1 Understand the Agent Console

Customer representatives use the Agent Console to access all the shopper, order, and other information necessary for performing support tasks related to your online store.

The customizable, widget-based Agent Console provides options to modify the application for your specific business requirements, giving you control over what your agents see when performing their tasks. Commerce provides a fully-functioning default version of the Agent Console that you can use if you do not require any customization or if you are interested in seeing how the Agent Console works.

This guide describes the default version of the Agent Console, as well as information on customizing the Agent Console.

Before accessing the Agent Console, contact your system administrator to set up the proper permissions to use the service. Ensure you have a current user ID and password for a profile with the privilege CS Agent or CS Agent Supervisor.

The Commerce Administrator privilege does not grant access to the Agent Console.

You should also be provided with the browser address for logging into the Agent Console. For a list of supported browsers, see Supported Browsers in Commerce.