10 Running Auto Match

You can run Auto Match at different points while using Transaction Matching.

  • You can run auto match at the end of an import of transactions.
  • You can run auto match at any other time through the user interface:

To run Auto Match, you must have access to one or more profiles that are based on Transaction Matching formats. For Power Users, assign access to the required profiles by using filters in the Power User Security tab. See Power User Security in Account Reconciliation. For users, assign access to the required profiles using the Workflow tab. See Assigning Profile Workflows.


While the Auto Match is running, the entire match type is locked. A message is displayed alerting users about this temporary lock.

To run auto match:

  1. From Home, select Application, then Jobs.

    The Jobs list is displayed.

  2. Select Transaction Matching to display the Transaction Matching jobs. screenshot of Job History tab showing Run Auto Match option on Actions drop down
  3. From the Actions drop-down, select Run Auto Match..


    For subset rules, while matching an unmatched transaction from one side of the match, Auto Match considers the first 750 unmatched transactions, ordered by amount and transaction ID, from the many side of the match. If there are more than 750 possible matches from the many side of the match, the remaining unmatched transactions may not be considered during the matching process. To improve the performance of Auto Match for subset rules, you can do the following:

    • Create one or more rules (except a subset rule) by using attributes that can uniquely identify a match and configure this rule to run before the subset rule
    • Include additional attributes in the rule condition of the subset rule to uniquely identify transactions that must be matched

After running Auto Match, you can start confirming suggested matches and then work on the manual matches needed as well as adjustments.