Fire Notification

This action is used to fire a "vbNotification" event to display a message to the user in the browser.

There are four types of notifications: Info, Error, Warning, and Confirmation. They display a summary and a message underneath:
Description of jsac-notification-types.jpg follows
Description of the illustration jsac-notification-types.jpg

"vbNotification" events are just like custom events, except that they have a defined name and a suggested use. Notifications are generally intended to help implement a flexible message display, but the specific use can be defined by the application. See Custom Events for details.

Here are details about this action's parameters:

Parameter Name Description
summary Summary/title to display in large, bold letters for notification.
message Message to display in notification.
displayMode Display mode: persist or transient
type Notification type: info, error, warning, or confirmation

Here's an example of a call to the Fire Notification action:

 await Actions.fireNotificationEvent(context, {
      message: $page.variables.message,
      summary: $page.variables.summary,
      displayMode: 'persist',
      type: 'error',