Manage Application Updates

As a service administrator, you can decide when to apply the application updates except the emergency patches that are deployed automatically.

About Application Updates

Application updates are available for major releases (quarterly basis), patches (monthly basis), and emergency fixes (as needed).

Except the emergency patches, you can decide when to apply the application updates. You can schedule the update for current and major releases to occur by a deadline. After the deadline, Oracle automatically updates your application. These updates have zero downtime. The auto-update process updates the data model and immediately after the data model update, this process updates the content. This process runs the incremental data pipelines as part of the data model upgrade process when upgrade is scheduled to run for the day. You can check the last refresh date either from the Console or the subject area to ensure that the data has been refreshed as part of the data model upgrade process.

You can view the application updates and plan accordingly using the Release updates tile under Service Administration on the Console. You also see a notification on the Data Configuration page when an application update is available. You can then plan to uptake using the Release Updates tile.

The application upgrade adds new pillars, modules, data models (facts and dimension tables), KPIs, cards, and decks. The data pipelines for functional areas that have been activated are preserved during the upgrade. The data pipelines in Saved or Scheduled status are reset to Saved status. To activate these data pipelines, you must set them to Activated status. You can skip an upgrade for one release. However, you must upgrade when the next patch is available. The application upgrade adds new and replaces existing modified content with the latest version.

See About Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Releases.

Update Your Application

As the service administrator, you can view available application updates and schedule a date to accept the update.

Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse provides automatic updates of the application to ensure you're using the most current software. You can schedule the update earlier than the predefined date and time. If you do nothing, the application upgrade automatically runs on the date shown on the Release Updates page. However, prior to updating your application, you must ensure that a data pipeline for at least one functional area has been activated.

  1. Sign in to your service.
  2. In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Console, click Release Updates under Service Administration.
  3. On the Release Updates page, select an application update under Update, and then in Schedule, select the date on which you want to apply it.
  4. Click Save.

View Release Update Activity

You can view the actual date when a release was deployed for the instance and any service administrator actions such as date selections for release or patch uptake.

  1. Sign in to your service.
  2. In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Console, click Release Updates under Service Administration.
  3. On the Release Updates page, click Activity.
  4. In the Activity section, view the release update details.