About Forms Versions

Forms are currently available in two versions:

  • Forms 1.0: Uses Slick Grid with Oracle ADF Fuse components

  • Forms 2.0: Uses Slick Grid with Oracle JET components

Both forms versions currently coexist in the same business process at the same time. Forms 1.0 is the default version for existing applications. Forms 1.0 behavior remains unchanged. You can still create and update these forms in your business process as you did before. All newly created and recreated applications will default to Forms 2.0.

Forms 2.0 Features

Forms 2.0 uses the existing Forms 1.0 runtime functionality and enhances it using Slick Grid with Oracle JET components for faster rendering, sophistication, ease of use, and consistency.

Forms 2.0 features include:

  • Major improvements in usability and ease of use

  • Better scalability and enhanced performance

  • Runtime updates only; only runtime forms have adopted the new technology and user interface

  • Standardized Actions menu for form actions

  • New POV settings gear icon menu

  • New quick toolbar for performing certain common form grid actions

  • Performance improvements for grids

  • Improved comments updates, including multi-cell selection and comments entry

  • Comments and Attachments can be added using a single option

  • Seamless vertical or horizontal scrolling

  • Better screen space utilization

  • Faster cell to cell navigation

  • Quick scrolling across data grids

  • Forms and POV drop downs use a new sophisticated, hierarchical member selector with the ability to search

  • Reduced popups

  • Clean new icons and dialogs

  • Built in sophisticated line item detail (replacing supporting detail)

  • Wizard-based business rule runtime prompts; runtime prompts display as drawer from the right side

  • Calc on the fly on the grid

  • Stateless protocol for data retrieval

  • Quicker refresh time on large grids

  • Improved consistency between Web forms and Oracle Smart View for Office

  • Improvements in web ad hoc

  • Ability to Save As with a new form name

  • Edit opens the Forms Designer in a new dynamic tab

Setting the Forms Version

If you've been using Forms 1.0, there's no migration needed to use Forms 2.0. You can easily switch between the two versions using an application setting. The forms will be rendered in the runtime environment to whichever version you specify. No form redesign is necessary.

To specify a forms version:

  1. Click Application, and then click Settings.

  2. Under Other Options, find the Forms Version setting.

  3. Select a forms version. The default Forms Version for existing applications is Forms 1.0.

Considerations for Forms 2.0

  • Forms 2.0 is not available in Task Manager. Task Manager will default to Forms 1.0 even when the Forms Version application setting is set to Forms 2.0.

  • The Autosave option is not supported in Forms 2.0. Instead, perform calc on the fly to see your changes without having to submit changes to the database and refresh.

  • Exporting to Excel is not supported in Forms 2.0. Use the Actions menu to open a form in Smart View and then save the Excel worksheet natively.

  • Forms 2.0 runtime filtering supports column filtering. Runtime filtering on rows will be supported in a future update of Forms 2.0.

  • Web form runtime formatting is not supported in Forms 2.0. It will be replaced with design time formatting in a future update.

  • The Planning Modules Configuration Wizard is not supported in Forms 2.0.

  • All future web form enhancements will be in Forms 2.0.