Set a price hold period

You can set a price hold period, after which an approved order that is pending payment is canceled by the system.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

The time count starts from when an order is approved. The notification email that is sent to a shopper after an order is approved includes an expiration date and time that is based on the price hold period. The shopper must pay for the order by this expiration date and time.

After the specified amount of time has passed, the order is marked for cancellation. To handle the actual removal of these orders, a scheduled service runs that identifies orders that have been marked for cancellation and then removes them. See Set the frequency of canceled order clean up for more information on this service.

The price hold is site-specific and applies to all accounts. The default setting is that there is no time limit. An order that has been canceled because of the time limit has a “Removed” status, which is the same as any other canceled order. Coupons that have been redeemed as part of a canceled order are not released.

To set the price hold period:

  1. Click the Settings icon.
  2. Select the Site.
  3. Click Payment Processing.
  4. Click the Setup tab.
  5. Enter a number of days and hours for the Price Hold Period and click Save.

Note: When the Price Hold Period is modified, the new time limit applies to all orders, existing and new. This means that the expiration date and time that a contact sees in the “Order Approved” notification email may become stale if the time limit has been changed after the contact has viewed the email. See Notify users of order approval-related events for more information about the “Order Approved” notification email.