Assign and Manage Roles

To activate an application to end users, locate the application’s roles and assign users, groups, or roles to them. Roles assigned to end users define their permissions, such as task assignment and whether they can start an application.

By default, roles get created for each swimlane defined in an application’s processes. In addition, several key application roles are defined for you, as described in the following table. Want to learn more about defining roles? See Define Application Roles.

Role Description
Process Owner Users assigned this role can view process activity history, take actions (such as approve or reject), alter process flow, and view form data for applications they own. Process owners typically manage activated business processes and use metric analysis tools such as dashboards to monitor business processes and alter task flow as needed.
Process Reviewer Users assigned this role can view tracking and process activity history and view or add comments, attachments, or documents for the specified application. Process reviewers cannot take actions on tasks or alter task flow. They aren't process participants, but typically responsible for reporting on current process instance status, such as in a help desk or front office role.
Analytics Viewer Users assigned this role can create and view business analytics dashboards associated with the specified application. (Analytics viewers can't update tasks.) See Create and View Business Analytics Dashboards.

To assign or manage roles:

  1. In the Oracle Integration navigation pane, click My Tasks, click Workspace, and then click Administration.
  2. Click Manage Roles.
    The Manage Roles page displays. Below Manage Roles, all roles defined in swimlanes for all applications are listed. In addition, several special roles (Process Owner, Process Reviewer, and Analytics Viewer) are automatically created upon application activation and available for assignment. Each role includes the application name followed by its role, and lists its members below. For example, Application1.Process Owner refers to the Process Owner role in Application1. If needed, enter an application’s name in the Search field to limit the display to that application’s roles.
    If needed, add or delete roles. You can add and delete roles to a selected application, as described in Define Application Roles.
  3. Select the role to which you want to assign users.
  4. In the Assign Role section, click Add Member. In the Search users, groups, roles window, search for and select a user, group, or role, using one of the search methods listed. You can use an * asterisk as a wildcard character. Select users from the results, and click OK. The selected user, group, or role is now listed in the Assign Role table.
  5. Click Save to save the role assignment. If needed, click Revert to discard unsaved changes.
  6. Optionally, search for and add a member (user, group, or role) to the Escalation Path field to whom to escalate the task.
  7. Assign the Process Owner or Process Reviewer roles to users who need enhanced visibility into the task history of process instances.

    Process Owners can see the tasks that they own in the process by selecting Administered by Me under My Tasks. Process Reviewers can see the tasks that they review in the process by selecting Reviewed by Me under My Tasks.

    When users assigned either of these key roles open a task and view the task's history, they see an extra drop-down field with two options:

    • Task View (default) shows the current task's history.
    • Full View shows the history of all tasks in the process. Process Owners can see details of the current task and details of all the completed tasks in the process. Process Reviewers can see details of the current task only. They can't see details of all the completed tasks in the process.

    Let’s take the example of a simple hiring process with these key swimlane roles, among others:

    • Candidate, who starts the process instance by submitting a job application form
    • Department Manager, who makes the final decision based on others’ feedback
    • Human Resources Manager, who prepares the candidate’s job offer if approved

    After the candidate submits the form, multiple people such as interviewers and hiring managers complete tasks in the process. They can each view history for their assigned task only.

    Because the Department Manager is assigned the Process Owner role, and the Human Resources Manager is assigned the Process Reviewer role, they can use the Full View option to see the history details. Both the Department Manager and Human Resource Manager can see details of the current task. The Department Manager, who is assigned the Process Owner role, can also see the details of all the tasks that have been completed. This information gives them the oversight to make appropriate hiring decisions.