Migrate Your Content

You can migrate your custom content to transform your custom KPIs, decks, and cards to Oracle Analytics Cloud workbooks and visualizations.

About Migrating Custom Content

You can migrate your custom content to transform your custom KPIs, cards, and decks to Oracle Analytics Cloud workbooks and visualizations.

When you migrate your custom KPIs, cards, and decks to Oracle Analytics Cloud-compatible workbooks and visualizations, Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse maps key elements of your analyses in specific ways. To reduce the number of issues or errors during the migration, ensure all cards, decks, and KPIs work as expected in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse prior to migrating them. Prebuilt content in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse is automatically migrated to Oracle Analytics Cloud for you.

If there's an issue with the source content, the Migration Utility shows Migration Details which describe the failure and basic guidelines of how to resolve it. See Troubleshoot Content Migration.

The table below describes how Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse elements are mapped to Oracle Analytics Cloud during migration. Use these guidelines to ensure your source KPIs, cards, decks, and associated elements behave as you expect after migration.

Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Element Oracle Analytics Cloud Element Notes
Deck Workbook NA
Deck name Workbook name NA
Deck filter Dashboard filter Time-level columns are added to dashboard filters.
Deck time filter Dashboard filter Time-level columns are added to dashboard filters.
Deck permissions Workbook permissions NA
Deck ownership Directory and workbook ownership The default owner is Service Administrator
Card Visualization NA
Card name Visualization title NA
Card summary Visualization primary column NA
Card visualization type Visualization type NA
Card detail metric Visualization measurement NA
Card dimensions and detail metrics Visualization measurements and dimensions NA
Card filters Visualization filters NA
KPI Key metric in a subject area or dataset If a KPI belongs to more than one subject area or dataset, the resulting key metric is created in the subject area or dataset of the base metric.
KPI name Key metric name If two KPIs have the same name, the person who created the KPI is appended to the key metric name. If the same person created the KPIs, then the word “copy” is appended to the second key metric.
KPI description Key metric description NA
KPI base measure Key metric primary measure NA
KPI related measures Key metric related columns NA
KPI targets Key metric related columns NA
KPI time levels Key metric related columns NA
KPI dimensions Key metric related columns NA
KPI thresholds Key metric conditional formatting rules NA
KPI filters

Workbook hidden visualization-level filters

KPI navigation links Workbook data actions NA
KPI number formatting Workbook number formatting NA
KPI data blending Workbook data blending NA
KPI number format Workbook number format NA
KPI navigation targets Workbook data actions NA
KPI navigation URLs Workbook data actions NA

Key Metric Migration Guidelines

When you migrate your content, some original configurations might not be set up as you expect. Refer to these guidelines to ensure your key metrics include the same functions as the original KPIs.

  • Ensure the KPIs, cards, and decks work properly before migrating your content.
  • Recreate joins between subject areas and datasets in the workbook to create visualizations that reflect the blended data on the workbook canvas.
  • Configure KPIs to reference datasets and workbooks in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse.
  • Adjust orphan columns in KPIs referencing a workbook or dataset that isn’t in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse to reference a dataset or workbook in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse.
  • In KPIs based on both a subject area and dataset that use a column of a data source type that’s different from the base metric data source type, adjust the column so the data source types match.
  • Set thresholds to decimals values.

  • Ensure KPIs don't have empty subject areas or datasets, or joins between subject areas and datasets in the original KPI.

The following KPI attributes and features aren’t migrated from Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse to Oracle Analytics Cloud. See Build Analytical Applications.

  • Owner
  • Tags
  • Target goals
  • Trend goals
  • Diff view
  • Site-level personalization
  • Aliased dimension filters
  • Notification emails for cards
  • Site-level deck personalization
  • Special time filters
  • Favorites
  • Drill-down actions
  • Joins between subject areas and datasets

Hidden Columns

If you have a KPI based on a deprecated or hidden column, the migrated key metric will fail. Refer to the table for the list of deprecated columns and their replacements. To address this issue, ensure columns in the original KPIs reference the New Column Location and re-run the Migration Utility. You can also fix the key metric in Oracle Analytics Cloud after migration.

