Defining Movement Tax Attributes

The following table lists the attribute name, values, and functionalities of the account dimension. See also: Movement Dimension

Table 13-6 Movement

Attribute Type Attribute Value Description
Current Tax Payable Automation CurTxPayAutomated This attribute is used to assign a Current Tax payable movement for automation from Current Provision.
Tax Automation Target Movement TaxAutoTargetMovement This attribute when assigned to a deferred Tax movement , allows a user to target a source data with Tax Automation and Tax Automation Regional. See also: Supporting Tax Automation for User-Configured Deferred Movements in Working with Tax Reporting
Tax Automation Source Movement TaxAutoSrcMvmt **Reserved for future use
Translation Type ApplyEndingRate This attribute when assigned to a movement allows a user to translate data using end of period rate for example, "FX Rate-Ending Rate".
RTA Prior Year Rate
  • ApplyTaxReturnRate
  • ApplyPriorYearClosingRate
  • ApplyPriorYearP13P12DifferenceRate

This attribute when assigned to the RTA-Deferred Only movement allows you to tax effect data using:

  • Prior year Tax rate
  • Prior year Closing Rate
  • Prior year difference between P12 and P13 tax rates

See also: Applying Prior Year Rate on RTA Amounts