20 Embedded Browser Notes

Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel includes an embedded browser that it uses for JSON web token (JWT) log-in.


The add-in is based on Microsoft .NET technology and uses the .NET Web Browser control to display web pages from inside Excel. The implementation of this .NET Web Browser control uses key components of Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) installed on the machine where the add-in is running. So, in effect, IE is running inside Excel when the add-in displays a web page.


Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 must be installed on the client machine running Excel and the add-in. Earlier versions of Internet Explorer are not supported.


The add-in's reliance on IE means that the behavior of the browser can vary depending on the version of IE installed and the settings of the local IE installation.

You should continue to apply Microsoft updates for Internet Explorer, even if you don't use Internet Explorer for browsing.

Other Browsers

Even if you select another browser such as Firefox or Chrome as your default, this setting has no effect on the add-in. It always uses IE through the .NET Web Browser control.

Likewise, you may have used a different browser to download the integrated workbook. However, once inside Excel and the add-in, web pages are displayed using the .NET Web Browser control through IE.


When troubleshooting a problem, be sure to pay special attention to your IE configuration. There are key settings under Internet Options that can influence the behavior of the add-in. These settings include the LAN settings, Security settings, Languages settings, and Certificates settings.


Although the embedded browser is based on IE, the behavior of a given web page in the embedded browser may not exactly match the behavior of the same page in your "stand-alone" IE installation.

For example, the JavaScript console doesn't exist in the embedded browser. Web pages running in IE may try to write to the console for diagnostic purposes. Page developers should take care to check for the console before attempting to write to it.


The add-in installer sets the FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION feature control key for Excel in the registry to IE 11 mode.

Support for Internet Explorer

Some Oracle products may choose to phase out support for IE now or in the future. Any such statements to this effect about Oracle support are valid for those products, but they do not apply to the add-in. The add-in continues to require IE as described here.