Application Settings

You can define application settings in the following areas:

Alias Settings

Table 4-1 Alias Settings

Setting Description
Alias Table

Default alias table for the application

Display Member Label As

Default display options for the Member Selection dialog box. See Using the Member Selector.

Number Formatting

Table 4-2 Number Formatting Settings

Setting Description
Thousands Separator
  • None: 1000
  • Comma: 1,000
  • Dot: 1.000
  • Space: 1 000
  • Underscore: 1_000
Decimal Separator
  • Dot: 1000.00
  • Space: 1000 00
  • Underscore: 1000_00
Negative Sign
  • Prefixed minus: -1000
  • Suffixed minus: 1000-
  • Parentheses: (1000)
Negative Color
  • Red
  • Black


Table 4-3 Notification Settings

Setting Description
Task Lists

Not applicable for Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management


Not applicable for Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management

Job Console

Select to enable notifications for jobs on the Jobs console. See Managing Jobs .

Digital Assistance Settings

If you have implemented the EPM Digital Assistant, specify configuration settings for the assistant.


These settings are part of a larger configuration process to enable you to work with the Digital Assistant. You must complete the configuration steps before using the Digital Assistant. See Configuring Applications in Getting Started with the Digital Assistant for Oracle Cloud Enterprise Performance Management.

Table 4-4 Digital Assistance Settings

Setting Description
Channel ID

Enter the channel ID generated when you created the Oracle Web channel for the Digital Assistant.

Service Name

Enter the Digital Assistant URL, which is the Oracle Digital Assistant Service URL that you see when you log on to the service. Enter the URL without either http:// or https:// preceding it.

Smart View Add-on

Table 4-5 Smart View Add-on

Setting Description
Google Sheets

Select the Google Sheets check box to enable support for Oracle Smart View for Office in Google Sheets. When selected, you can connect to your application from Google Sheets and use Smart View features to view and analyze data in Google Sheets.

Page Settings

Table 4-6 Page Settings

Setting Description
Indentation of Members

Set the default for indenting members on a page.

Number of Items on the Page Drop-down

Set the default for the number of items on the Page drop-down.

If you shorten the number of items in the member list, the Search box can be more easily seen. If the list is shortened to 10 members, for example, then you won't need to scroll to see the Search box.

Other Options

Table 4-7 Other Options

Setting Description
Date Format

Not applicable for Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management.

Attribute Dimension Date Format

Select a date format for attribute dimensions in your application.

Partial Grid Fetch Size (Rows,Columns) Enter the number of rows and columns in the format nn,nn
Suppress Application Management Options in Smart View

Select whether to suppress application management options in Smart View.

Enable Data Load for Adhoc Read Only Role

Set Number of Seconds Before Rules Run in Background

Enter a value between 0 and 600 seconds (10 minutes).


Rules that are set to automatically run when a form is loaded or saved never run in the background.


The value entered here applies to business rules created in Calculation Manager. See Creating and Managing Business Rules.
Client Log Level

Select None, Information, Warning, Error, or General

Web Ad Hoc Grid

Select whether to suppress missing values only or whether to suppress missing and zero values in Web Ad Hoc grids.

Enable User Formulas in Ad Hoc

If you select Yes, in an ad hoc grid, when you hover over a cell with a member formula attached, you see the member formula associated with the cell and you can perform the calculation on the fly.

Filter Out Excluded Members in Segment Dropdown

Default is Yes. Choose No to display the excluded members in the row drop-down POV in forms.

Profitability and Cost Management

Table 4-8 Profitability and Cost Management Settings

Setting Description
Calculation Threads

The number of rules that can be executed in parallel if a rule set is enabled for parallel calculation. See Parallel Calculation in the Rule Set Calculation options in Creating a Rule Set.

Allocation Precision

The decimal precision for calculated allocation results. Precision is calculated by rounding, not truncation. The default is 2 decimal places. Values can range from 7 to -6.