
Imports Data Management records from a ZIP file into an environment.

This command imports data into setup and staging tables from a ZIP file created using the exportDataManagement command. A Service Administrator uses the uploadFile command, for example, epmAutomate uploadFile "C:/datafile/" inbox to upload the import ZIP file to the Data Management inbox or to a folder within it.


This command can only import the Data Management records exported from another environment running on the same monthly update. For example, records exported from a 21.11 Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud environment can only be imported into another 21.11 environment.

Applies to

Planning, Planning Modules, FreeForm, Financial Consolidation and Close, Account Reconciliation, Tax Reporting, Profitability and Cost Management, Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management, Sales Planning, and Strategic Workforce Planning.

Required Roles

  • Service Administrator
  • Power User


epmautomate importDataManagement where FILE_NAME is the name of the ZIP file that contains the Data Management data to be imported.


  • Import from the Data Management inbox:

    epmautomate importDataManagement inbox/

  • Import from a folder within inbox:

    epmautomate importDataManagement inbox/dm_data/