Subject Area Presentation Table Presentation Column New Column Location Comments
Common - Warehouse Refresh Statistics Refresh Summary Details Source Refresh Date Time NA This column is deprecated in the presentation layer.
Financials - AP Aging Facts - Analytics Currency AP Due up to 30 Days NA This column is deprecated in the presentation layer.
Financials - AP Liabilities GL Account Chart Of Account Name Ledger/Chart of Account Name NA
Financials - AP Payments Facts - Analytics Currency Payments to Invoice Amount % NA You can create this same metric using a calculation. CASE WHEN ""Financials - AP Invoices"".""Facts - Analytics Currency"".""Total Transaction Amount"" = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ""Financials - AP Payments"".""Facts - Analytics Currency"".""Payments Amount"" / ""Financials - AP Invoices"".""Facts - Analytics Currency"".""Total Transaction Amount"" * 100 END"
Financials - GL Balance Sheet GL Account Chart Of Account Name Ledger/Chart of Account Name NA
Financials - GL Detail Transactions Document Details Journal Header ID Journal Header Identifier NA
Financials - GL Detail Transactions GL Account Chart Of Account Name Ledger/Chart of Account Name NA
Financials - GL Detail Transactions Natural Account Account Type Code NA Use Account Type Name as a workaround. If Account Type Code is used in an expression such as Account Type Code = 'R', rewrite it with display names such as Account Type Name = 'Revenue'. This is language dependent. The possible values are in DW_ACC_TYPE_LKP_TL.
HCM - Workforce Core Assignment Information Country Common/Location/Country NA
HCM - Workforce Core Diversity Ethnicity Worker/Diversity/Ethnicity/Ethnicity NA
HCM - Workforce Core Diversity Ethnicity Code Worker/Diversity/Ethnicity/Ethnicity Code NA
HCM - Workforce Gains and Losses Diversity Ethnicity Worker/Diversity/Ethnicity/Ethnicity NA
HCM - Workforce Gains and Losses Diversity Ethnicity Code Worker/Diversity/Ethnicity/Ethnicity Code NA
PPM - Project Commitments Expenditure Type Expenditure Category Expenditure Category/Expenditure Category NA
PPM - Project Costs Expenditure Type Expenditure Category Expenditure Category/Expenditure Category NA
Procurement - Agreements Facts - Agreements Buyer Count Buyers Count NA
Procurement - Agreements Facts - Agreements Supplier Count Suppliers Count NA
Procurement - Purchase Orders Facts - Analytics Currency Closed PO Amount Closed Purchase Order Amount NA
Procurement - Purchase Orders Facts - Analytics Currency Open PO Amount Open Purchase Order Amount NA
Procurement - Purchase Orders Facts - Document Currency Closed PO Amount Closed Purchase Order Amount NA
Procurement - Purchase Orders Facts - Document Currency Open PO Amount Open Purchase Order Amount NA
Procurement - Purchase Orders Facts - Purchase Orders Closed PO Count Closed Purchase Order Count NA
Procurement - Purchase Orders Facts - Purchase Orders Open PO Count Open Purchase Order Count NA
Procurement - Spend Ledger Ledger Type Code NA This column is deprecated in the presentation layer.
Procurement - Spend Purchase Item Purchasing Category Purchasing Category/Purchasing Category NA
Procurement - Spend Purchase Item Purchasing Category Description Purchasing Category/Purchasing Category Description NA
SCM - Sales Orders Fulfillment Details Quantity Ordered Facts - Sales Orders/Quantity Ordered NA
SCM - Sales Orders Fulfillment Details Shipped Quantity Facts - Sales Orders/Shipped Quantity NA

Migrate Time Filters and Levels

Decks use a special time filter that doesn't directly translate to workbook time filters. Use the migration rules below as a guideline for calendar and enterprise calendars (known as role-playing cases). You can select values as needed after migration.

Initial Values of the Time Levels

For role-playing cases, the initial value is always set for all time levels: Year, Quarter, and Period. The timeframe always contains the current year according to the fiscal calendar selected for the workbook.

For Non-Role Playing Cases

Deck Timeframe Deck Time Level Workbook Timeframe Workbook Time Level
Current Period Current


Year and Quarter are set to Current

Last Period Current Year
Last N Period Current Year
Current Quarter Current


Year is set to Current

Last Quarter Current Year
Last N Quarter Current Year
Varies by Card Current Year
Current Year Current Year
Last Year Current Year
Last N Year Current Year

Migrate Custom Content

Learn how to migrate your custom content to transform your custom KPIs, decks, and cards to workbooks and visualizations.

You can review the migration results in the Migration Details, which helps you troubleshoot the KPIs or cards and decks which might have had migration issues. You can fix these problems in the source KPIs or cards and decks and re-run the migration until all data migrates successfully.

  1. In the Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Console, click Migrate Custom Content under Application Administration.
  2. On the Migrate Custom Content page, under Run Migration, enter the name of the destination Custom Content folder you want to use.
    The migration process appends the folder you create to the /Shared Folders/custom content path.
  3. Click Migrate Content to convert your content. It can take 10 minutes or more for the process to complete.
    When migration is complete, you see a success message and the migration shows in the Migration History list.
  4. Click the migration history link to see the Migration Details where you can troubleshoot individual KPIs, cards, and decks that didn’t migrate properly.
  5. Optional: To download the migration details as an HTML file, click Export Details.

