Known Issues for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation

Learn about the issues you may encounter when using the current version of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation.

Audit issues

The following issue is related to audit section:

  • The Audit section of the instance details page shows error message for faulted multi-instance tasks.

Error messages

The following issue is related to error messages:

  • On the custom properties panel, when you click Add button and then add a description without a property name, validation message does not dsiplay.

Intermittent attachment download issues

The following issue occurs intermittently for document download:

  • Downloading attachments intermittently fails with the 403 File not scanned error. Retry doesn't work and the file download remains stuck.

Connector issues

The following issue is related to connectors:

Issue while using the OCI Signature security policy: Any call using OCI signature policy with passphrase fails and results in error.

Analytics issues

The following issues are related to Analytics:

  • Analytics does not show some faulted structured processes.
  • The Analytics graphical view shows linkages for milestones of dynamic processes.
  • The Analytics graphical view shows links for non-dependent activities of dynamic processes.
  • The Analytics engine reports incorrect metrics for a dynamic process that was suspended and later resumed.
  • When you invoke an application with a timer and boundary event, the Analytics engine does not report the timer event's average time and the boundary event's activity is shown as in progress even though the process is completed.
  • The Analytics graphical view of dynamic processes incorrectly shows links between stages.
  • The Analytics graphical view of dynamic processes shows incorrectly that manually activated global activities and stage is linked to other stages.
  • There could be a discrepancy in the count of pinstCount_pdef_daywisetotal for parent and child processes.
  • The graphical view in the Analytics page does not display for some dynamic processes.
  • Terminal end event does not get linked to the activity node in the graphical view on the Analytics page.

Form issues

The following issues are related to forms:

  • An incorrect error message is displayed if importing an application fails.
  • When you change the browser language to Japanese, auto binding of user interface components may not work correctly.
  • Activating the imported recipe Approve Quote Discount recipe fails because the form references a stylesheet that does not exist in the project.

    Workaround: Before activating the recipe, open the form that results in an error. Navigate to the CSS and import a new CSS to apply.

Process issues

You may find the following issues with structured and dynamic processes while creating and configuring them in Designer, and running them in Workspace.

  • Altering the flow from a user task in an event subprocess to start event in event sub process or user task in event sub process results in failure.

Structured processes:

  • When a flow is altered, the Audit page does not show the to and from activity names.
  • Runtime exception occurs when a process is invoked with missing attributes.
  • The audit page shows more parallel gateways than what the process was designed with.
  • Clicking the Open Console button on a process automation instance opens an incorrect URL.

Dynamic processes:

  • If you alter the flow of a decision model, the process instance remains in Active state even after the activity is completed.
  • When a dynamic process is suspended, the isSuspended flag is not set to true for the associated tasks.

REST API issues

Search APIs do not support unicode characters.

Service task issues

The following issue is related to service tasks:

  • Stage fails to complete if a service task faults.
  • Service tasks do not provide complete input and output information when they were retried after a failure.
  • Retried service tasks are incorrectly reported.

Search issues

The following issues are related to the new business search in the Tasks and Tracking pages:

  • Few old tasks appear with incorrect states in search results.
  • For an administrative user, tasks assigned to non-existent users appear in the My tasks tab.
  • Active instances do not appear on the tracking page when searched using the defined fields.
  • On the tasks and tracking pages, there maybe a mismatch in the number of tasks and instances that appear as compared to the previous release.
  • Search for instances using the business key as free text search may not give the correct results.
  • Dynamic process instances search using the business key and the * wildcard character may not give the correct results.
  • Searching for tasks may not display the correct results if the browser language is changed to German.
  • Search for instances and tasks that have one or more assigned members doesn't give results.

User task issues

The following issues are related to user tasks:
  • If you assign a task to a user, activate and invoke the process at runtime, and the user is later deleted in IDCS, then the Assignee details are shown as IDENTITY-NOT-FOUND found in Task details and in audit details pages.
  • Global tasks fail to terminate when the related conditions are satisfied.
  • When the parent process is suspended, performing an action on the task of a child process will result in error.
  • Expired tasks do not appear in the assigned tasks tab of the user. As a workaround, you can view the expired tasks using the Started by me filter.
  • A user with managed permissions of a process is unable to get the user tasks of a deactivated user.
  • Audit shows incorrect data for a human task with parallel approval policy.

    For example:
    1. Create a human task with parallel assignees as approval policy.
    2. Create three roles each with different users.
    3. Assign the human task to these three roles each with percentage required as 30%
    4. In runtime, the task appears to all three users. If the third user approves the task first, the task gets completed as percentage required was set as 30%.
    5. Now if you open the Audit window, it shows that all three users completed the task which is not correct as only one of the three users completed the task.
  • More information page of a task gives correct details of created by user while audit details provide last performed user details.
  • When a task payload is modified, the audit API does not show the changes.

Workspace issues

The following issues are related to Process Automation Workspace:
  • Re-trying a service task takes long time: After correcting the issue for failure, when you retry a service task it may take a long time to execute. Process state is also not refreshed automatically after the retry.

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