Add Entities from the Console

For entities that are monitored by Cloud Agents, you can alternatively add them directly from the Oracle Management Cloud Add Entities page. This greatly simplifies the entity addition process.

When adding an entity from the UI, the entity-specific properties are submitted as an Oracle Management Cloud discovery job. For more information about specific entity attributes and properties, see Entity Attributes and Properties. The new entity will be added upon successful completion of the job.


Not all agent-monitored entity types can be added using the Oracle Management Cloud console. For entity types not available as a selectable option, you will need to add them manually using the Oracle Management Cloud command line interface (omcli). See Add Entities Using JSON Files.

Adding an Entity

To add an entity from the Add Entity page.
  1. From the Management Cloud main menu, select Administration, Discovery, and then Add Entity. The Add Entity page displays.

  2. Select an Entity Type. Property and monitoring credential fields specific to the selected entity type are displayed as shown in the following graphic.
    Add Entity UI


    After a fresh Cloud agent installation, agent configuration information first needs to be collected before it can be selected from the Add Entity UI. Wait five minutes after a Cloud agent installation before selecting it from the Cloud Agent drop-down list.

    By default, the discovery Job Name consists of the entity type and timestamp. You can change this name to something more intuitive, if desired.

    Optionally, you can create tags that define additional relationships between entities. These relationships will help search and group these entities in Oracle Management Cloud. For example, you may want to use the same tag for all entities that are physically in the same location, or entities that are part of the same custom logical group. The Tag all members option applies to composite entities and allows you to specify the same tag to all members discovered under this entity.

    The tags can also be specified in the entity JSON file. For information about tags, see Define Associations Between Entities.


    If you cannot find the desired entity type from the drop-down list, you may have to add the entity using omcli. See Add Entities Using JSON Files.
  3. Enter the requisite properties, monitoring credentials, and tags if desired. The entity properties shown on this page mirror those found in the entity type’s JSON file. See Entity Attributes and Properties for more information about entity type properties.

  4. Click Add Entity. You are returned to the Discovery Job Status page. The entity addition job name specified in step 3 will appear in the table.

From the Discovery Job Status page, you can view the current status of entity addition attempts. Entity status can be one of the following:

  • Success - This is a terminal state where the discovery job is a success.
  • Submitted - This is the initial state when the discovery job has just been submitted.
  • In Progress - This is the state when the discovery is on-going.
  • Failure - This is a terminal state when the discovery job has failed.
  • Success with warnings - This is a terminal state where entity discovery has succeeded but there are some warnings.

For entity discovery jobs with a Failed or Warning status, Retry appears in the Action column. Clicking Retry will open up the Add Entity page populated with parameters (except monitoring credentials) that were used when the entity was originally added. This allows you to quickly make any corrections and resubmit the entity discovery job without having to enter all the parameters.

Prerequisite Checks

When the discovery job is run, prerequisite checks are automatically performed for certain entity types. You can view the output of the prerequisite checks by clicking on the discovery job status for that entity. The output contains valuable information that can help you diagnose discovery job failures.
Discovery job prerequisite output.

Composite Entities

Composite entities consist of multiple separate child entities. For example, a database system entity can consist of databases, listeners, pluggable databases, etc. When the discovery job is run to add a composite entity, it's possible that only some of the child entities will not be added successfully. When this happens, we recommend that you follow this procedure for each entity that was not successfully added:
  • Perform a Retry for the entity
  • If you're using OMCLI, run omcli update_entity followed by omcli refresh_entity.

Forcing Discovery

Under certain circumstances, you may want a discovery job to proceed regardless of what issues are raised by the prerequisite checks. For example, when installing a composite entity such as a database system, even though prerequisite validation issues occur when trying to discover a net listener, you may only care about discovering the RAC databases, ASM, and other select database system child entities rather than stopping the discovery process for the entire database system. To do this, you can force the discovery job to proceed via the force option.

When the force option is used, you tell the discovery job to report all issues that occur when the prerequisite validation checks are run, but ignore the check recommendations and to go ahead with the discovery attempt.

There are two ways to specify the force option:


Specify the -force option when executing the add_entity or update_entity verb.

From the Oracle Management Cloud Console:

  1. Click Add Entity (or Retry). The Confirmation popup displays.

    Image displays the Confirmation popup.

  2. Select Continue, though the operation might ultimately fail.
  3. Click Continue.