Work with account registration requests

When the shopper submits the requested initial information, the administrator can see the new registration request in the Registration Requests area of the Accounts page where they can then view, search, and work with account registration requests.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

Anyone with the Administrator and/or Account Manager Role can view, update, accept, and reject registration requests.

After the initial submission of the required details by the shopper, the account request is reviewed from the merchant side by the administrator. At this point, the administrator may also request from the shopper additional details such as credit checks and more. Upon receipt of all the requested information, the administrator then either approve or reject the registration request. If the request is approved, the new contact with the account is activated and can then begin transacting business.

The new registration request list in the Registration Requests area of the Accounts page provides the information in a list divided into columns titled Company Name, Request ID (generated by the system), Request Date, and Status. The registration request list is paginated.

The Status of a request can be either New (the request is new and has not been viewed), Review (the request has been viewed or changed and needs to be acted upon), More Info Needed (the request has been viewed and an action needs to be taken to collect more account or shopper information before the request is approved or rejected), or Rejected (the account request has been rejected and no contact has been activated).

You can use the Commerce Admin REST API to add a custom rich-text property to accounts that gives administrators a place to log and track internal notes for registration requests. See Create custom properties for accounts for an example that shows how to create and use this kind of custom property.

Note: As mentioned, custom properties can be introduced with the registration request once the request has been approved but they are not saved by default. If you wish to save these custom properties, you can use the Commerce Admin API to add custom properties to registration requests by using the updateItemType endpoint with the organizationRequest item type. For details on doing so, see Use the REST APIs.

Work with the account registration request list

The new registration request list in the Registration Requests area of the Accounts page lets you do the following:

  • Filter the list by status. The default view of the list is to show all statuses.
  • Use a typeahead search box. The placeholder text in the box is ‘Filter account requests.” When you type a string, the list is filtered to records containing that string in the Company field.
  • Sort the list by Request ID, Company, or Request Date. The default sort order is by Request date.
  • Look at other pages of the list as the list is paginated as the list grows longer.

Search for a specific registration request

In the search box found in the Registration Requests list view, you can search for registration requests by Company or by Request ID.

You can also use an Advanced Search control (same as found in the accounts and contacts user interfaces) to search for registration requests by creating expressions like the following:

<property 1> contains <value 1>
          <property 2> contains <value 2> ...
          <property 5> contains <value 5>

You can also specify “Match Any” or “Match All.”

The properties available for this type of search must be:

  • Of type string OR
  • A custom string property of a registration request, account, or profile OR
  • Properties such as Account, Name, Account Number, Company Name, Tax Reference Number, First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and more.

Also, the Advanced Search control feature presents you with an indented dropdown list of choices of string properties and custom properties to help you select fields that you may want to choose from other information groups. Use these steps:

  1. Click the advanced search icon to the right of the search field to display the Advanced Search dialog.
  2. Select a property from the drop-down list.
  3. You can search by Account, Contact, and Registration Request information groups or any custom short text properties that have been added to the account.
  4. Click Add Criteria to add another property to the search. Each search can contain up to five properties.
  5. If you are searching on more than one property, select one of the following:
    • Match all: (default) Search results include the accounts that match all the search criteria. If an account matches some of the criteria but not all, it is not returned.
    • Match any: Search results include the accounts that match any search criteria.
  6. Click Search.

You can also use a typeahead search box for an account by entering any part of the account name into the search field at the top of the Registration Requests page.

View and edit account registration list request details

To look at and/or edit an actual new or existing registration request from the list in the Registration Requests area of the Accounts page, click the Registration ID (which is a link) of the request found in the list.

Each request displays four tabs of information. Some of the fields on the tabs can be viewed and some can be edited. These tabs are:

  • Request tab containing the following fields:
    • Status – A dropdown list that can be used to change the status of the requests. The choices are New, Accept, Reject, More Info Needed, and Review.
    • Request ID, Registration Request Date, Site Where Request Originated, and Notes from the requester. These are all Read-only.
  • General tab containing the following fields (grayed out if the account was rejected):
    • Company Name from Request and Related to Existing Account. These are Read-only.
    • Account Name. This is the Company Name provided by the requester.
    • Classification – This is a dropdown list to select details about the classification of the type of account.
    • Account Type - This is a dropdown list to select a specific type of account.
    • Tax Reference Number, DUNS Number, Unique Identification Number, and VAT Reference Number – These are all inherited from the Company Account.
  • Contact tab containing the following fields (grayed out if the account was rejected):
    • First and Last Name – These are Read-only. For an existing contact, the First Name and Last Name stored in the system take precedence over those submitted, and are the ones displayed.
    • Email/Login ID – These are editable unless it is the email address of an existing account-based contact, in which case it is read-only in the UI. (It is editable via API in either case.). The administrator cannot change the email address to the email address or login ID of an existing shopper.
  • Address tab containing the following fields (grayed out if the account was rejected). This page displays all addresses that have been submitted. By default, each address consists of the following editible properties. These address properties are part of the default address format that ships with Commerce. If your Commerce environment includes custom address formats, different properties might be available on the Address tab. Additionally, custom address formats might make some of the required properties in this list optional. Contact your Site Administrator for details about creating addresses with custom address formats.
    • Nickname
    • Company
    • Address 1
    • Address 2
    • City
    • Zip/Postal Code
    • Country
    • State/Province
    • Type
    • Phone

If there is no address associated with the request, you are shown the message “This registration request does not have an associated address.”

Below the tabs, there is a Cancel button and a Save button. If you click Cancel, any changes you have made are discarded. There is no confirmation dialog. The Save button applies changes made in all tabs.