5 Creating an Instance

You can create a new Oracle Forms instance from the Marketplace Repository in the Compute Instance Console or directly from the Marketplace.

Two options are available: Oracle Forms for OCI Images (for BYOL) or Oracle WebLogic Suite UCM Images (for UCM).

Creating an Instance Using the Compute Instance Console

You can create a new Oracle Forms instance from the Marketplace Repository in the Compute Instance Console, using either the Oracle Forms for OCI Image (for BYOL) or the Oracle WebLogic Suite UCM Image (for UCM).


The image versions in this listing are occasionally updated. These updates are generally released in order to address reported defects related to the provisioning process or to update minor versions of dependent software, such as Oracle Java, to ensure the latest version at the time the image is created is being used. When a new image using the same Oracle Forms version is made available, previous listing versions may be removed and will no longer be available. Be sure to create your own backup copy before altering the original if you may need it again at a later date.

To create an instance using the Compute Instance Console:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
  2. Click the navigation menu, select Compute, then Instance.
  3. Click Create Instance.
  4. Provide an Instance name.
    The names chosen will become the machine’s host name so do not include blank spaces or other characters not supported for a machine host name.
  5. Select the compartment where you want to create the instance.
  6. Under Placement, select the Availability Domain in which to create the instance.
    To specify capacity type and fault domain, click Show Advanced Options.
  7. Under Image and Shape, click Change Image, click Marketplace, then do the following:
    1. Select Partner Images.
    2. In the search field, search for one of the following images and select it by checking the corresponding check box:
      • Oracle Forms Services Image (BYOL only)
      • Oracle WebLogic Suite UCM Image (UCM only)
    3. From the Image Build list, select the desired image.

      For UCM images, be sure to choose one that specifies “Forms” in the name.

      The UCM naming format for images that include Oracle Forms is:

      <release>-<OS version>-Forms-<version>_<build date>.

      For example, 23.3.1-ol7.9-Forms-

      The BYOL naming format is: <Forms version>_<build date>.

      For example,

    4. Review the terms and conditions, then select I have reviewed and accept the Oracle Terms of Use.
  8. Under Image and Shape, click Change Shape.
  9. Select the Virtual Machine, then select the desired shape.
    The minimum recommended shape will include at least 1 OCPU and 16 GB Memory. Only AMD and Intel processors are supported for use with Oracle Forms. For more information about Oracle Cloud Shapes, see Compute Shapes in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.
  10. Configure the Network for the instance.
    To specify advanced network settings, click Show Advanced Options.
  11. Under Add SSH Keys, generate a key pair, upload your public key, or paste the keys.
  12. Under Boot Volume, specify the size and encryption options for the instance's boot volume.
    The Forms image creates a default disk size of 75 GB. See Extend the OCI Instance Disk Space.
  13. Click Show Advanced Options to configure advanced settings.
  14. Click Create.
For more information about creating instances, see Creating a Linux instance in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.

Creating an Instance Using the Marketplace

You can create a new Oracle Forms instance directly from the Marketplace using either the Oracle Forms for OCI Image (for BYOL) or the Oracle WebLogic Suite UCM Image (for UCM).

To create an instance using the Marketplace:
  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
  2. Click the navigation menu, select Marketplace, then click All Applications.
  3. Search for and select one of the following images:
    • Oracle Forms Services Image (for BYOL only)
    • Oracle WebLogic Suite UCM Image (for UCM only)
  4. From the Version drop-down list, select the desired image.

    For UCM images, be sure to choose one that specifies “Forms” in the name.

    The UCM naming format for images that include Oracle Forms is:

    <release>-<OS version>-Forms-<version>_<build date>.

    For example, 23.3.1-ol7.9-Forms-

    The BYOL naming format is: <Forms version>_<build date>.

    For example,

  5. Select the Compartment in which to create the instance.
  6. Review the terms and conditions and select the I have reviewed and accept the Oracle Terms of Use.
  7. Click Launch Instance.
  8. Provide an Instance name.
    The names chosen will become the machine’s host name so do not include blank spaces or other characters not supported for a machine host name.
  9. Under Placement, select the Availability Domain in which to create the instance.
    To specify capacity type and fault domain, click Show Advanced Options.
  10. Under Image and Shape, click Change Shape.
  11. Select the Virtual Machine, then select the desired shape.
    The minimum recommended shape will include at least 1 OCPU and 16 GB Memory. Only AMD and Intel processors are supported for use with Oracle Forms. For more information about Oracle Cloud Shapes, see Compute Shapes in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.
  12. Configure the network for the instance.
    To specify advanced network settings, click Show Advanced Options.
  13. Under Add SSH Keys, generate a key pair, upload your public key, or paste the keys.
  14. Under Boot Volume, specify the size and encryption options for the instance's boot volume.
    The Forms image creates a default disk size of 75 GB. See Extend the OCI Instance Disk Space.
  15. Click Show Advanced Options to configure advanced settings.
  16. Click Create.
For more information about creating instances, see Creating a Linux instance in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.