Add JavaScript Modules As Global Functions

When different parts of your application routinely use similar JavaScript functions to transform or manipulate data, you can extract those functions as global functions and reuse them.

To make these functions reusable in pages, you can define their implementation as global functions and make them available in all pages (fragments or any other container), both within and across extensions.

Let's say extA defines two JavaScript utilities, dateUtils.js and standardUtils.js, shared by containers (page, fragment, and dynamic layout artifacts) in the extension. Rather than copy the code for the utilities into every extension that requires the same logic, you can add them as global functions (at the extension1/sources/ui/self/resources/ level) and declare rules for their usage in an associated functions.json metadata file. This way, dependent extensions (and their App UIs) can import the functions as resources and use them with minimal effort.

To add JavaScript modules as global functions to your extension:

  1. Create an archive (for example, a file) that contains your JavaScript files and a related functions.json file.
    You can structure your files any way you want, meaning they can be a flat list of files or in subfolders of any depth, as long as the functions.json file uses the correct file paths. Here's an example of the structure you can use:
    | functions.json
    | someFunction.js
    | subfolder1/
    |   |  myFunction.js
    | subfolder2/
    |   |  otherFunction.js

    Make sure your JavaScript files do not have any dependencies. See Example JS Module Defined As a Global Function.

    The functions.json file defines the context name, label, description, and other necessary metadata and is required to expose the functions properly. See Example functions.json to Declare Global Functions.

  2. Import the archive to your extension at the global resources level.


    Global functions can only be defined at the extension level. You cannot add them to an App UI's resources or any other folder, including those meant for the Unified Application.
    1. In the App UIs pane, right-click the global Resources folder and click Import. If you're using Source view, go to extension1/sources/ui/self/resources/ and click Import.
    2. Drag your archive (for example, from your local file system and drop it onto the target area.
    3. Click Import.
  3. Once the functions folder is created in your extension, you can add or delete files as needed. Here's an example of the imported with the calculator.js and functions.json files:

The functions now become available to you as follows:

Example JS Module Defined As a Global Function

Here's an example of a calculator.js module, which defines two global functions:

define([], () => {
  'use strict';

  function add(num1, num2) {
    return num1 + num2;

  function multiply(num1, num2) {
    return num1 * num2;

  return { add, multiply };


The functions.json file would include the calculator.js file in its list of JS modules in the files section.

Example functions.json to Declare Global Functions

The functions.json file is used to declare JavaScript modules as global functions and specifies the metadata of functions, such as module name, function name and parameters it takes, as well as the implementation file path. Here's an example of a functions.json file that references the calculator.js module:

  "files": {
    "calculator": {
      "path": "oracle/calculator",
      "label": "Calculator",
      "description": "Calculator Utilities",
      "iconClass": "oj-ux-ico-airport",
      "referenceable": "extension",
      "functions": {
        "add": {
          "label": "Add Numbers",
          "description": "Add two numbers",
          "params": {
            "num1": {
              "label": "First Number",
              "description": "First Number",
              "type": "number"
            "num2": {
              "label": "Second Number",
              "description": "Second Number",
              "type": "number"
          "return": "number",
          "referenceable": "extension"
        "multiply": {
          "label": "Multiply Numbers",
          "description": "Multiply two numbers",
          "params": {
            "num1": {
              "label": "First Number",
              "description": "First Number",
              "type": "number"
            "num2": {
              "label": "Second Number",
              "description": "Second Number",
              "type": "number"
          "return": "number",
          "referenceable": "self"

File Metadata Object

The files section can include one or more JS files. Each file path (relative to dynamicLayouts/self/resources/functions/) maps to a metadata object that describes a group of functions.

Name Type Description
path string Relative path of the implementation file. In the example above, the path to the .js file is oracle/calculator. When the file is a RequireJS module, the .js extension can be dropped.
label string A string or an i18n bundle key to the string for naming this function group.
description string A string or an i18n bundle key to the string for describing this function group.
referenceable self | extension (Optional) Whether the module is accessible to the current extension or dependent extensions. For example, the calculator module is set to "referenceable": "extensible", meaning the file is accessible to dependent extensions. If referenceable isn't defined, its value defaults to self, which means only the current extension (where the module is defined) can access its functions.
functions Object<String,Function> (Required) An object that maps function name to function metadata. See Function Metadata Object.

Function Metadata Object

The functions section can be used to list functions that are available to callers.

Name Type Description
label string A string or an i18n bundle key to the string for naming this function group.
description string A string or an i18n bundle key to the string for describing this function group.
params Object<String,Function> (Required) An object that maps parameter name to a param object. See Param Metadata Object.
return string The return type of the function. Only primitive types, array, object, and any are supported.
referenceable self | extension

Whether the function can be referenced from the current or a dependent extension. A function can be less permissive about its access, but it cannot supersede the access set on the module. For example, the calculator module allows access to all dependent extensions ("referenceable": "extension"), whereas the multiply method only allows access to the current extension ("referenceable": "self") . This definition means a dependent extension that imports the calculator module will not be able to call the multiply function.

Consider another example:
    "dateLocalUtils": {
      "path": "date/dateUtils",
      "label": "Date Utility Functions",
      "referenceable": "self",
      "functions": {
        "dateToIsoString": {
          "referenceable": "extension"
where the dateLocalUtils module is only accessible to the current extension ("referenceable": "self"), but the dateToIsoString function within dateLocalUtils expands its access beyond what the module allows. This is not allowed, so the function can only be called by artifacts in the current extension.

If a function does not define referenceable, it assumes the access set on the module. The default access for a module is self.

Param Metadata Object

Name Type Description
label string A string or an i18n bundle key to the string for naming this function group.
description string A string or an i18n bundle key to the string for describing this function group.
type string (Required) The type of the parameter. Only primitive types, array, object, and any are supported.