Monitoring End User Experience of a Web Application

You can monitor all objects related to a web application from the Web Applications page.

Define APM Web Applications

With Web Applications, you can define and save a filter to pull together a set of pages in the application, that match the defined filter criteria at a particular time point.

An administrator can create a Web Application Definition for pages with a specific URL or name. To create a Web Application Definition:
  1. From the main menu, select Monitoring, then click Monitoring Admin.
  2. Click APM Web Application Definition.
  3. Click Create.
  4. In the Create Web Application screen, provide a name for the web application definition.
  5. Choose the scope on which to base your web application definition. The web application scope can be a Page URL or OMC Tag. Various operators are available such as: "contains", "starts with", etc. For more complex rules, you can extend the scope matching several rules in a logical tree.

    Figure 3-1 Web Application Scope

    The web application scope wizard is where you can decide what is going to be searched for in the web application definition.

    In this example, the web application definition is looking for page URLs that contain and does not contain test02.

The new web application definition is listed in the Web Application Definitions page. You can select a web application as a filter in the Home page, Page List page, and Application Server List page. This will narrow the page focus to just the elements that are included in the scope of the Web Application Definition. You can delete a Web Application Definition by clicking the X icon in the respective row.

Additional Reporting Classification

Configure the URL and context values from the traffic collected from pages, page updates, and Ajax calls for your Web Application definition.

Data can be extracted from the input source and optionally manipulated. Input sources are typically:

  • Base URL
  • URL Argument
  • Page Title
  • Attribute 1
  • Attribute 2

You can manipulate the output by selecting Use Regular Expressions. After selecting the input source, add a search pattern and type what it's going to be replaced by. Test the regular expression by typing an example in the Test On text field and click Run.

In addition to the custom regular expressions defined by the user, Oracle Application Performance Monitoring also provides Always Applied Output Manipulation to the definition.

The manipulations include the following:

  • Removal of date strings from URLs, page titles, and attributes
  • Removal of time strings from URLs, page titles, and attributes
  • Removal of email addresses from page titles and attributes

Test Configuration

Click Collect Sample Data to collect a 15 minute sample of live traffic. Once the sample has gathered data, you can run the definition and view how data will be manipulated by this web application.

Use APM Web Applications

You can define a web application to match a set of pages to a set filter criteria.

Specific web application metrics like sessions, pages, and AJAX calls can be seen from the APM UI in context of the web application entity. Graphs related to the web applications metrics can be seen from the Monitoring UI in context of the web application entity. For quick access to the data from web applications, select a web application via a global filter, which sets the context for further navigation in the APM or Monitoring UI.

View Web Application Metrics

From the Web Application metric page, you can access diagnostic data, Ajax calls, and Sessions in more detail.

  1. From the Monitoring menu, click Entities.
  2. Filter by APM Web Application Entity Types.
  3. Click on the APM Web Application Entity.

Click the Actions button to monitor Pages, Ajax calls, and Sessions related to the Web Application metric.

View Web Application Pages

Visualize page data related to the Web Application using Oracle Application Performance Monitoring.

From the Web Application Pages UI, you can use different filters from the drop-down menu or use quick filters such as:
  • Load: This will show server requests that helped construct the page.
  • Partial: This will show end user interactions that triggered some update to the page through Ajax calls.
  • Full: This will show pages that modified the URL due to user activity, meaning that the updated pages can be bookmarked and are accessible in browser history.

Partial and Full page loads will be seen in the context of Single Page Applications (SPA), where Ajax calls are executed to update page content instead of loading a complete new page. These filters will offer links to the relevant server requests.