Patch Management Using the Patching Utility Tool on Windows

Use the patching utility tool in Oracle WebLogic Server for OCI to list, download, and get information about patches. You can also view the patching utility version and upgrade the patching utility.


For information on connecting to the Compute instance using the Remote Desktop, see Connecting to WebLogic Server for OCI Windows Images Deployed on Private Subnet

View Patching Utility Tool Version

Use the patching utility tool to view the build version along with the Oracle license and copyright information.

  1. Connect to the Compute instance as the opc user with Remote Desktop.
  2. Bring up a command window and print the build version.
    patch-utils -v

    Sample output:

    Weblogic Cloud Patch-Utils <Patch version number>
    Copyright (c) 2020, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates.Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

Configure Initial Setup

The patches are hosted on the object storage locations in the regions supported by the patching tool. Currently, the regions: us-phoenix-1, us-ashburn-1, eu-frankfurt-1, ap-mumbai-1, ap-tokyo-1, and sa-saopaulo-1 are supported.

Ensure that you establish a connection from the WebLogic compute instance where you are running patch-utils to the object storage endpoints for the regions that are listed in the following table.

Table 8-4 Object Storage Endpoints for the Supported Regions

Region Object Storage Endpoint








You must configure a NAT gateway to use the patching tool functionality if:
  • Your WebLogic compute instance is deployed in a region different from those listed in the Table 8-3.
  • Your WebLogic compute instance is deployed in a region different than the region where you set up the patching tool configuration.

  1. Connect to the Compute instance as the opc user with Remote Desktop.
  2. Bring up a command window and set up the configuration:
    patch-utils setup

    Sample output:

    Choose wls version ['','']:
    Choose oci region for patch download ['us-ashburn-1', 'eu-frankfurt-1', 'ap-mumbai-1', 'ap-tokyo-1', 'us-phoenix-1', 'sa-saopaulo-1']: us-phoenix-1
    Created config file [C:\Users\opc\.patchutils\config]

List Patches

Use the patching utility to list all the available patches in the object storage. You can also list current patches and latest patches that are available in the patching utility repository.


You must set up the configuration file before running the patch-utils list command as described in Configure Initial Setup.

  1. Connect to the Compute instance as the opc user with Remote Desktop.
  2. Bring up a command window and list all patches for the applicable WebLogic Server version.
    patch-utils list

    Sample output:

     Patch Id       Description
    32471832  Generic Platform patch for WebLogic Server. Adds a system property to disable file store locks. Patch applicable for Oracle WebLogic Server on OKE.  
    32905339  Generic Platform Patch for Oracle Web Services Manager  
    34604561  FMW Thirdparty Bundle Patch  
    32880070  Generic Platform Patch for Oracle Fusion Middleware  
    33059296  Testing WLS PATCH SET UPDATE  
    33059296  Generic Platform Patch for Oracle WebLogic Server  
    32684757  Generic Platform Patch for Jdeveloper, WLS version:  
    34535558  ADF Bundle Patch  
    34653267  WLS Patch Set Update  
    34566592  OWSM Bundle Patch  
    34542329  Merge Request on Top of Bugs 34280277 26354548 26629487 29762601  
    34545596  Coherence Cumulative Patch 15(  
    33084721  Testing ADF BUNDLE PATCH  
    32973297  Oracle Coherence Cummulative Patch  
    33084721  Generic Platform Patch for Jdeveloper  
    36068046  Coherence Cumulative Patch 20(  
    36155700  WLS Patch Set Update  
    36074941  ADF Bundle Patch  
    36086980  FMW Thirdparty Bundle Patch  
    35965629  ADR for Weblogic Server Size Optimized for Jan 2024  
    35868571  OWSM Bundle Patch  
    35778804  Coherence Cumulative Patch 19( 
    28186730  Opatch for EM 13.4, 13.5 and FMW/WLS, and
  3. List the latest patches and other component patches for the relevant WebLogic Server version, from the available patches in catalog.
    patch-utils list -L

    Sample output:

    Choose the  component ['WLS', 'FusionMiddleware','Coherence', 'Forms', 'Database'] (default: ALL):   
    Patch Id  Patch Components        Description
    36068046  WLS, FMW, COH       Coherence Patch 20(  
    36155700  WLS, FMW            WLS Patch Set Update  
    36074941  FMW                 ADF Bundle Patch  
    36086980  WLS, FMW            FMW Thirdparty Bundle Patch  
    35965629  WLS, FMW            ADR forWeblogic Server Optimized forJan 2024  
    35868571  WLS, FMW            OWSM Bundle Patch

View Patch Details

Use the patching utility to view information of the specified patch.

The WebLogic Server patches include the readme file that provides the patch details and other useful information about patching.

  1. Connect to the Compute instance as the opc user with Remote Desktop.
  2. Bring up a command window and list all patches for the applicable WebLogic Server version.
    patch-utils info -i <Patch ID>

    The first ten lines of the readme.txt file are displayed.

    Sample output:

    Oracle Coherence Release
    Released: September, 2023 
    Oracle Coherence README
    This README provides information about how to apply the patch update to OracleCoherence using OPatch. 
    OPatch and Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Documentation

Download Patches

Use the patching utility to download the patches to a directory.

If your WebLogic compute instance does not have connectivity to the object storage endpoints for the regions that you configured in the initial setup, you must download the patches on the bastion host that you created with Oracle WebLogic Server for OCI and then copy the zip files to the WebLogic VM.

  1. Connect to the Compute instance as the opc user with Remote Desktop.
  2. Bring up a command window and download the latest patches for the applicable WebLogic Server version.
    patch-utils download -L -p <Location to download>
    Sample output:
    Choose the component ['WLS','FusionMiddleware','Coherence', 'Forms', 'Database'] (default: ALL):
    Successfully downloaded following patch(es). Please copy them to weblogic hosts and apply them using WebLogic opatch utility.
    ['', '', '', '', '', '', '']
  3. You can also download a patch using the patch ID.
    patch-utils download -l <Patch ID> -p <Location to download>
    Sample output:
    Successfully downloaded following patch(es). 
    Please copy them to weblogic hosts and apply them using WebLogic opatch utility.

Upgrade Patching Utility

Use the patching tool to upgrade the patching tool to the latest version.


Upgrading the patching utility requires elevated privileges. The command window must be opened with "Run as Administrator".

  1. Connect to the Compute instance as the opc user with Remote Desktop.
  2. Bring up a command window from the Start menu, right-click and select "Run as Administrator", and print the build version.
    patch-utils upgrade
    Sample output:
    Successfully updated patch-utils to [<Patch Utils version number>]. Please rerun patch-utils.