About Data Source Attributes

When defining an attribute in a data source, you need to provide certain details. The following table describes the details.


A data source can have a maximum of 200 attributes.

Table 10-2 Attribute Details

Field Description
ID ID of the data source attribute
Name Name of the data source attribute
  • Text- Used for large comments, descriptions, and so on and can be up to 300 characters long.


    When the value in a text string is already enclosed in double quotes at the beginning and ending of the string, use double quotes when you have comma inside that text. For example: "GM LLC - GMNA, formerly ""NAO"" ADMIN STAFF"
  • Date-The format when loading transactions should be DD-MMM-YYYY or DD-MMM-YY.


    You may have multiple Date attributes, but one must be designated as Required and serve as the Accounting Date which represents the accounting period that the transaction is reflected in. This date assigned to each transaction will be used to perform all period-end calculations.
  • Number:

    Used for amount fields up to 15 digits in total and up to 12 digits after precision. Numbers are rounded to 2 decimal places for variance calculations. Numbers with up to total 15 digits are supported without loss of precision.

    For example, all of these examples are valid:

    • 1234567890123.45
    • 12345678901234.5
    • 123456789012.345
    • 1234.56789012345
  • Integer:

    Used for non-decimal values up to 18 digits and can be positive or negative.

  • List:

    Used to configure a List of Values and upper and lowercase do not matter when importing.

  • Yes/No:

    Used for a Boolean field that can be left Blank, Yes (1,Yes,YES,Y,y,T,t,True,TRUE,True) or No (0,No,NO,N,n,F,f,False,FALSE,False)

  • Group:

    Used for group attributes. See About Group Attributes in Reconciliation Compliance.

Decimal Places

For attributes with Type set to Number, enter the number of decimal places that must be used for the attribute.

Default Value (optional) Enter a default value for this attribute.

Select if you want to activate the duplicate transaction check process. The Key setting is a way to uniquely identify a record in the database. You can select one or more attributes as Keys for the duplicate check. The Transaction Import will not load a file if the file contains one or more transactions that match a Key that has already been loaded.

Note: An attribute of type Group cannot be set as Key.

Required Select if you want this attribute to be required.
Accounting Date Select if you want the attribute to be set as the Accounting Date. The Accounting Date represents the accounting period that the transaction is reflected in. This date assigned to each transaction will be used to perform all period-end calculations. Only one attribute can be set as Accounting Date.
Balancing Attribute

Select if you want the attribute to be set as a Balancing Attribute. Only one attribute can be set as the Balancing Attribute.

The precision of the balancing attribute is inherited from the currency code of the default currency in the lowest currency bucket that is enabled for the Profile.

Calculation (optional) Check this box if you want the attribute data to be calculated. If you choose this option, a Calculation definition section is displayed.
Calculation Type

Choose whether you want the calculation to be based on a script, when certain conditions are met, or assign value to a list

  • Assign Value to List—if you want to assign a value to a list
  • Conditional—if you want the calculation to be performed when certain conditions are met
  • Scripted—if you want the calculation to be based on a script. Scripted is available for attributes of type Text, Date, Number, or Integer
Calculation Definition Enter a calculation script in this area.
Add Attribute Add an existing attribute to a calculation script by selecting from the list.
Add Function

Choose from the library of functions to help create a script:

  • Date Difference
  • Extract Text
  • If Then Else
  • Lowercase
  • Maximum
  • Minimum
  • Round
  • Text Location
  • Uppercase

Attribute Examples

Here are some examples of common attributes:

Text attribute type example

Scripted Calculation Type Example

calculated attribute of scripted type

Conditional Calculation Type Example
Conditional calculated attribute example