Search for customers

In the Agent Console, many of the tasks an agent performs for customers are initiated by searching for a customer profile. To start the search, click the Customers icon in the Agent Console dashboard and use the Customer Search page to locate the profile you want to work with.

The Customer Search page includes following tabs:

Use the following fields to search for customers in your system:

  • First or last name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Zip code
  • Account (for account-based commerce sites)

For all fields, the search feature uses a Starts With pattern. For example, typing K in the First Name search field could produce results of Kara, Kim, and Kyle. Typing Ki would limit the search to Kim. You can use either letters or numbers.

Create a new customer

If you need to enter a new shopper into the system, click Create New Customer. Select the checkbox to provide site updates to the shopper via email. You can also see any custom properties that have been created for shopper profiles.

When creating a new customer profile in a multiple site environment, do the following:

  1. In the Select Site menu, choose the site the shopper wants to be associated with initially.
  2. Select the email updates checkbox to enable email notifications for the selected site only.
  3. To manage email notifications for multiple sites (opt-in or opt-out of notifications for the sites associated with your business), go to the shopper’s profile. The right menu displays the current site properties for the shopper.
  4. Under Email Preferences, select or clear the checkbox to enable or disable email notifications for the site.
  5. In the Site field, select a different site to tailor shopper notifications for each site.