11 Advanced Configurations

Configurable Account Analysis

Configurable Account Analysis (CAA) is a cross finance self-service advanced capability in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse that enables functional administrators to define the comprehensive account analysis template combining data across general ledger and multiple subledger sources right from the initial extract date.

Business user friendly configurations options allows setting up user defined account analysis template in order to enrich general ledger information with originating subledger transaction details through selection of enrichment attributes for the relevant journal sources. As a functional administrator, you can configure the account analysis template to build the account analysis reports in Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics. This is a one-time configuration that enables setting up bespoke account analysis subject area. You can make additions and changes to this subject area by modifying the template definition.

Important Considerations While Using Configurable Account Analysis

While using Configurable Account Analysis (CAA), note these:

  • To opt out of the Configurable Account Analysis feature, use Delete option available on the CAA template setup. This removes the CAA data extracts and CAA subject area from Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse. On the Enable Features page, under the Generally Available Features tab, disable Configurable Account Analysis.
  • You can define a single CAA template with maximum of 200 columns. For any changes, refer to Modify Configurable Account Analysis Subject Area Definition.
  • CAA supports curated list of attributes available for user selection. Adding attributes through semantic model extensions, data augmentation isn't a supported functionality in the current version of CAA.
  • CAA is a cross finance feature where user gets the ability to combine accounting details from multiple subledger sources. Cross subject area analysis combining CAA with other subject areas isn't a recommended usage.
  • For CAA template, the "Timed Out" status has been added for the scenarios where template publishing runs for longer due to semantic model extensions. In such cases, as a functional administrator, you must check the Activity tab on the Semantic Model Extensions page for completion of the apply system step. After this, you can use the CAA subject area.
  • CAA supports frequent data refesh for the DW_FA_GL_ACCOUNT_ANALYSIS_CF table using the "Frequent Refresh Tables" preview feature. See Schedule Frequent Refreshes of Warehouse Tables (Preview).

Prerequisites to Setting up Configurable Account Analysis

Ensure that these prerequisites are in place:

  • Prior to configuring the account analysis template application release, ensure that you’ve activated the General Ledger functional area and subledger-specific functional areas. See Activate a Data Pipeline for a Functional Area.
  • This feature is supported for minimum application release version 23.R3.P2.

Enable Configurable Account Analysis

Prior to configuring the account analysis template to build the account analysis reports in Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics, you must enable it.

You can't use the Configurable Account Analysis feature in parallel with other existing account analysis features. See Configurable Account Analysis Transition Steps. These steps are applicable if you had already enabled either or a combination of the following features:
  • GL Account Analysis subject area
  • GL Account Analysis Foundations
  • Configurable Account Analysis (limited availability feature prior to platform release 23.R3)
  1. Sign in to your service as a functional administrator.
  2. In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Console, click Enable Features, and then click Generally Available Features.
  3. Under the Generally Available Features tab, select the toggle to enable Configurable Account Analysis.

    Configurable Account Analysis option under Generally Available Features tab on Enable Features page

Set Up Configurable Account Analysis Subject Area

Set up the Configurable Account Analysis subject area to build the account analysis reports in Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics.

The ability to extend journal sources drives what sources need subledger accounting and originating transaction details. Option to select enrichment attributes is available only for those journal sources where functional area is available in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse.
Extend Journal Sources Configuration Options View Journal Details View Subledger Accounting Details View Transaction Details
For the selected journal source corresponding functional area is enabled Yes Yes Yes
For the selected journal source corresponding functional area isn't enabled or not supported Yes Yes No
For the non-selected journal sources, GL only journal sources, custom journal sources Yes No No


"Extend Journal Sources" configuration doesn't restrict journals data.

After you publish the configurable account analysis template, Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse extracts the data along with the additional attributes to the Configurable Account Analysis subject area. This subject area is available for users based on the access through the General Ledger Account Analysis duty role.

  1. Sign in to your service as a functional administrator.
  2. In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Console, click Reporting Configuration under Application Administration.
  3. On the Reporting Configuration page, under the Advanced tab, click Configurable Account Analysis and then click Create.
  4. In Create an Account Analysis Subject Area, in New Subject Area Name, enter a name for the subject area such as Configurable Account Analysis and provide a brief explanation in Description.


    Avoid using prebuilt subject area names like "Financials - GL Account Analysis" as it isn't supported.

    Create an account analysis subject area dialog

  5. Under Extend Journal Source, select the journal sources like Payables, Receivables, Project Accounting, Assets, Cost Accounting, as applicable and then click Next.
  6. From the list of attributes available in the template, select the required attributes for reporting and click Next.

    Select attributes for reporting

  7. On the Configurable Account Analysis page, click the Actions menu for the account analysis subject area template that you created, and click Publish.

Modify Configurable Account Analysis Subject Area Definition

Modify the Configurable Account Analysis subject area definition to update the journal sources and attributes.

