About Reporting Configurations

Set up the reporting configurations to specify how data is presented on the KPI decks, visualizations, dashboards, and reports in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse.

You must activate a data pipeline for a functional area to be able to set up the reporting configurations. Based on the functional area for which you've activated a data pipeline, you see the applicable reporting configurations. For example, if you've activated a data pipeline for a functional area in Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics, then you see the reporting configurations applicable for Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics.

About the Reporting Configuration for Enterprise Resource Planning

Specify a value for the Allow Financial Category Upload parameter as you configure reporting for Enterprise Resource Planning.

This parameter provides the ability to upload the financial category in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse and maintain the mapping independent of Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications. The default value for this parameter is No. If you retain the default value, then Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse uses the financial Category mapping defined in Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications.

About the Reporting Configuration for Human Capital Management

You specify values for these parameters as you configure reporting for Human Capital Management:

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  • Human Capital Management Analytics parameters:
    • Worker Age Band: This parameter specifies the grouping of the ages of workers by certain ranges. For example, less than 30, 30 to 50, and greater than 50 years. KPIs and analyses related to the headcount of the workers use these age bands. For example, the percentage of workers who are aged 50 and older.
    • Tenure Band: This parameter specifies the grouping of the service years of workers by certain ranges. For example, less than 5, 5 to 10, and greater than 10 years. KPIs and analyses related to the headcount or diversity factors of the workers use these bands. For example, you can use this parameter to answer a business question such as "Show me the percentage of workers in my organization of various years of service."
    • Months of Service Band: This parameter specifies the grouping of the service months of workers by certain ranges. For example, less than 6 months, 6 to 12 months, and greater than 12 months. Key metrics and analyses related to the headcount or diversity factors of the workers use these bands. For example, you can use this parameter to answer a business question such as "Show me the number of hires grouped by their service months.”
    • Performance Band: This parameter specifies the grouping of the performance ratings of workers by certain ranges. For example, high, medium, and low. KPIs and analyses related to the performance rating of the workers use these performance bands. For example, you can use this parameter to answer a business question such as "Who are the top performers for the current review period in my organization."
    • Potential Band: This parameter specifies the grouping of potential ratings under various headers. For example, High, Medium, and Low. You can configure the rating ranges under these bands.
    • Compa-Ratio Band: This parameter specifies the grouping of worker compa-ratios under various headers. For example, Band 1 with range as 0-80 and Band 2 with range as 81-120.
    • Risk of Loss Band: This parameter specifies the grouping of risk of loss ratings under various headers. For example, High, Medium, and Low. You can configure the rating ranges under these bands.
    • Impact of Loss Band: This parameter specifies the grouping of impact of loss ratings under various headers. For example, High, Medium, and Low. You can configure the rating ranges under these bands.
    • Custom Performance Band: This parameter specifies the grouping of the performance ratings of workers by certain ranges and names defined by you. The other performance band leverages the predefined band names like high, low, and medium. However, in the custom performance band, you can specify custom names and the ranges for the performance ratings. Key metrics and analyses related to the performance rating of the workers can use these custom performance bands. For example, you can use this parameter to answer a business question such as "Who are the outstanding performers for the current review period in my organization." In this example, "Outstanding" could be one of the band names with certain performance rating range.
    • Custom Potential Band: This parameter specifies the grouping of the potential ratings of workers by certain ranges and names defined by the customers. The other potential band leverages the predefined band names like high, low, and medium. However, in the custom potential band, you can specify custom names and the ranges for the potential ratings. Key metrics and analyses related to the potential rating of the workers can use these custom potential bands. For example, you can use this parameter to answer a business question such as "What percentage of the workers have been rated as uber high in their potential." In this example, "uber high" could be one of the band names with certain potential rating range.
    • Learning Overdue Days Band: This parameter specifies the grouping of the learning records by the number of days that its overdue. For example, you can use this parameter to answer a business question such as "Provide the number of learning enrolments grouped by the number of days that they are overdue for completion."
  • Workforce Management parameter specifies the reason for reorganization to compute the headcount gain or losses based on the reorganization factor.
  • Succession Management parameter specifies the grouping of readiness levels of worker for their change in career under various headers.