Enabling Enterprise Journals

You can enable Enterprise Journals in an application using one of these methods:

  • During the application creation process, you use the Features tab in the Create Application Wizard.

    1. In the Create Application Wizard, navigate to the Features tab.

    2. Select Enterprise Journals and complete the application creation process.

  • After you create an application, you can enable Enterprise Journals from the Application Configuration page.

    1. On the Home page, click Application, and select Configuration.

    2. From the Configure page, click Enable Features.

    3. Select Enterprise Journals and click Enable.

    4. When the system displays a message that it has been enabled, click OK.

    5. From the Settings and Actions menu, click Reload Navigation Flow.

After you enable Enterprise Journals in an application:

  • On the Home page, click Application, then select Enterprise Journals to access journal administrator tasks and design the journal system.

  • On the Home page, click Enterprise Journals to work with journal lists and journal line items.