Set Up Provisioning with Single Sign-On

Provisioning Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse with single sign-on enables you to synchronize users and roles in Oracle Applications Cloud with Oracle Identity Cloud Service and then enable these users to access Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse.

To set up provisioning with single sign-on, you must complete these tasks:
  1. Note the Oracle Identity Cloud Service details in the mail notifying you of the Identity Cloud account associated with your Oracle Applications Cloud instance.
  2. Set up synchronization of Oracle Applications Cloud with the Oracle Identity Cloud Service instance specified in the Identity Cloud account associated with your Oracle Applications Cloud instance.
  3. Federate the Oracle Identity Cloud Service instance specified in the Identity Cloud account associated with your Oracle Applications Cloud instance to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy where Fusion Analytics Warehouse is provisioned.
  4. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy where Fusion Analytics Warehouse is provisioned using the federated Oracle Identity Cloud Service instance.

Note the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Details

You must note the Oracle Identity Cloud Service details in the mail notifying you of the Identity Cloud account associated with your Oracle Applications Cloud instance.

As the administrator of Oracle Applications Cloud, you would have received emails from “servicestatus_us” notifying you of your Identity Cloud account associated with your Oracle Applications Cloud instance. The email is titled “Action Required: Please Use the NEW Oracle Admin Account”.
  1. From the email, note the Oracle Identity Cloud Service details for each of the development and production instances from the email for each of the Oracle Applications Cloud environments.
  2. If the email isn’t available, then you can raise a service request to obtain information about the Identity Cloud account associated with your Oracle Applications Cloud instances.

Set Up Synchronization of Oracle Applications Cloud with Oracle Identity Cloud Service

You must set up the synchronization of Oracle Applications Cloud with the Oracle Identity Cloud Service instance specified in the Identity Cloud account associated with your Oracle Applications Cloud instance.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Identity Cloud Service using the URL that you obtained in Note the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Details.
    If you don’t remember the password or have changed the password, then request for the password by clicking Click here next to Need help signing in?.
  2. Get the federation details (client ID and secret) from the Identity Cloud account associated with your Oracle Applications Cloud instance using these steps:
    1. Navigate to Home and then Applications.
    2. Click Oracle Applications Cloud (Fusion).
    3. Open a text file.
    4. Copy the URL from the browser until “” and paste it in your text file.
    5. On the Oracle Applications Cloud (Fusion) page, click Configuration and then expand General Information.
    6. Copy the client ID and paste it in the text file.
    7. Click Show Secret, copy the text, paste it in the text file, and then save the text file.
  3. Enable the synchronization of Oracle Applications Cloud with the Oracle Identity Cloud Service instance specified in the Identity Cloud account associated with your Oracle Applications Cloud instance using these steps:
    1. On the Oracle Applications Cloud (Fusion) page, under Configuration, expand Client Configuration.
    2. Scroll down and click Add.
    3. Select Application Administrator and Domain Identity Administrator and then click Add.
    4. On the Oracle Applications Cloud (Fusion) page, click Provisioning and perform these steps:
      1. Activate Enable Provisioning.
      2. Under Select Provisioning Operations, select Authoritative Sync.
      3. Activate Enable Synchronization.
    5. Click Save.
    6. Under Provisioning, expand Configure Connectivity and click Test Connectivity.
  4. Confirm that the synchronization of Oracle Applications Cloud with Oracle Identity Cloud Service was set up successfully by viewing the users and job roles along with user to roles mappings before and after synchronization.

Federate the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Instance to Your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Tenancy

Federate the Oracle Identity Cloud Service instance specified in the Identity Cloud account associated with your Oracle Applications Cloud instance to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy where Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse is provisioned.

  1. Sign in to your Oracle Cloud account that contains the tenancy where Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse is provisioned (in certain cases this can be same as your Oracle Applications Cloud account).
  2. On the Oracle Cloud Home, navigate to Identity and then click Federation.
  3. On the Federation page, click Add Identity Provider.
  4. Federate the Oracle Identity Cloud Service instance to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy using these steps:
    1. On the Add Identity Provider page, enter a name in lower case.
    2. Enter a description.
    3. Select Oracle Identity Cloud Service.
    4. Enter the URL, client ID, and client secret that you had saved in a text file in Set Up Synchronization of Oracle Applications Cloud with Oracle Identity Cloud Service.
    5. Scroll down and click Continue at the bottom of the Add Identity Provider page.
    6. In the next page, map IDCS_Administrators under Identity Provider Group to Administrators under OCI Group and click Add Provider.
    7. On the Federation page, note the name of the newly added provider.

Sign in to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure using the Federated Oracle Identity Cloud Service Instance

You must sign in to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure using the federated Oracle Identity Cloud Service instance to create your Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse instance.

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure by selecting the tenancy where Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse is provisioned and under Single Sign-On (SSO), select the identity provider that you added in Federate the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Instance to Your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Tenancy.
  2. In the Oracle Cloud Account Sign In dialog, click Oracle Applications Cloud.
  3. In the Sign In Oracle Applications Cloud dialog, enter your Oracle Applications Cloud credentials and click Sign In.
    You see the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure's Console Home page.