  1. Sign in to your service as a functional administrator.
  2. In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Console, click Reporting Configuration under Application Administration.
  3. On the Reporting Configuration page, under the Advanced tab, navigate to the Configurable Account Analysis template that you already set up and click Edit.
  4. On the Configurable Account Analysis page, click the Actions menu for the account analysis subject area template that you edited, and click Publish.
  5. To reset, deactivate, or refresh data for a CAA application, click Data Configurations on the Console, click Custom Data Configurations, and then click the Reset or Deactivate, or Refresh Data option for the applicable CAA application.

    Options to reset, deactivate, or refresh data for a CAA application

Configurable Account Analysis Transition Steps

Learn how to transition from a previously enabled version of Configurable Account Analysis (CAA) to the current version.

For the instances where you enabled CAA (Limited Availability) feature prior to release 23.R3

With the auto upgrade to 23.R3 platform release, the existing CAA reports continue to function as it is, however, the CAA setup template is no longer available in Advanced Reporting Configurations and the CAA subject area won't be available in the list of subject areas till the upgrade to 23.R3.P2 application release is complete. With the 23.R3 platform release, the limited availability version of CAA won't be supported by Oracle. The recommendation is to transition to the generally available version of CAA using the following steps:
  • Save the visualization projects created using CAA (Limited Availability) feature as a backup.
  • Upgrade to the 23.R3.P2 application release.
  • Deactivate the Account Reconciliation functional area to stop the pipeline jobs for this feature.
  • On the Enable Features page, under the Generally Available Features tab, enable Configurable Account Analysis.
  • Navigate to the CAA template that's already setup, select Edit, review the extend journal sources selection, Save, and then Publish the CAA template. Edit and republishing the template transitions to the generally available version of CAA (mandatory). After you republish the CAA template, the CAA reports will continue to function as earlier. The CAA set up template and CAA subject area will be available.

For the instances where you enabled the Account Analysis Foundations (Preview) feature prior to release 23.R3

With the auto upgrade to 23.R3 platform release, Account Analysis Foundations is no longer available on the Enable Features page for activation. The recommendation is to transition to the generally available version of CAA using the following steps:
  • Upgrade to the 23.R3.P2 application release.
  • Deactivate the Account Analysis Foundations functional area to stop the pipeline jobs for this feature. After deactivating, the existing reports will continue to be accessible. The Account Analysis Foundations subject area won't be available in the list of subject areas.
  • On the Enable Features page, under the Generally Available Features tab, enable Configurable Account Analysis. After enabling the CAA feature, you can't reactivate the Account Analysis Foundations functional area.
  • Configure the CAA template and define visualization analysis based on the CAA subject area. See Set Up Configurable Account Analysis Subject Area.

For the instances where you enabled the GL Account Analysis subject area

The GL Account Analysis subject area will be deprecated in future releases. The recommendation is to transition to the generally available version of CAA using the following steps:
  • Upgrade to the 23.R3.P2 application release.
  • Deactivate the Account Reconciliation functional area to stop the incremental data loads for the GL Account Analysis subject area. After deactivation, you can't reactivate the Account Reconciliation functional area. The GL Account Analysis subject area won't be available in the list of subject areas. The existing visualization analyses will still show data as long as data warehouse isn't reset, but incremental data won't be loaded.
  • On the Enable Features page, under the Generally Available Features tab, enable Configurable Account Analysis.
  • Configure the CAA template and define visualization analysis based on the CAA subject area. See Set Up Configurable Account Analysis Subject Area.
  • The existing visualization reports set up using the GL Account Analysis subject area aren't redirected to CAA. You must manually set them up using the CAA subject area.

Fusion Accounting Hub Analytics

Fusion Accounting Hub Analytics empowers finance organizations to establish a comprehensive system of insights for accounting data. It's an add on SKU to Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics.

Accounting Hub Analytics enables you to discover meaningful correlations among balances, journals, and granular sub-ledger transaction details and supporting references. These correlations enable you to swiftly detect irregularities with end-to-end traceability.

Intelligent data pipelines source data from Oracle Fusion Accounting Hub, enabling automatic configuration of pipelines, data models, and analytics views. This data is drawn from Oracle Accounting Hub sub-ledger applications, enabling organizations to gain valuable insights from both operational and financial data.

Prerequisites to Use Fusion Accounting Hub Analytics

Prior to using Fusion Accounting Hub Analytics, you must ensure that all the prerequisites are available.

Fusion Accounting Hub Analytics requires the following prerequisites:
  • The application release version of Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse must be 23.R4 or 24.R1.
  • The Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics SKU must be provisioned.
  • The General Ledger functional area must be activated.
  • Entitlements for the Accounting Hub Analytics SKU must be ready to use.

Enable Fusion Accounting Hub Analytics

You must enable the Fusion Accounting Hub feature on the Enable Features page to configure Fusion Accounting Hub Analytics for gaining valuable insights from both operational and financial data.

This feature is currently available under the Preview tab in the Custom Data Configuration category on the Enable Features page.
Enable Fusion Accounting Hub feature

Enable the feature using the information in Make Preview Features Available.

Configure Fusion Accounting Hub Analytics

As a functional administrator, configure Fusion Accounting Hub Analytics by specifying the Accounting Hub subledger applications that need to be available for analytics.

