Configure Advanced Options

You can set several advanced options using the Console.

About Advanced Configuration

Administrators can set more advanced, service-level options through the Systems Settings page.

Performance and Compatibility Options

You use these options to configure performance and compatibility settings between Oracle BI Enterprise Edition and Oracle Analytics.


If you change a performance and compatibility setting, you must apply the change for the new value to take effect unless mentioned otherwise.
System Setting More Information
Enable Auto Insights on Datasets

Specifies whether the Auto Insights feature is available when datasets are created or modified.

  • On — The Enable Insights option is available in the Dataset Inspect dialog and insights are automatically generated and available for workbooks that use datasets with the Enable Insights option selected.

  • Off — Auto Insights and its related features are disabled.

Default: On

Apply Change Required: No, but when you change this setting, it may take a few minutes to take effect.

Preview Options

Preview options enable administrators to switch preview features on and off. This way, your organization can evaluate and learn how to use new features before they become generally available.

System Setting More Information
Preview Excel Export

Enable this option to allow users to export formatted table and pivot table visualizations to Microsoft Excel. Each export can contain up to 25,000 rows. See Export a Visualization or Story.

  • On — Display the Excel (xlsx) format option in the Export File dialog for a table or pivot table visualization.

  • Off — Hide the Excel (xlsx) format option in the Export File dialog.

Default: Off

Apply Change Required: No

Set Advanced Options

Use the service instance console to set advanced options for Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse.

  1. In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse, click Console.
  2. Under Service Administration, click System Settings.

    System Settings tile

  3. On the System Settings page, update the toggle option for the applicable advanced option.

    System Settings page with the toggle option highlighted for the advanced options.