intent. For example, let's say we have a skill with an answer intent that explains tax contributions, a transactional intent that files expenses, and the LLM component for creating job descriptions. In this case, you'd include some commonly encountered queries as few-shot examples of unsupported queries so that the model does not hallucinate responses that should instead be retrieved from the tax contribution answer intent. For example:
What's the difference between Roth and 401k?
Please file an expense for me
How do tax contributions work?    


Always be wary of the prompt length. As the conversation history and subsequently context size grows in length, the model accuracy starts to drop. For example, after more than three turns, GPT3.5 starts to hallucinate responses for OOS queries.
Model-Specific Considerations for OOS/OOD Prompt Design
For GPT-4 and GPT-3.5:
  • GPT-3.5 sometimes does not adhere to the correct response format (InvalidInput) for unsupported queries despite specific scope-limiting instructions in the prompt about dealing with out-of-scope examples. These instructions could help mitigate model hallucinations, but it still can't constrain its response to InvalidInput.
  • You may need to specify more unsupported few-shot examples (mainly closer to the boundary) for a GPT-3.5 prompt to work well. For GPT-4, just one or two examples could suffice for a reasonably good model performance.
For Cohere:
  • In general (not just for OOS/OOD queries), minor changes to the prompt can result in extreme differences in output. Despite tuning, the Cohere models may not behave as expected.
  • An enlarged context size causes hallucinations and failure to comply with instructions. To maintain the context, the transformRequestPayload handler embeds the conversation turns in the prompt.
  • Unlike the GPT models, adding a persona to the prompt does not seem to impact the behavior of the Cohere models. They weigh the task-specific instructions more than the persona.
  • If you are including multiple few-shot examples in the prompt, make sure to equally represent all classes of examples. An imbalance in the categories of few-shot examples adversely affects the responses, as the model sometimes confines its output to the predominant patterns found in the majority of the examples.

Tokens and Response Size

LLMs build text completions using tokens, which can correlate to a word (or parts of a word). "Are you going to the park?" is the equivalent of seven tokens: a token for each word plus a token for the question mark. A long word like hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (the fear of long words) is segmented into ten tokens. On average, 100 tokens equal roughly 75 words in English. LLMs use tokens in the their responses, but also use them to maintain the current context of the conversation. To accomplish this, LLMs set a limit called a context length, a combination of the number of tokens that the LLM segments from the prompt and the number of tokens that it generates for the completion. Each model sets its own maximum context length.

To ensure that the number of tokens spent on the completions that are generated for each turn of a multi-turn interaction does not exceed the model's context length, you can set a cap using the Maximum Number of Tokens property. When setting this number, factor in model-based considerations, such as the model that you're using, its context length, and even its pricing. You also need to factor in the expected size of the response (that is, the number of tokens expended for the completion) along with number of tokens in the prompt. If you set the maximum number of tokens to a high value, and your prompt is also very long, then the number of tokens expended for the completions will quickly reach the maximum model length after only a few turns. At this point, some (though not all) LLMs return a 400 response.

When the number of tokens consumed for an invocation reaches the model's context length, the LLM component will attempt the request again after it purges the oldest message from the message history.


Because the LLM component uses the conversation history to maintain the current context, the accuracy of the completions might decline when it deletes older messages to accommodate the model's context length.

Embedded Conversation History in OOS/OOD Prompts

Cohere models, unlike GPT models, are stateless and do not maintain the conversation context during multi-turn conversations. To maintain the conversation context when using a Cohere model, the transformRequestPayload handler adds a CONVERSATION section to the prompt text that's transmitted with the payload and passes in the conversation turns as pairs of user and assistant cues:
transformRequestPayload: async (event, context) => {
      let prompt = event.payload.messages[0].content;
      if (event.payload.messages.length > 1) {
         let history = event.payload.messages.slice(1).reduce((acc, cur) => `${acc}\n${cur.role}: ${cur.content}` , '');
         prompt += `\n\nCONVERSATION HISTORY:${history}\nassistant:`
      return {
        "max_tokens": event.payload.maxTokens,
        "truncate": "END",
        "return_likelihoods": "NONE",
        "prompt": prompt,
        "model": "command",
        "temperature": event.payload.temperature,
        "stream": event.payload.streamResponse
The first user query is included in this section and is considered part of the conversation history. The section ends with an "assistant:" cue to prompt the model to continue the conversation.

user: <first_query>
assistant: <first_response>
user: ...
assistant: ...
user: <latest_query>

Each turn increases both the length of the prompt and the likelihood that the model's context length will be exceeded. When this context length cap is met, the LLM component manages the situation by capturing the conversation history and truncating the conversation turns so that the model's ability to follow instructions remains undiminished.

LLM Interactions in the Skill Tester

The LLM Calls tab lets you monitor LLM component processing. From this view, which becomes available when the dialog flow transitions to an LLM component, you can track the exchanges between the LLM component, the user, and the model starting with the actual prompt that the LLM component sent to the model, complete with variable values. From that point on up to final output (or outcome), you can view the user-issued refinements, monitor turns, and if you've implement validation, the number of retries and related errors. When the retry count exceeds the defined limit, the LLM Interaction tab displays CLMI error code, error message, and error status code. When the retry count exceeds the defined limit, the LLM Interaction tab displays the CLMI error code, error message, and error status code. You can view the entire text of the prompts, refinement requests, and the outcome by right-clicking, then choosing, Show Full Text.
The Show Full Text option

By default, the final LLM state renders in the LLM Calls view. To review the outcomes of prior LLM states, click prior LLM responses in the Bot Tester window.


You can save the LLM conversation as a test case.