Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management

The following table lists and describes Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management application roles and maps them with predefined roles.


Roles within the application that lack mapping to predefined roles require individual assignments to users or groups. Without such assignments, users are unable to engage in activities related to their application roles. For instance, the "Ad Hoc - Read Only User" role, which is not associated with any predefined role in the subsequent table, needs to be explicitly granted to a user to activate its features. This functionality is not automatically included in any predefined role.

Table 2-2 Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management Application Roles

Application Role Description Included in this Predefined Role(s)
Access Control - Manage Users with this role can manages groups, assign application roles to a group or a user. They can also generate reports on user security. Service Administrator
Access Control - View Users with this role can view reports on user security such as Role Assignment Report, User Login Report, and User Group Report. However, they cannot assign application roles, manage groups, or perform any other update operation in Access Control. Service Administrator
Ad Hoc - Create Creates, views, modifies, and saves ad hoc grids. Power User
Ad Hoc - Read Only User Performs all ad hoc functions but cannot write back into ad hoc grids or load data using Data Management.  
Ad Hoc - User Views and modifies ad-hoc grids and performs ad hoc operations. Ad Hoc Users cannot save ad-hoc grids. User
Application - Mass Allocate Runs mass allocation rules within form grids. Service Administrator
Announcements - Manage Manages announcements that are displayed to users on the Welcome Panel. These may indicate upcoming events, such as system maintenance or the running of jobs. Service Administrator
Calculation - Run Calculates a model in the Calculation Control page.
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
  • User
Calculation History - Delete Deletes a selected instance of a completed calculation from the Calculation Analysis page. Deleting calculation history does not delete any data. It merely deletes the recorded instance of a calculation that was run.
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
  • User
Calculation History - View Views completed calculations from the Calculation Analysis page.
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
  • User
Data Integration - Create Uses Data Integration to create mappings to integrate data between source and target systems. Users can define data rules with various run time options. Power User
Data Integration - Drill Through Drills through to the source system of the data.
  • Power User
  • User
Data Integration - Run

Users with this role use Data Integration to run an integration between the source and target.

If this is the only role assigned to the user, and if they are not a Power User or Service Administrator, they can also view the integration details, but are not able to make any changes.

Power User
Model - Create Creates a new model in the Modeling page.
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
Model - Delete Deletes a model in the Modeling page. Deleting a model will also delete all of the rules in the model. Service Administrator
Model - View Views models and their associated rules in the Designer page.
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
  • User
  • Viewer
Model Validation – Run Validates models in the Model Validation page.
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
  • User
POV - Create Creates a new point of view in the Calculation Control page.
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
POV - Delete Deletes a point of view in the Calculation Control page. Deleting a point of view will also delete the associated data, as well as the calculation history page for that point of view. It also removes the point of view from the Calculation Control page. Service Administrator
POV Data - Clear Clears data from a point of view in the Calculation Control page without removing the point of view.
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
POV Data - Copy Copies data from one point of view to another in the Calculation Control page.
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
POV Status - Edit Changes the status of a point of view from the Edit Point of View dialog box in the Calculation Control page. The available statuses for a point of view are Draft, Published, and Archived. Service Administrator
Profit Curve - Create Creates profit curves on the Profit Curves tab in the Intelligence cluster.
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
Profit Curve - Edit Edits profit curves on the Profit Curves tab in the Intelligence cluster.
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
Profit Curve - Run Runs profit curves on the Profit Curves tab in the Intelligence cluster.
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
  • User
  • Viewer
Rule - Create / Edit Creates or edits an Allocation Rule, Custom Calculation Rule, or Rule Set in the Designer page.
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
  • User
Rule - Delete Deletes an Allocation Rule, Custom Calculation Rule, or Rule Set in the Designer page.
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
  • User
Rule Balancing - Run Views the Rule Balancing report to see the impact of each rule.
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
  • User
Rules - Mass Edit Accesses the Mass Edit tab in the Designer page to make edits to multiple rules at once.
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
  • User
Trace Allocation - Run Traces allocation amounts on the Trace Allocations tab of the Intelligence cluster.
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
  • User
  • Viewer