About Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence Releases

Updates to Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence are mainly released as Application and Platform releases with major features and minor, security, and emergency patches.

Here are the details:
  • Platform Releases:
    • Platform Releases contain updates to your service; for example as security patches and updates to the Console accessible to administrators.
    • You don't need to schedule the upgrade or make any selection or take any action because Oracle applies the release patches automatically. You don't need to make any selection or take any action. These updates include operating system and security patches and are applied for all customers on the same day.
    • Because these releases don't change the data model or content, business users aren't affected.
    • All reports and dashboards are available during the upgrade process. Pipelines (incremental daily schedule) may get delayed if it coincides with the upgrade.
    • You can expect a major release every quarter (February, May, August, November), a minor patch every month, and emergency fixes as patches.
  • Application Releases:
    • Application Releases contain updates to the data model and new content when available.
    • You'll receive notification emails about these releases.
    • You'll find the release numbers listed in the Release Updates tile of the Console, where you can view the available releases and apply them as appropriate.
    • You'll notice an "auto-update" target date for major releases. You can update to a release any time before the predefined date by changing it to a date convenient for you. See Update Your Application. On the predefined date, if you haven't yet updated, then Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence automatically updates your data model and content without extending the predefined date.
    • All reports and dashboards are available during the upgrade process.
    • You can expect a major release every quarter (February, May, August, November) and optional updates or emergency patches. Each patch is cumulative. For example, if you choose to apply the 22.R1.P3 patch, then the previous patches (such as 22.R1.P1 and 22.R1.P2) are also applied with the 22.R1.P3 patch. You won't see the older patches listed in the Release Updates tile of the Console as available releases when the release changes to the current one (such as 22.R1.P3).
    • You aren't impacted by major application releases which have undergone testing to negate the impact to existing business users. Major application releases don't cause service downtime.