Add Notes to Visualizations

Annotate your visualizations with notes to call out areas of interest or emphasize specific data points.

Add Notes to a Visualization

You can add notes to call out important information in a workbook's visualizations. You can use notes to annotate one or all of the visualizations in a canvas, or to emphasize specific data points in a visualization, such as columns in a table or clusters in a scatter plot.

There are many formatting options that you can use to customize a note's content. For example, you can choose font type, size, and color; add a bulleted or numbered list; and add URL links.
When you add a note, you can add data connectors to call out specific points in the visualization, or you can create the note and add or adjust the data point connectors later. See Connect a Note to Data Points in a Visualization.
By default, the notes that you add are displayed, but you can hide a visualization's notes. See Show or Hide a Visualization's Notes.
  1. On the Home page, hover over a workbook, click Actions Actions icon, then select Open.
  2. In the workbook, click Visualize.
    • To add a note without data point connectors, click the Notes icon and select Add Note.
    • To add a note with data point connectors, go to the visualization where you want to add the note and hold down the Ctrl key and click up to ten data points that you want the note to connect to. Then click the Notes icon and select Add Note.
  3. In the note box, enter the note text and use the formatting options to specify the note's font style, color, size, and so on.
  4. Optional: To add a link to the note, highlight the note text that you want to make into a link. Click Link and in the Hyperlink dialog, enter a URL. Click OK.
  5. Click Save.

Connect a Note to Data Points in a Visualization

Add connectors to a note to identify specific data points in a visualization.

You can connect a note to up to ten data points on a visualization or canvas. You can’t connect a note to a data point on these visualization types:

  • Chord Diagram
  • Correlation Matrix
  • List
  • Map
  • Parallel Coordinates
  • Tile
By default, a note's data point connectors are displayed, but you can hide them. See Show or Hide a Note's Data Point Connectors.
  1. On the Home page, hover over a workbook, click Actions (Actions menu ellipsis icon), and then select Open.
  2. Locate and hover over the note that you want to attach to data points. Click and hold a circle and drag the line to the data point that you want to connect the note to. You can connect a circle to multiple data points.

  3. Click Save.

Show or Hide a Note's Data Point Connectors

By default a note's data point connectors are displayed, but you can hide or show them as needed.

  1. On the Home page, hover over a workbook, click Actions (Actions menu ellipsis icon), and then select Open.
  2. Locate and hover over the note with the connectors to hide or show. Click Click to edit and then click Show Connector.

  3. Click Save.

Delete a Note's Data Connectors

You can delete one or more of a note's data connectors.

Instead of deleting a note's data connectors, you can hide them. See Show or Hide a Note's Data Point Connectors.
  1. On the Home page, hover over a workbook, click Actions (Actions menu ellipsis icon), and then select Open.
  2. Optional: To delete all connectors, locate and hover over a note with connectors. Click Click to edit and then click Detach from Data.

  3. Optional: To delete an individual connector, hover over and right-click a connector, and then click Detach from Data.

  4. Click Save.

Show or Hide a Visualization's Notes

By default a workbook's visualization notes are displayed, but you can hide or show all notes.

If you create a presentation flow from a workbook, then all of the included canvases' notes are displayed in the dashboard even if you hide all notes in Visualize. In the Present page where you add canvases to create the presentation flow and workbook, you can use a canvas' Notes properties to show and hide individual notes for the canvas. If your presentation flow and workbook contains multiple canvases, then you can set to show and hide individual notes for each canvas. See Show or Hide Canvas Notes in Present.
  1. On the Home page, hover over a workbook, click Actions (Actions menu ellipsis icon), and then select Open.
  2. Optional: If the workbook's notes are displayed, then click Hide Notes.
    Hide Notes Icon

  3. Optional: If the workbook's notes aren't displayed, then click Show Notes.
    Show Notes Icon

  4. Click Save.