Troubleshoot Content Migration

These topics provide additional troubleshooting tips and guidelines to resolve errors when migrating Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse content to Oracle Analytics Cloud using the Migrate Custom Content utility.

You can map the following Cause and Resolution columns to the error messages seen in the Migrate Custom Content history output.

Troubleshoot KPI Issues in Migration Output

Migration Status Migration Note Issue Cause Issue Resolution
Fail KPI was not migrated due to inconsistent metadata KPI includes references to empty subject areas Ensure KPI references valid subject areas
Fail KPI was not migrated due to inconsistent metadata KPI includes references to empty datasets Ensure KPI references valid datasets
Fail KPI was not migrated due to inconsistent metadata Joins between subject areas and datasets contain errors Ensure joins between subject areas and datasets are valid
Fail KPI was not migrated due to inconsistent metadata Original KPI doesn’t work due to:
  • Missing subject area
  • Missing dataset
  • Column issue
Correct KPI and re-run migration utility
Needs Attention For KPIs based on subject area and dataset joins, columns not matching the base measure datasource type can't be migrated For KPIs based on subject area and dataset joins, columns not matching the base measure datasource type can't be migrated Ensure datasource types match
Needs Attention Non-numeric thresholds can't be migrated KPI with non-numeric thresholds Add a numeric threshold and re-run migration utility
Needs Attention Some columns in the KPI weren't migrated Missing calculated column objects Populate all calculated column objects
Needs Attention Some columns in the KPI weren't migrated Joins between subject areas and datasets aren’t supported by key metrics Recreate joins in the workbook used to create visualizations based on blended data on the workbook canvas
Needs Attention Some columns in the KPI weren't migrated Columns weren't migrated due to unknown issue Recreate KPI as a key metric

Troubleshoot Deck Issues in Migration Output

Migration Status Migration Note Issue Cause Issue Resolution
Fail Deck was not migrated for an unspecified reason Some unknown issue Create the workbook manually in Oracle Analytics Cloud.
Needs Attention Some deck filters weren't migrated Deck filter column isn't present in any of the key metrics used in visualizations in the workbook Create a filter in the workbook visualization based on the visualization-level filter in the original deck.
Needs Attention A column-driven calendar wasn't migrated Column-driven calendar different from the automatically selected column driving dimension used across cards Create the column-driven calendar filter in the workbook visualization based on the visualization-level filter in the original deck.
Needs Attention Some time filters weren't migrated Different time filters were used across multiple cards Create the time filter in the specific workbook visualization based on the visualization-level filter in the original deck.
Needs Attention Permissions failed to migrate Unknown issue Re-assign permissions to users matching those used in the original deck. Default permissions are with Consumer (Read-only) and Service Admin (Read-write).
Needs Attention Some cards failed to migrate Corresponding KPI-to-key metric migration failed Create a new key metric, then create a visualization in the corresponding workbook using that key metric.
Needs Attention Some card properties failed to migrate Multiple issues See card issue cause and resolution details; or recreate properties in the new workbook visualization

Troubleshoot Card Issues in Migration Output

Migration Status Migration Note Issue Cause Issue Resolution
Needs Attention Some KPI filters weren't migrated The workbook visualization references a KPI filter not present in the key metric Rebuild the filter in the key metric and use the new filter in the visualization
Needs Attention Data actions didn't migrate Unknown issue Recreate the data actions in the workbook based on the ones in the original KPI
Needs Attention Some card filters weren't migrated Card filter not present in key metric Rebuild the filter in the key metric based on the one in the original KPI
Needs Attention Card didn't migrate due to KPI error Corresponding KPI-to-key metric migration failed Rebuild the column in the key metric, and then create the workbook visualization using the key metric
Needs Attention Number format didn't migrate Number format didn't migrate due to an unspecified reason Recreate the number format in the workbook
Needs Attention Conditional formatting didn't migrate Unknown issue Recreate the conditional formatting on a key metric column based on the one in the original deck, then add that column to the workbook visualization
Needs Attention Card didn't migrate Unspecified reason Recreate the workbook visualization manually

Revise Workbooks and Visualizations after Migration

Workbok Canvases

You can't migrate deck background colors to workbooks or visualizations to workbook canvases, but you can reproduce them after migration in the canvas properties.

  1. Navigate to Canvas Properties.
  2. Change the Background from Auto to Custom.
  3. Set the Fill Color to #E8E7E7 to match the original background color.

Visualization Background Colors

You can correct visualization background color in the visualization properties.

  1. Click a visualization and navigate to the Properties.
  2. Change the Background from Auto to Custom, which should automatically set the background color to white (#FFFFFF).

Visualization Borders and Corners

You can correct border and rounded corners for visualizations in the visualization properties.

  1. Click a visualization and navigate to the Properties.
    • Set Border to Round.
    • Set Shadow to Center.