While configuring, you can see the accounting applications set up in the Fusion Accounting Hub source. Ensure that you select only the accounting hub applications set up in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications source with Supporting References and Journal Entry Rule Set assignment complete.
  1. Sign in to your service as a functional administrator.
  2. In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Console, click Data Configurations, and then click Custom Data Configurations.
  3. Select Create and then select Fusion Accounting Hub.

    Create and Fusion Accounting Hub options on Custom Data Configurations page

  4. On the Fusion Accounting Hub page, in Application Tag, enter a unique identifier for the application definition and then select the Accounting Hub subledger applications that need to be available for analytics.

    Fusion Accounting Hub page

  5. Click Save and Exit to create the application definition with “Inactive” status.
  6. On the Custom Data Configurations page, for the Fusion Accounting Hub configuration, click the Actions icon, and then click Edit to modify the Accounting Hub subledgers selection.

    Edit option

  7. From the action options, click Generate to deploy the application definition that would submit the background processes.
  8. After the Generate action is complete, select Deploy from the action options to create the Fusion Accounting Hub application related subject areas.
  9. From the action options, click Delete to remove the complete application definition including subject areas and visualization analysis.

Accounting Hub Analytics Subject Areas

Accounting Hub - Application Transactions


Using this subject area, you can analyze transaction object details such as Transaction Headers and Lines for standalone operational insights or as a drill down from Supporting References, Ledger, GL Account, and Fiscal Period Combination.

Business Questions

This subject area can answer the following business questions:
  • How do I analyze source equivalent transactional data corresponding to the custom subledger application?
  • Can I drilldown to customer subledger applications transactions for a GL account combination?
  • Can I control access to custom subledger application data and assign it to the target functional user group?
  • How do I get detailed insights and access to transactional attribute information that isn't part of the accounting details for custom subledger applications?
  • Can I get access to transactions history that is purged in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications source applications?

Job-Specific Groups

The following existing job-specific groups secure access to this subject area:

Duty Roles

The Fusion Accounting Hub Transaction Analysis (OA4F_FIN_FAH_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY) duty role secures access to this subject area.

Primary Navigation

Home: General Accounting

Time Reporting

Supports Transaction objects historic data.

Time dimension is linked to accounting date.

Transactional Grain

The grain is at the accounting distribution level.

Special Considerations

Subject areas are dynamically created corresponding to each individual Fusion Accounting Hub application selected. For example, if you select five Fusion Accounting Hub applications as part of configuration, the system would create five respective Transactions subject areas identifiable based on the application name.

Financials - Supporting Reference Balances


This subject area provides the aggregated view of all management reporting dimensions defined as balance type supporting references for the subledger accounting.

Business Questions

This subject area can answer the following business questions:
  • What are the consolidated balances for individual supporting references across sources?
  • How do I track the balances and period activity for supporting references by journal sources?
  • How do I enrich the GL trial balance information by additional management reporting dimensions?
  • How do I track the historic trend and activity for balance type supporting references?

Job-Specific Groups

The following existing job-specific groups secure access to this subject area:

Duty Roles

The Fusion Accounting Hub Supporting References Balance Analysis (OA4F_FIN_FAH_SR_BALANCE_ANALYSIS_DUTY) duty role secures access to this subject area.

Primary Navigation

Home: General Accounting

Time Reporting

Supports Transaction objects historic data.

Time dimension is linked to accounting date.

Transactional Grain

The grain is at the supporting references balances level.

Special Considerations


Frequently Asked Questions

Review these questions to understand the application:

  1. What is the data refresh schedule for the Fusion Accounting Hub applications?

    Data refreshes on a daily basis following the common warehouse refresh schedule.

  2. Can we do frequent data refresh for the Fusion Accounting Hub application sources?

    Fusion Accounting Hub Analytics supports frequent data refesh at table level using the "Frequent Refresh Tables" preview feature. See Schedule Frequent Refreshes of Warehouse Tables (Preview).

  3. How to redo full reset and reload the of Fusion Accounting Hub data?

    Use the Reset option to trigger full reset and reload the Fusion Accounting Hub data.

  4. How do we add or remove the Fusion Accounting Hub applications' sources?

    Use the Edit option to add or remove the Fusion Accounting Hub applications, followed by Generate and Deploy steps.

  5. How to stop data pipelines for the Fusion Accounting Hub applications?

    Use the Deactivate option to stop incremental data loads in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse for the Fusion Accounting Hub applications. However, the subject area and visualizations would continue to be accessible with existing data in the datawarehouse.

  6. How to opt out of the Fusion Accounting Hub application feature setup in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse?

    Complete these steps:
    1. Use the Delete option to remove the Fusion Accounting Hub applications' definition setup in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse.
    2. Manually delete the visualizations because subject area and visualizations won't be accessible at this step.
    3. Toggle off the Fusion Accounting Hub feature under the Preview Features tab on the Enable Features page.
  7. What happens to the Fusion Accounting Hub data that is loaded into warehouse but archived later after the transactions retention period of 30 to 458 days?

    Transaction objects data is retained in the warehouse even when it gets archived in Fusion Accounting Hub source including for application regeneration. In the events like application reset and warehouse reset, such data gets wiped out.