Create an Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Subscription Instance

Create a service instance to manage your cloud resources.

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
    If you've provisioned Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse with single sign-on, then sign in using the federated Oracle Identity Cloud Service. See Set Up Provisioning with Single Sign-On.
  2. In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, click the Navigation menu icon.
  3. In the Navigation menu, click Analytics & AI.
  4. Under Analytics & AI, click Fusion Analytics Warehouse.Description of fawag_oci_faw.png follows
    Description of the illustration fawag_oci_faw.png
  5. On the Instances page, in Compartment, select a compartment if you want to place the service instance in a compartment other than the default root compartment that Oracle created for you.


    Ensure that you have created a compartment before you select it here. See Managing Compartments.
  6. On the Instances page, click Create Instance.


    If you haven't purchased a subscription, then the Create Instance button isn't active.
    Description of fawag_create_instance_oci.png follows
    Description of the illustration fawag_create_instance_oci.png
  7. On the Create Instance page, enter a Display Name for the service using alphanumeric and special characters.
  8. Enter a Name for the instance that is unique in your tenancy using only alphanumeric characters without spaces or reuse the name of a deleted instance.
  9. Optional: Enter a Description for the service using up to 255 alphanumeric and special characters.
    Follow the steps in Enter Details for an Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Subscription Instance to provide further information regarding the instance.

Enter Details for an Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Subscription Instance

After specifying basic details for your instance such as compartment, name, and description, verify your subscriptions and provide details such as whether it is a test or production instance, connection details of your source data, and email to receive notifications regarding your instance.

These details ensure that you have an instance that meets your business requirements. Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse automatically displays your subscription details in the Offerings section. For example, if you've subscribed for 20 Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics users, then you see the number of users for the instance automatically configured to 20 Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics users. If you've multiple subscriptions such as Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics and Oracle Fusion HCM Analytics, then you see details of all the subscriptions.
  1. On the Create Instance page, under Offerings, verify that the displayed subscriptions match your Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse order.
  2. Select Development/Test as your first instance.
  3. In Fusion Application Connection, provide the URL of your Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications instance.
  4. In Authentication, select the type of authentication you want to use: JWT Based (recommended) or Password Based.
    • If you choose JWT Based (JSON web token), then upload or copy and paste the private key and public certificate files. Select Keys have been uploaded to Fusion Source to enable Test Connection.


      See Configure JWT Authentication Provider. While configuring the token-based authentication, ensure that you enter FAWServiceJWTIssuer as the trusted issuer.

      Ensure that the generated RSA encryption private key contains at least 2048 characters and that you wait at least 15 minutes for the uploaded public certificate to become effective in your Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications instance.

    • If you choose Password Based, then enter and confirm the password of the default FAWService user from your Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications instance.

      The FAWService user is a predefined user provisioned in Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications and is used by the data pipeline functionality in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse. This user account has the appropriate data security privileges granted on the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications view objects to bulk extract data from Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications into the data warehouse.


      Ensure that you assign the BIACM_ADMIN and BICC_UCM_CONTENT_ADMIN roles to the FAWService user using the Security Console of Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications. See Overview of Access Provisioning.

      Ensure that you have reset the password for the FAWService user in Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications prior to entering the new password. See Reset Passwords.

  5. Optional: Click Test Connection to check the connection to the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications instance and confirm whether the credentials are valid.
  6. In Autonomous Data Warehouse Administrator Credentials, provide an administrator password for the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse that's provisioned in your tenancy to store the transformed data.
  7. In Notification Email, enter a valid email address if the field doesn't have a value.
  8. Click Create Instance.
Oracle sends an email to the designated email address when your service is ready. You can display the Activity page to check the current status. When the status changes from CREATING to ACTIVE, the service is ready to use.

Navigate to the Details page for the new service to access the Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse URL and associated Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse. From here, you can also view or modify details such as the password for your Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications instance and the administrator password for the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse. You can also delete the service instance that's no longer required.

If you had set up provisioning of Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse with single sign-on, then your service is associated with the federated Oracle Identity Cloud Service instance. If you hadn’t set up single sign-on for Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse, then your service is associated with the default Oracle Identity Cloud Service instance that you received with your Oracle Cloud account.

After you create an instance, for at least one hour you see the message that system initialization is in progress. During this period, Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse runs an initialization process that involves extraction of setup data from the source Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications system. You must wait for the system initialization process to complete before creating data pipelines for the functional areas.

Verify Your Instance and Sign In

Oracle sends an email to the designated email address when your Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse service instance is ready.

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  2. In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, click the Navigation menu icon.
  3. In the navigation options, click Analytics & AI. Under Analytics, click Fusion Analytics Warehouse.
  4. Navigate to your service instances page.
  5. Navigate to the Analytics Application URL to verify that your Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse service instance is up and running.